Year 1 Class News

Young Apprentice!

Posted on Wednesday 30 May 2012 by Mrs Weekes

Alan Sugar, watch out!  We have been amazed by the business ideas created by Year 1.  They are creative, unique and buzzing with enthusiasm.  Some amazing efforts from all of the children made it really hard to vote for the most enterprising idea.  The winning idea will be taken to the “Dragon’s Den” and the opportunity will be given for them to sell their idea.  We will know who to stay in touch with in our retirement!

Here are some examples of the fabulous ideas. (The scans are quite faint; if you would like to see them in detail then please come and ask us.)


Who said exercise was boring?

Posted on Wednesday 16 May 2012 by Mrs Weekes

As part of our PE we went into the front playground to use the equipment.  Our muscles got a good work out; there was lots of climbing, jumping and hanging around!  Look at these two children strengthening their arm muscles and showing great balance and what an amazing leap from another!

Oh I do like to be beside the seaside!

Posted on Friday 27 April 2012 by Mrs Weekes

We’re looking forward to our new topic starting on Monday, “Oh I Do Like To Be Beside the Seaside!”

There will be all sorts going on and lots of learning taking place.  The children will be able to experience the seaside themselves when we visit Filey Beach on 13.06.12;  we’ll be sending out more information nearer the time about what they need to bring with them.

In the classroom, there will be comparisons made between the seaside now and the seaside in the past and they will hear from a visitor about how it has changed.  Please talk about your experiences of the seaside at home; any photos that you have of different seasides would be appreciated.

It will be a bit messy towards the end of our topic when we are making sea creatures out of mod roc – messy but lots of fun and new skills being learned.

If you can contribute to our topic in any way then please let us know.

Thank you.

What is a force?

Posted on Thursday 26 April 2012 by Mrs Weekes

Our creative homework has stirred some interest this week; some of the homework that the children have done is amazing!  The mini-topic on forces has meant that we are creating pulleys for a lighthouse keeper so he can get his sandwiches (think of the wonderful books about The Lighthouse Keeper!).  We’ve also been looking for different forces around school.  Here’s one of the great Creative Homework pieces that have grabbed our interest this week:



Posted on Saturday 21 April 2012 by

Welcome to Hassan who joined Year 1 this week.  He has made a positive and enthusiastic start at Moortown Primary.  The children in Year 1 are very pleased to have a lovely new friend!

Easter Excitement!

Posted on Sunday 01 April 2012 by Mrs Weekes

The first ever “Egg Olympics” took place at Moortown Primary School last Friday.  The smell of eggs in the KS1 building was worth it just for the excitement of rolling eggs down the back playground.  All of the eggs were decorated beautifully by the children and then they were rolled expertly without much breakage at all – one yolk escaped but all in all it worked really well.

There were three heats from each year group and then a year group final.  Here are the lucky winners…

Thanks to all parents for supporting our “Egg Olympics” by boiling eggs and thanks to all those who helped at the bun sale along with everyone else for spending lots of money.

Have a great holiday.  See you on Monday 16 April.

Dynamic Dancers

Posted on Sunday 18 March 2012 by Mrs Weekes

Look out for Year 1 in the future as they are certainly “dynamic dancers“.  On  Tuesday, we all went down to Allerton Grange to work with some Year 10 pupils.  There was an hour long workshop where we learnt different moves and had lots of fun putting together a dance sequence.  Thanks to all the Year 10 pupils and to the adults who worked with us.



Posted on Saturday 10 March 2012 by

Apologies: this week’s homework has not been sent home.

Your child will get their Practice Makes Perfect worksheet on Monday and we will collect it in on Thursday.



Posted on Friday 02 March 2012 by

This half-term, we’ll be continuing to learn about heroes. Our Literacy work will involve lots of drama work around a book called Willy the Chimp by Anthony Browne. Take a look at our display in the hall.

We’ll be focusing class discussions on inspirational heroes like Louis Braille and a Paralympic athlete, Oscar Pistorius.

We’re looking forward to a very exciting and engaging half term!

Hobby Half Day

Posted on Thursday 23 February 2012 by Mrs Weekes

On the last day of the half-term, children enjoyed another successful Hobby Half Day with all sorts of activities going on!  From i-jamming on iPads to fitness circuits, all of the children had a very busy afternoon.  All ages of children were working together and learning from each other and every classroom was a hive of activity.  Here are just a few photos to show you what was going on.