Year 1 Class News

Fun and games!

Posted on Friday 21 July 2023 by Mrs Lake

In Year 1 and Year 2, we’re enjoying our last day of the term with board games, construction toys and colouring. The children have had a wonderful morning playing, smiling and working together.
Have a happy and healthy summer holiday!

Thank you to Roundhegians

Posted on Wednesday 19 July 2023 by Mrs Taylor

We had a great sports day last Thursday and thanks go to Roundhegians Rugby Club for once again allowing us to use their great facilities.

Have a look at the options for rugby coaching available at the club.

We know the children appreciated it too.




Being healthy themed week: bike safety

Posted on Sunday 16 July 2023 by Mrs Taylor

Thank you to Stu and Alex from Edinburgh Bicycle Cooperative, based in Chapel Allerton, for visiting this during our Being Healthy week.

They were kept busy by checking lots of bikes to ensure they were safe to use. Thank you to everyone who brought their bike into school.

Then, Year 5 and 6 learnt some different bike maintenance tips to do on their own bikes.

Living and Learning: Being healthy themed week

Posted on Friday 14 July 2023 by Mr McGriffiths

We have had a jam packed week of activities all about staying healthy this week. Here is a little snippet!

A calm and peaceful Yoga session to start on Monday morning!

Learning about healthy food with Mrs Taylor.

D:side Dave came in to talk to us about how we look after our bodies.

We also had a healthy eating assembly on Wednesday morning!

This was followed by a brilliant skipping session!

Thursday afternoon we pushed ourselves in sports day! Well done to everyone involved!

On Friday morning we were very brave tasting new and unusual food in a bush tucker trial!


We are PE game designers.

Posted on Thursday 13 July 2023 by Mr McGriffiths

This term we have been very lucky to have Luke and Nick from Foot-tech helping with our PE sessions. The children have loved the games and activities they have done every Thursday afternoon. We have learnt so much that we had a go at creating our games in PE this week! The children were split into groups and given free access to the equipment. Each group came up with a brilliant game and worked really well as a team! We then moved around each group while one person stayed behind to explain their game. I was really impressed by both the children’s creativity and maturity!

Being Healthy themed week 10 July

Posted on Thursday 06 July 2023 by Mrs Taylor

Our next whole school themed week, based around Being Healthy, will be taking place from Monday 10th July. This is the second of two themed weeks in the year.


DT food: fruit bars!

Posted on Tuesday 04 July 2023 by Mr McGriffiths

Today in DT we made fruit bars! We very carefully weighed, mashed, chopped, melted, measured stirred, mixed and baked! We were very responsible and Mrs Russell was very impressed with how mature and sensible we were in the kitchen. Once the fruit bars were baked, we had a taste. Most of us thought they were delicious! There was even enough for everyone to take a second slice home.

Help at home by doing some more baking. What could you make?

Lotherton Hall trip

Posted on Friday 30 June 2023 by Mr McGriffiths

On Wednesday Year 1 had a fantastic trip to Lotherton Hall. The weather was extremely kind to us and everyone had a brilliant time!

Help at home by discussing your child’s biological knowledge. This links well with this week’s Talk Time homework.

We are designers!

Posted on Friday 23 June 2023 by Mr McGriffiths

Last week in DT we were testing the strength of different shapes. We made a triangular prism, a cuboid and and a cylinder and placed books on them to see how strong they were.

The cylinder was the strongest because it held 36 books before it collapsed.

This everyone made a cylinder and we put 6 together to make a superstructure to see if it would be stronger. It held 175 books! Everyone was very excited to see how strong just 6 bits a card could be!

Then we put 24 cylinders together and tested if it was strong enough to stand on! We were amazed to find out it was! Although, it did collapse when Mr McGriffiths stood on it!!

Help at home by asking your child how to make a cylinder using card and tape. You could also think about your design for your chair for baby bear!

Living and learning: relationships

Posted on Thursday 15 June 2023 by Mr McGriffiths

For the past fortnight we have been thinking about healthy and happy relationships in Living and Learning. We have discussed what makes a healthy relationship and how we can be good friends to each other.

In this week’s lesson we talked about caring for each other. We discussed different stages of life and who might need the most care. We thought babies, children and the elderly might need more care but we also discussed that people of different ages need different types of care. There are lots of ways we can show we care for someone. Here are some of the examples that the children came up with:

I care for my teachers by making good choices.

I care for my friends by looking after them when they are hurt.

I care for my friends by helping them.

I care for my family by helping at home.

We all thought of ways we could show that we care for people over the next week.

Help at home by talking to your children about how they can care for different members of your family or community.