Year 1 Class News

Down on the farm

Posted on Wednesday 23 June 2021 by Mrs Freeman

On Tuesday, Year 1 enjoyed a day out at Hesketh Farm.

Hesketh Farm Park is set in the heart of the Yorkshire Dales.  The Farm Park is idyllic, with around 10 acres of greenery overlooking the Yorkshire hills and the Embsay and Bolton Abbey Steam train whistling by in the valley below. Hesketh Farm is  a working farm with over 1,000 livestock including cattle, sheep and pigs.
The children enjoyed various activities throughout the day. These included cuddling guinea pigs, egg collecting, feeding calves, feeding goats and pigs, stroking horses, a tractor ride and handling chicks.
Please enjoy looking through our photos with your child. It’s a good chance for them to retell their lovely, sunny day out.
We were very proud of all the children and it was an absolute pleasure to take them out.

Living and learning: Body image

Posted on Thursday 17 June 2021 by Mrs Taylor

Body image has been our topic in Living and Learning.

Body image describes our idea of how our body looks and how we think it is perceived by others. This can include our thoughts and feelings about our height, weight, shape, skin, colour, and our appearance.

First of all, Year 1 thought about how we are similar and different.

What could be different?

  • our birthdays
  • our hair
  • our skin
  • our names
  • our eyes
  • if we wear glasses
  • our clothes
  • anything else we might wear such as a watch or a bobble in our hair
  • our voices
  • the size of our body
  • inside of our body
  • our houses
  • our memories
  • our religions
  • our families

We then thought about the things we can change and how, and what we can’t change.

All the children were given the opportunity to talk about they like about their bodies.

I like my hair.

I like my eyes.

I like my body. It helps me to do things.

I like my heart because it holds all my memories.

You might like to read this book,  Your body is awesome , at home with your child which gives a great final message.



Design and Technology – What is a structure?

Posted on Tuesday 15 June 2021 by Mrs Freeman

Year 1 have been gaining an understanding of what is meant by the term ‘structures’ by looking for them in their environment. We began our lesson by looking at some bridges and other structures from around the world.

What is a structure?

A structure is a combination of materials and/or parts to create a 3D shape.

After discussing the definition of the word structure we moved on to looking closely at cylinders. The children were given the task of creating cylinders using paper and tape.

My cylinder won’t stand up on its own!

You need to try using some tape to make it more stable.

Try putting the tape along the join.

It is still wobbly. How can I get it to be freestanding?

Try putting on some more tape and make sure it is stuck down properly.

You could try rolling the paper up tightly.

Thank you

Some of the children worked on constructing some freestanding structures using different building materials.

Below is the vocabulary the children will be learning during the current DT topic. Please revise these words (and their definitions) at home.

design a plan or drawing showing what something will look like before it is made
design criteria the things a product must have to be successful
design brief a description of what a new product should do 
base the bottom part of an object; the part on which something rests
evaluate to decide, after careful consideration, how good or bad something is
structure a combination of materials and/or parts to create a 3d shape
stable something that is unlikely to fall down or collapse
freestanding something that stands up by itself
plan to think about and decide how you’re going to do something

Cricket opportunities

Posted on Monday 14 June 2021 by Mrs Taylor

All Stars cricket courses are now running at local cricket clubs.

What is it all about?  Have a look at this short video.

Find centre and book via this link.

Resources for learning at home

Posted on Sunday 13 June 2021 by Mrs Taylor

As we start the last half term of Year 1, here are a few reminders about supporting your child’s learning.

Reading books

Reading books will continue to be changed on PE days – Tuesday and Thursday. Please add a brief comment, or simply your name and a tick, in your child’s reading record book so we know your child has read at home and is ready to have a new book. Daily reading is important to develop your child’s reading fluency so children should be changing their book at least weekly if not both Tuesday and Thursday. Thank you.


Please continue to work on Lexia until your child has achieved their Level 5 certificate and has completed the Year 1 learning.

