Living and learning: drug education
This half term, part of our Living and Learning focus includes drug education. We have arranged for visitors to come into school to help to deliver this key aspect of education.
We have been working with d:side for many years and they will be visiting school to deliver sessions to all classes based around drug education on Monday 11 July and Wednesday 13 July.
d:side is a comprehensive drug & alcohol education programme that encourages children to make positive & healthy life-choices whilst promoting a pro-active attitude to life. They focus on developing the children’s knowledge, skills & attitude, whilst equipping them with the appropriate life skills to successfully manage sensitive situations with peers & encourage a positive approach to life.
As part of this visit, Dave Hill, from d:side, will be available in the playground after school on Monday 11 July 3:05-3:30pm to answer any questions about this learning.
Living and Learning – relationships
For the past few weeks, we have been learning about relationships that are important to us, in particular our friends and family. We came up with lots of ways to be a good friend and what friends do to make us feel happy (a healthy relationship). We thought about the importance of family and we recognised that all families are different. We respect these differences. The ways people care for each other in these families remains the same. We spoke about special people in our lives and why they are special to us.
Finally, we reminded ourselves of the important NSPCC Underwear rule and enjoyed the Pantosaurus song too. We hope you can share this important learning again with your child at home.
We even created our own design of pants to remind us of the rule!
Yorkshire Wildlife Park
Year 1 had an incredible time at the Yorkshire Wildlife Park on Thursday! The children were all brilliantly behaved and learnt so much about the different animals we saw. They also showed great perseverance because we did a lot of walking! During a workshop some of us were brave enough to hold a huge African land snail and a wriggly cockroach! Well done to everyone!
George and the Dragon writing
This week in Year 1 we have been looking at the story ‘George and the Dragon’ by Chris Wormell! It is a very funny story about a huge, fierce dragon who is terrified of… mice!!
We learnt a class version of the story and then began to change it to make it our own. We invented our own dragon and thought about how fierce it was! Then we decided what our dragon would be so fearful of. We had some great ideas: frogs, snails, worms, birds and even chickens!!
The next step was drawing a story map of our ideas and practising telling it to our classmates. We had a great time sharing our stories in the sun!
The final stage was the writing! We were very keen to get going and showed amazing stamina for writing! Everyone in Year 1 was so proud of the finished writing! Well done to all the children!
First week back!
It was really good to see the children eager to learn again after a half term break. They have clearly enjoyed their week and have been making excellent choices because we won the choice chip cup this week! Well done everyone! It is fully deserved.
We have also started our DT topic this week. We are studying textiles, in particular, joining pieces of material together by sewing. Today, we got some plastic needles and sewing cards out to practise threading needles, tying knots and beginning a running stitch. It was difficult and the children showed brilliant resilience to keep going! We were all very proud of ourselves.
It would be a great help if you could practise tying a simple knot at home! Thank you!
This week in gymnastics we got all the equipment out and did some amazing climbing, jumping and sliding. The children were very excited and loved seeing how high they could climb. I was very impressed by their resilience and their bravery. I was also very glad to see all children taking safe risks in this way and showing good maturity to know when they felt they had gone high enough.
Living and Learning: Body Image
This week in Living and Learning we talked about giving and receiving compliments to others as well as ourselves. We talked about what a compliment is and thought about a compliment we could give our partner. Here are just some of the children’s ideas.
‘The person sitting next to me is special because she is always kind and always helps me.’
‘The person sitting next to me is special because she always makes good choices’
‘The person sitting next to me is special because he works really hard.’
We then practised giving and receiving compliments, making sure we said thank you.
Then, we discussed our own bodies and how amazing they are! Finally, we thought of something incredible about our own body.
My body is amazing because it can do anything!
My body is amazing because it heals infection.
My body is amazing because it can make lots of friends.
My body is amazing because my fingers make wonderful drawings!
I think we all agreed how brilliant all our bodies are!
This term in science we are learning all about plants. We planted some seeds in a plastic bag 2 weeks ago. This enabled us to be able to seed the roots emerge from the seed and then later see the shot appear. We have been fascinated to watch our seeds grow over time. It has also really helped us learn our vocabulary for this topic!
Today, it was time to plant our seeds into pots so they can grow even taller! We had a great time potting our plants and gave them a good water at the end.
Homework this week
As part of the homework sheet this week I have attached a sheet of phase 5 graphemes. It is really important that your child learns this really well. They should be able to say the sound the grapheme makes and then read some of the example words.
For example, ay makes an /ai/ sound in the word play.
Knowing these sounds will enable your child to read words and books much more fluently.
Thanks for your support.
Summer term after-school clubs
Edit: places can still be booked for after-school clubs.
We have spaces available on:
Tuesday – basketball Y4-6 now open to Y3
Tuesday – rugby Y1-3 now open to reception
Thursday – multi-games Y4-6 now open to Y3
After-school clubs will be restarting next week and they will run for eight weeks until week commencing 4th July. Places can be booked via Gateway.
Our physical activity clubs continue to be heavily subsidised through the investment of our PE and Sport Premium.
Each club has a limit on the maximum number of children who can attend. As numbers are limited we ask that you limit your child to one club initially. If there are clubs with remaining places, we will then offer these as a second club.
Please contact the office if you have any queries about the clubs or the booking system.