The PTA needs you..
Do you want to make a difference to our school community?
Are you able to give some, time, skills or ideas?
Existing members of the Moortown Primary School Parent Teacher Association (PTA) are urgently looking for new parents to join. The PTA is a registered charity and they are looking for parents to take on the roles of three trustees; as well as these roles, they need enough people to help out so that organising and running the fundraising events is shared between more people.
They would like to invite you to join the PTA before the AGM on Tuesday 15 November. If you are interested in joining the PTA, please contact the school office and they will put you in touch with the right people.
A brilliant first half term!
Well done everybody! We have all had a tremendous first half term in Year One and we should all be very proud of ourselves! We have got to grips with lots of new routines and worked really hard on our learning! I am sure that the children will be feeling really tired after these 7 weeks and they will be happy for a rest.
We have learnt all about the Great Fire of London in History, habitats in Science, three little pigs in English, new graphemes in Phonics and all about numbers 1-10 in Maths.
Over half term it really important to keep reading as much as possible so please keep logging on to the e-books platform.
Year 1 Class Assembly
Our class assembly is on Wednesday 2nd November at 2.40pm. Your child should have been given some words to practise over the holidays so we can be ready for when we get back! Can I also ask that you practise the song ‘London’s Burning’ with your child over the holidays. There is a link to it here.
Thank you for all the support over this past half term and I look forward to seeing you again in November!
Themed menu 04 November 2022
Catering Agency, our school meal provider, will be running a special themed menu on Friday 04 November. Bonfire night menu. Please contact the office if your child would like a school dinner on this day (no action required if your child normally has a school meal on this day).
Living and Learning: self-respect
To start our lesson about self-respect, we made our own creature creations. Starting with a head, someone else added a body and finally someone else added legs.
We had some great mixed up creations and not one of them was the same. The creatures were all different as we all have different drawing styles and imaginations and, just like the creatures, those differences make us all unique.
We thought about what else makes us unique and why we are special.
Our weekly circle time sessions give the children chance to build on this learning about respect and self-respect and our themed week, Me and My Communities, after half term will also reinforce this learning about our own identity.
Maths learning this week
This week in maths we learnt all about the greater than, less than and equal to symbols. We used cubes to build towers and then said which one was greater and which one was less.
The picture above demonstrates the symbols we have used really well and we have used this image in the week to help the children understand.
You can help at home by comparing groups of objects or numbers using the language of greater than, less than and equal to as well as the symbols. There is also a terrific Numberblocks episode introducing these concepts too. Watch a clip from it here.
Thank you and have a wonderful weekend!
Science – basic needs
Our science topic this half term is living things and their habitats. We have learnt about different habitats and the different animals and plants that live there.
Today we learnt about what every animal needs to survive – their basic needs. They are four basic needs: food, water, air and shelter.
We then thought about different animals in their habitats and how each of those animals gets their basic needs. We worked in pairs to show how each animal gets their basic needs from their habitat.
Another great week Year 1, well done!
Themed menu 07 October 2022
Catering Agency, our school meal provider, will be running a special themed menu on Friday 07 October. Please contact the office if your child would like a school dinner on this day (no action needed if your child normally has a school meal on this day).
Check out the Cricket World Cup themed menu.
Great Fire of London
Our topic this term is the Great Fire of London. We have been learning lots of interesting facts about the fire and some of the reasons why it was so devastating for the people of London. Why not ask your child what they can remember about the fire so far.
We have also been learning a recount of the fire in our English lessons. We have devised some actions to go with the words and are using a story map to help us remember when we are retelling.
I wonder if your child could have a go at telling you the recount at home using the story map below.
Autumn term after-school clubs
Some of our after-school clubs will be restarting next week and they will run until week commencing 05 December. Please note some clubs begin after half term when building work at school has been completed.
Places can be booked via Gateway.
Our physical activity clubs continue to be heavily subsidised through the investment of our PE and Sport Premium.
Each club has a limit on the maximum number of children who can attend. As numbers are limited we ask that you limit your child to one club initially. If there are clubs with remaining places, we will then offer these as a second club.
Please contact the office if you have any queries about the clubs or the booking system.
Poem of the week
In Year 1 we are reading a different poem every week. We read it every day just before lunch time and we have really enjoyed joining in when we get to know it. So far we have read two poems by Michael Rosen and the children are very excited to hear next week’s poem about a boy with bananas in his ears!
Each poem we read is then put in our poetry scrapbook which is available for children to read in the reading corner. I have loved hearing children reading our special poems to themselves.
This week we even watched Michael Rosen himself perform our poem of the week – I am hungry. You can listen too if you click the link here.
I would love to hear about any poetry you have been reading at home too.