Phonics Play

For those children who have reached Level 5 in Lexia, Phonics Play can be accessed for practising phonics at home. The login details are username Sphere and password is Spher3.


We are doing lots of handwriting in class. Here’s a link to a video showing the cursive letter formation that we use in school and also our handwriting guide.


Numbots is a maths resource, based on building addition and subtraction skills, that can be accessed by children at home using their individual logins (please email if you need these resending). We now have a weekly leader board for Numbots so keep working hard to earn those coins!

Hit the button is another maths resource we use in class especially for number bonds practice and more recently for learning doubles.

Little and often is best for these resources. If you need any login information for your child, please contact us.

New playground and some mindfulness

Posted on Tuesday 08 June 2021 by Mrs Freeman

Today, Year 1 were able to enjoy using our new front playground equipment.

After expelling all their energy, the class settled down to some calming mindfulness exercises. For children, mindfulness can offer relief from whatever difficulties they might be encountering in life. It also gives them the beauty of being in the present moment.

Below is a link for you to enjoy some mindfulness techniques with your child.

Mindfulness Meditation for Kids | BREATHING EXERCISE | Guided Meditation for Children – YouTube


Lost property

Posted on Thursday 27 May 2021 by Mrs Taylor

We have a few items of clothing, including cardigans, jumpers and PE black zip up tops with no names in the cloakroom.

Please ask if you think they might belong to your child.

Thank you.

Stamp Competition

Posted on Wednesday 26 May 2021 by Miss Wilson

This year, Royal Mail are hosting a stamp competition in order to honour the people who have done great things since the coronavirus pandemic began.

Eight designs will be picked by a special panel including none other than Her Majesty the Queen! These winners will be seen by millions of people and there are other cool prizes up for grabs for runners up.

Thank you to everyone who got involved and submitted their creative efforts in appreciation of our COVID heroes. You should be very proud.

Check out some of the many entries below.

Living and Learning: Medicines: Who helps us to stay healthy?

Posted on Monday 24 May 2021 by Mrs Freeman

Today, Year 1 have been learning about different medicines and the people who help us to stay fit and well.  This was our second lesson introducing age-appropriate drug and alcohol education.

Today’s session focused on medicines; what they look like, how they are used and why people use them.  We explored how medicines
are used to treat illness in the short and long term as well as how some medicines can help protect people from becoming ill in the future.  The children considered the role of other people in helping them to stay healthy and well, manage, or recover from, illness.

Feel better scenarios

In pairs, the children thought about a time when they felt poorly and what helped them to feel better. Next, the class were asked to think of five different  people who help others to stay healthy and well. We discussed
their roles and the kinds of things they do.

A doctor can help to find out why you are feeling poorly,

The dentist keeps our teeth and gums healthy.

Cleaners are important people. They get rid of the germs.

A paramedic arrives in an ambulance. This can get help very quickly.

My daddy is a pharmacist. He gives medicines to people to help them to feel better.




Maths counting

Posted on Saturday 22 May 2021 by Mrs Taylor

Counting is a daily event in our maths lessons and also at other parts of the day when we have a spare minute or two.

Here are the related counting end of year 1 expectations.

Over the last two weeks, we have been focussing on counting forwards and backwards in 10s and 5s.

Seeing these numbers on a 100 square or a number line can help children to spot the pattern of these counting sequences.

Counting in 10s

The numbers all have a zero at the end.

They are all underneath each other.

There is a pattern – the numbers end in five or zero.

How can you help at home?

Regular counting with your child will help their fluency to recall these counting sequences.

Listen to the Super Movers general counting, counting in 10s and counting in 5s active songs.

Use Paint the squares to highlight the multiples of 10 and 5.

Play ping pong with your child. Choose a number to start from and take it in turns to say a number each in the sequence. The children are familiar with this game.

How will this help my child?

Counting in sequences of 10 and 5 will support your child as they move onto learning times tables from Year 2.