World Book Day!
Yesterday was a wonderful world book day! We spent lots of time reading, listening to and discussing books! Miss Birch and Mrs Lake read us their favourite books. We spent some time discussing some of the books we had brought in. We even spent some time with Year 4 reading books together.
At the end of the day we got our £1 book tokens and a reading competition organised by Miss Wilson. Can you match the books to the teachers? There is a £10 book token as a prize! (You should be able to find the competition letter in your child’s book bag!)
Help at home by reading, reading, reading! Any kind of reading anywhere is all helpful!
Leeds Rhinos healthy lifestyle assembly and ticket offer
This week, we welcomed Luke from Leeds Rhinos to deliver a healthy lifestyle assembly.
We thought about different aspects of keeping a healthy lifestyle including food and nutrition, sleep, exercise, hydration and hygiene.
Luke also spoke about the ticket offer available for families for one of the upcoming Leeds Rhinos home games.
As part of our partnership, and as a reward for all the great work that the children have been doing this year, Leeds Rhinos would like to offer children and their families an amazing opportunity to attend a match at AMT Headingley Stadium (LS6 3BR) at a special discounted schools rate.
Date – Saturday 22nd March 2025
Kick off – 5:30pm
Opposition – Wigan Warriors
Standing tickets can be booked now through the school via School Gateway. Please note that tickets will be on sale until 10am on Tuesday 18th March.
Computing – Scratch Jnr
This week we started our new topic – computing! We have started to explore the app Scratch Jnr on the iPads. We worked really well with our partner to change the sprite, change the background and then make the sprite move. We learnt that we needed both a start block and a stop block as well as a movement block. We also looked at how to change how much the sprite moves by adjusting the numbers on each block. We will continue to use the iPads and Scratch Jnr to develop the children’s computing skills across the term.
Help at home by looking at the Scratch Jnr on any devices you may have at home. There is also a new BBC programme all about coding and computing in the same style as Numberblocks called Wonderblocks.
Leeds Beckett tennis
This week, Nic and Sky, tennis coaches from Beckett Sport Juniors, came to deliver a tennis themed assembly.
Here are the details of a special offer they are offering for Moortown pupils.
Geography and Wrtiting!
This week we have been finishing off our Geography topic all about our local community. During our walk around Moortown, we completed a survey about what we liked and disliked about the local area. Afterwards, discussed what we would like to change about our locality. The class decided that it would be great if there were some more trees in The Green. So, we did another survey! This time we asked every class in school whether they would like more trees – the answer was a unanimous yes! Most children wanted some apple trees.
We then set about trying to make it happen! First step, persuade Mrs Weekes by sending her a letter. The children did an amazing job with their letters and they were delivered to Mrs Weekes on Thursday. We are awaiting her reply…
Help at home by discussing with your child ways to improve our locality. You could also discuss how we can persuade Mrs Weekes further to put apple trees in The Green.
New school meal menu
After February half term, we start our new menu which runs to the end of the year. It can be viewed here. Please review this with your child to help with their selection at the start of the day. We continue to offer meat free Mondays.
The cost of a school meal is £2.75, which should be paid in advance on the School Gateway app. We’re happy to accept payment for the week, month, half term or term. We prefer two weeks’ notice to change lunch arrangements.
All children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 receive free school meals. If your child is in Year 3 to Year 6, and you are on benefits or a low income, your child may be eligible for free school meals.
Some people like to choose a mix of school dinners and packed lunch for their child – that’s absolutely fine, as long as it’s a the same pattern of school dinners and packed lunches every week. Just let office staff know which days you’d like to opt in for a school meal in the week, and which days you’d prefer to provide your child with a packed lunch.
We continue to gather feedback from children on our school meals. Shortly, we will be reviewing our vegetable choices to help to eliminate waste.
If you have any feedback. please do get in touch.
Living and Learning: Online Safety
This week we had a visit from D:Side Dave. He came to talk to us about staying safe online. The children were very knowledgeable and enthusiastic to share their thoughts and ideas.
The children discussed how people use the internet and devices they might have seen or used to get on the internet.
We learnt about 3 rules to help us keep safe online.
- Always ask an adult for permission.
The children were very clear on asking an adult before using a device connected to the internet.
2. Only talk to people you know.
Everybody knew to only talk to people online that they know in real life. We also went through some information that we would never share online like our name, school, address etc.
3. Stick to places that are just right for you.
Dave spoke to the children about sticking to websites and games that are suitable for our age. We talked about the PEGI ratings on video games and how games with a higher age rating are not suitable for us.
Help at home by discussing how to stay safe online and what your children should do if they see or hear anything that upsets or worries them.
Living and learning: online safety assembly
This week, Louise from West Yorkshire Police came to deliver a whole school assembly all about staying safe online.
There were lots of clear online safety messages around content, contact and conduct.
At the end of the assembly, the children reflected on what they were going to do after hearing Louise’s messages.
I am going to ask my adult to take off the chat on my Roblox settings.
I am not going to accept friend requests from people I don’t know.
I am not going to play games that have a age rating older than me as they won’t be appropriate for me.
Help at home: ask your child how content, conduct and contact are linked to online safety.
Living and Learning: Being safe
Being safe is a key part of our Living and Learning curriculum.
We took part in the NSPCC Speak out Stay Safe online assembly.
During the assembly, we heard about Sam and some things that were upsetting Sam.
Thankfully, Sam told a teacher about her worries. We thought about which grown-ups would be good to talk to in school and out of school (start telling other people). Brothers, sisters and friends would also be good to talk to and discuss feelings but telling a grown-up (over 18) would be the best thing to do to get help.
Our Living and Learning box, in the classroom, is another way the children can speak out and write down any worries.
We also heard about Childline – ask your child to show you the way to remember the number.
Help at home: Buddy Zone, on the Childline website, has some games and activities for the children to do.
Yorkshire Air Ambulance
This year, our Junior Leadership Team democratically selected Yorkshire Air Ambulance as our new school charity to support.
Yorkshire Air Ambulance is an independent charity providing a lifesaving rapid response emergency service to 5 million people across the whole of Yorkshire. Money raised keeps both of their air ambulance helicopters maintained and in the air.
This week, we welcomed representatives from Yorkshire Air Ambulance for an assembly to hear first hand about the excellent work they do and how our donations will help the charity.
Did you know it costs £21,000 per day to keep the Yorkshire Air Ambulance running.
It’s great to hear the children have already got ideas of how we can raise money for YAA. They are encouraged to put these ideas into our class Living and learning boxes for the Junior Leadership Team to consider.