Living and Learning: Being safe
Being safe is a key part of our Living and Learning curriculum.
We took part in the NSPCC Speak out Stay Safe online assembly.
During the assembly, we heard about Sam and some things that were upsetting Sam.
Thankfully, Sam told a teacher about her worries. We thought about which grown-ups would be good to talk to in school and out of school (start telling other people). Brothers, sisters and friends would also be good to talk to and discuss feelings but telling a grown-up (over 18) would be the best thing to do to get help.
Our Living and Learning box, in the classroom, is another way the children can speak out and write down any worries.
We also heard about Childline – ask your child to show you the way to remember the number.
Help at home: Buddy Zone, on the Childline website, has some games and activities for the children to do.
Yorkshire Air Ambulance
This year, our Junior Leadership Team democratically selected Yorkshire Air Ambulance as our new school charity to support.
Yorkshire Air Ambulance is an independent charity providing a lifesaving rapid response emergency service to 5 million people across the whole of Yorkshire. Money raised keeps both of their air ambulance helicopters maintained and in the air.
This week, we welcomed representatives from Yorkshire Air Ambulance for an assembly to hear first hand about the excellent work they do and how our donations will help the charity.
Did you know it costs £21,000 per day to keep the Yorkshire Air Ambulance running.
It’s great to hear the children have already got ideas of how we can raise money for YAA. They are encouraged to put these ideas into our class Living and learning boxes for the Junior Leadership Team to consider.
Geography: exploring our locality
This morning Year 1 braved the wind and went out to explore our local area. Armed with a clipboard and a pencil, we completed a survey of what we liked and disliked about places in Moortown. We chose 5 different areas near to school and rated them for noise, litter, recycling bins, safety and plants. We recorded what we thought by drawing either a sad, happy or straight face.
Help at home by talking to your child about what they like or dislike about the local area. Is there anything they would want to improve? How?
Active travel and safety around the school gate
Lotherton Hall trip
Yesterday, Year One had a fantastic trip to Lotherton Hall to learn about animals and their habitats. Guided by the educational specialists, we explored different habitats and the animals that call them home.
We compared the skulls of a herbivore and a carnivore, noticing how their teeth are perfectly suited to their diets. The children were fascinated to learn that penguins have sharp tongues to help them grip slippery fish!
Help at Home by:
- Explore your garden or local park and talk about the animals and their habitats.
- Read books about animals and how they survive in the wild.
- Watch nature documentaries together
Spring term after-school clubs
We’ve had a great first week to our after-school clubs. There are some places available on the following clubs if your child would like to join. Please refer to the letter below to show the relevant year groups.
Living and learning: drug education
In our latest Living and Learning lessons, we’ve been learning about safety around medicines and household products.
We considered:
What are medicines?
What do they look like?
How are they used?
Why do people use them?
The children had lots to share about their experiences of taking different medicines and what they are used for.
Then, we considered safety rules at home and how to keep themselves and others safe.
Our medicines are in a high cupboard so my sister and I can’t reach them.
An adult has to give you medicine.
These things are kept in a locked cupboard in my house.
We then looked at some scenarios where we recognised the danger and suggested some ideas for what could be done to keep the people safe
The baby might drink the cleaner.
I would take the baby away.
I would tell a grown up straight away.
They are adult tablets and they should leave them alone.
They should have been somewhere where children can not get them.
Help at home: please reinforce this key safety message at home. Make sure your child is aware of possible dangers at home, such as medicines and household products, and how to seek help if they need it.
Maths – Odds and evens!
This week in Maths, we have been looking at odd and even numbers. We know that even numbers are made of 2s and odd numbers have an odd one. We have been counting forwards and backwards in odd and even numbers. In our number fluency sessions we have been investigating how odd and even numbers can be made. We discovered that even numbers can be made from 2 odd parts or 2 even parts and that odd numbers can only be made by 1 odd part and 1 even part.
We used this learning in our main maths lesson to add and subtract 2 from even numbers. We know that when you add 2 to an even number the answer is the next even number. We also know when you subtract 2 from an even number the answer is the previous even number. We worked really hard using odd and even numbers!
Help at home by talking to your child about odd and even numbers. Can they tell you which numbers are which? Can you add and subtract 2 from even numbers?
Merry Christmas!
I just wanted to wish everybody a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year.
I was really impressed with everyone’s performance, both acting and singing, in both nativities this week! All the children should be very proud of themselves!
I also wanted to say a huge thank you from myself and Miss G for all the cards and gifts we have received. It is very much appreciated!
Have a restful holiday and we will see you all again in 2025!
DT Food technology: fruit smoothie
On Thursday this week we were able to complete our first food technology lesson in Year 1. We made fruit smoothies! We had to peel the banana before using the claw grip to chop it into pieces. We then measured out the frozen berries, yoghurt and milk before mixing it all together. Next, Miss G used the blender to turn our mixture into a smoothie! The final part of the recipe was to taste. We all thought the smoothie was delicious!
Help at home by trying out the recipe for yourself! Think about how you would change it to make it different.