Year 1 Class News

Super learners

Posted on Monday 01 February 2021 by Mrs Taylor

Well done Year 1 and your families for another great week of learning. We’ve been sent lots of super learning and we are always pleased to see how you are all getting on.

Here’s a selection.

Keep working hard, Aliza.

Daman – the geographer, scientist and artist

Great concentration and learning at home

Mastering number bonds in maths and impressive writing, Grace

Working hard at home and enjoying the big garden bird watch

Super maths learning, Rico

Keep working hard, Saba

Beautifully presented learning, Saavi

Super home learning and birthday celebrations

Great science investigation and writing, Evie

Great maths and phonics practice, Roshni

Super home learning across all subjects

Continuing to read is important while you are at home.

There are some online books that you can access for free (you can search by age and by phonics phase – Phase 5 Letters and Sounds).

Here’s a link to some story books online that you might want to listen to.

We’ve had some lockdown birthdays since Christmas so happy birthday to these children.

Rico, Sophie, Luke, Hadi, Hollie and Grace

Finally, well done this week to Roshni, Sophie and Matin for achieving their next level in Lexia.

Well done, everybody. We are very proud of you. Hope you have another productive week, stay safe and keep in touch.









Year 1 star learners

Posted on Sunday 24 January 2021 by Mrs Taylor

Here’s this weeks’ round up of your great learning at home. We continue to be very proud of all the children’s efforts. Thank you for supporting their learning and for keeping in touch.

Great phonics, science and maths learning, Damanjit.

Super home learning, Grace.

What improving handwriting, Hadi!

Keep working hard, Ibrahim.

Super concentration

Great learning and keeping active

More super learning and activities at home

Great handwriting and artwork too

Impressive learning, Daniyal

Also, it’s great to see children using Numbots and Lexia as part of their learning at home at the moment. Please do contact us if you need any login details.

Well done to Victoria, Matin, Roshni, Rohan and Rico who have reached their next level in Lexia. Well done!

Superstar learners

Posted on Sunday 17 January 2021 by Mrs Taylor

All the Year 1 adults are very proud of all the children learning at home and learning at school at the moment. We miss not being together but we hope you are safe and well at home. The daily Zoom calls are a great way for the children to see their friends. Please ask if you need the joining instructions.

We always enjoy seeing the work sent in from home. Please continue to send this to us ( and and keep looking on the class news page.

Well done to Rico for getting the first Lexia certificate of this lockdown. Who will be next?


Aliza the scientist

Working hard at home



Great science learning, Rico

Great spelling, Daman.

Super questions and science learning

Ibrahim the geographer

Lots of fun in the snow.

A message for Year 1

Posted on Wednesday 06 January 2021 by Mrs Taylor

Hello Year 1. We’re sorry we can’t see you all back in school right now but here’s a quick update from Mrs Taylor.

Email us ( and if you have any questions.

A quick hello

Posted on Tuesday 05 January 2021 by Mrs Freeman

A quick message from Mrs Freeman.

Happy New Year!

Posted on Sunday 03 January 2021 by Mrs Taylor

Happy New Year to Year 1 and their families.

We hope you have all had a safe and enjoyable break.

Mrs Taylor, Mrs Freeman, Mrs Bharath and Mrs Roth would like to say a big thank you for all our wonderful and thoughtful gifts. We are very grateful.


Year 1 would like to say…….

Posted on Friday 18 December 2020 by Mrs Freeman

As we approach the end of a very different autumn term, the children would like to share a few messages with you all.

First of all, as parents haven’t been able to come into school to see what’s been happening in our history topic, the children wanted to share a very special song. This song is about the events of The Great Fire of London and includes some Makaton symbols and signs. Makaton is similar to sign language and aids communication and speech.  By using Makaton, the children (and adults) were able to take a more active part in the song. We have been very impressed with how quickly the class learnt the actions to fit the song. We hope you enjoy it.  

September 1666

Performed by Year 1          Great Fire of London for children | 1666 homework help | Great Fire of London KS1 | TheSchoolRun

Next, the children thought about some very special messages. They were asked to think about sending a wish to people, who are important, in their lives.

I wish ………..

Finally, we would all like to say a huge well done to all the children in Year 1. Over the term, we have seen the children mature, gain confidence, improve their learning and all with smiles on their faces. Year 1 staff are immensely proud of each and every child.  We thank you all for your continued support and regular communications.

Wishing you all a safe and happy holiday! Free Vector | Merry christmas tree with lettering decoration

Science: Healthy me

Posted on Thursday 17 December 2020 by Mrs Taylor

This half term, our science topic has been about animals (including humans).

Here is the vocabulary linked to the topic. Ask your child about these words and what they mean. They might even remember the actions we’ve made to help them learn these.

Being healthy has been an important part of this science learning including keeping clean (including the importance of hand hygiene), good nutrition (based on the Eat Well Guide) and exercising.

As the World Health Organisation publishes Every move counts towards better health, Year 1 enjoy trying to get their active 30 minutes at school every day. From skipping ropes at playtime to laps around the playground for brain breaks and from Super Movers active maths videos to physical activity challenges in our shared area.

Finally, this video and Once There Were Giants by Martin Waddell helped us to understand animal and human life cycles.

There are some great scientists in Year 1 and we’ve been very impressed with their learning throughout this topic.

Living and Learning: relationships

Posted on Thursday 17 December 2020 by Mrs Taylor

Our Living and Learning theme this term has been relationships. Year 1 have been learning about different aspects of relationships including families and those who care for us, caring friendships and respectful relationships.

The Family book by Todd Parr supported our learning about the importance of families and that families are sometimes different to their own families.

When learning about our special people, we discussed that, at the moment, we can’t always see some of these special friends and family. Despite this, we thought of different ways to show we care for them.

Finally, throughout this topic we have been learning about how to seek help if the children have a worry about any of their relationships. This has been through the concept of Start Telling Other People. The children have discussed who they might tell and this could include a friend, a family member, an adult at school or writing it in our Living and Learning box.

We hope this learning helps the class with their day to day relationships.

Living and Learning: PANTS (the underwear rule)

Posted on Thursday 17 December 2020 by Mrs Taylor

In our Living and Learning lesson today, we have been discussing the NSPCC’s Underwear Rule and this week, our reading fluency text has been the ‘PANTS’ acrostic, which stands for:

More information about the Underwear Rule, including a short film and a parent guide can be found here including a parent guide for you to follow up this learning at home.