Year 1 Class News

Red Nose Day

Posted on Sunday 20 March 2011 by

The circus
The circus
Circus animals.
Circus animals.
The Ringmaster
The Ringmaster

Super Sports at Allerton Grange

Posted on Wednesday 09 March 2011 by Mrs Weekes

allerton grange 003We had a fantastic morning at Allerton Grange High School on Wednesday. After a breezy walk to the school the children were taught by some Year 10 pupils.  They had planned some great activities including general fitness, ball skills and dance.  We then walked back to Moortown helped along by the wind!  Thank you to the pupils and staff at Allerton Grange and thank you to the Year 1 children who were brilliant representatives of Moortown Primary.

allerton grange 010allerton grange 005allerton grange 013

Well done!

Posted on Saturday 05 March 2011 by

Congratulations to Archie and Isabella for their election to the school council. I’m sure they’ll do a great job.

Also, well done to all the other children who stood in the election. I was very impressed with all the candidates’ presentations.

Don’t forget the class assembly on Thursday at 2.45pm.

We can write super sentences!

Posted on Tuesday 15 February 2011 by Mrs Weekes

We have been learning even more about sentences.  We all know that a sentence needs:

  • to make sense
  • a full stop at the end
  • a capital letter at the beginning

Now we are even adding a conjunction.  A conjunction is a word that joins two sentences together.  We have been learning to use “but”, “and” and “because”.

Look at our super sentences!

January 2011 025January 2011 026

Circus Time

Posted on Saturday 29 January 2011 by

Where should the big top go ?During this term the Year 1 children are investigating the theme of the Circus through maths, literacy, art, music, and drama.

At the moment, we are working with The Blahs Theatre Company developing our drama skills. We are in the early stages of preparing to hold our own circus, a flea circus! This is being linked to our Literacy work on Fantasy.

Have a look at the children hard at work developing their ideas.

A drama lesson
A drama lesson

Can you ride a unicycle ?
Can you ride a unicycle ?

Relax and Read!!

Posted on Thursday 20 January 2011 by Mrs Weekes

January 2011 073In Year 1 we spend time every day reading; it might be reading with an adult or it might be reading independently.  Please remember that it is important to read “real” books as well as the reading books that the children bring home; your child will become a much more fluent reader if they experience a wide range of books.  There will be a leaflet coming home soon with some questions you can ask your child when they have read a book as it is essential that they understand the different features of the text. 

Enjoy some reading time with your child; it is a very valuable and enjoyable time!

What a start to 2011!

Posted on Saturday 15 January 2011 by Mrs Weekes

Juggling with scarves
Juggling with scarves

We have only been back two weeks and we have done so much already.  The children have made a brilliant start to 2011; they are working hard and have learnt basketball skills and circus skills.   Ask them what they learnt in the circus skills workshop but don’t let them spin your plates as they only practised with plastic ones!

learning how to control the ball
Learning how to control the ball
Where has that ball gone?
Where has that ball gone?
Look! I can spin a plate!
Look! I can spin a plate!

Born In A Barn

Posted on Monday 13 December 2010 by Mrs Weekes

Who was born in the barn one cold and wintry evening?  If you come and see our Christmas performance on Tuesday 14 or Wednesday 15 December then you’ll find out.  It’s not too late to get your tickets!  Come and listen to the singing donkey, various sheep and cows, a wise owl and a very noisy cockerel.  Looking forward to seeing you.

december 2010 032december 2010 034 Join in our celebrations!

Key Stage One and Foundation Stage Christmas Performance


Who will help me make the bread?

Posted on Sunday 28 November 2010 by Mrs Weekes

In the story of “The Little Red Hen”, nobody would help her make the bread.  She did it all by herself.  When we made some bread in Year 1, we worked together as a team and look at the fabulous bread we made.

Who will help me knead the bread?
Who will help me knead the bread?
Who will help me eat the bread?
Who will help me eat the bread?

Moortown Puppeteers

Posted on Monday 22 November 2010 by Mrs Weekes

As well as being fantastic playground designers, Year 1 have proved that they are also very creative when it comes to puppets.  All they were given was a wooden spoon and some material and they came up with some really different ideas.  We were joined by wizards, a werewolf, Harry Potter and many more characters.  As you may have noticed, these additions have been brought home as the children were so proud of them.  We hope that you continue to enjoy many puppet shows!!

magical wooden spoons
Magical Wooden Spoons

how creative have we been?
How creative have we been?