Year 1 Class News

Painting with syringes

Posted on Wednesday 07 October 2020 by Mrs Freeman

Year One have been using the book  Here We Are, written by Oliver Jeffers, as their focus for the current mini topic.

We have looked closely at our planet and the children thought of questions they would like to ask about life on earth.

How many humans live on Earth?

Which is the biggest animal?

Is everybody different?

Why is there so much water?

Using Google Earth, we looked down on our planet from space. Then we zoomed in gradually and found our school. The children were fascinated by the colours of our planet from far away.

Listen to 'Here We Are,' Original Track from Apple's Earth Day Special |  Animation Magazine






Using some water colour paints, we created our very own versions of Earth. The children mixed their own paints and then used a syringe to drop the colours onto some filter paper.

It’s magic! The paint is spreading out!

The colours are joining.

It is light and dark.

The finished planets looked very realistic indeed.

Finger Spaces

Posted on Monday 05 October 2020 by Mrs Freeman

What are Finger Spaces?
Finger spaces refer to the amount of space that needs to be left between words so that they can be read as individual units of meaning. Young children learning to write are first taught to put their finger on the page in between each word, to create the necessary spacing. This is an important skill and a Year 1 objective. By the end of Year 1, it is expected that all children will use finger spaces in their writing.

How Can You Encourage Children To Use Finger Spaces?
In class, we have various strategies to encourage finger spacing. These include:
Modelling the Use of Finger Spaces
Demonstrate using finger spaces when writing on the board by placing your index finger between words. It is important to exaggerate these spaces when demonstrating to help children to understand why there is a space in between each word.

Leave spaces between words - Year 1

Finger Space Tools
Providing children with a finger space tool for them to use instead of their finger. Have children place the tool in between each word to help them learn to place the correct amount of space between words.

What are Finger Spaces? - Answered - Twinkl Teaching WikiUse Reminders and Prompts
Place writing prompts and fun reminders on children’s desks if they are forgetting to use finger spaces in their writing. Visual supports not only help children use finger spaces when writing but also act as visual reminders.

Today, the children were asked to try to read some sentences that did not have spaces between the words. This was tricky!

Some children used resources to help with their finger spacing.

This activity helped to increase awareness of why spaces are necessary.

Ask the children to look for items at home that could be used as finger spacing tools.

A Fun Way to Get Beginning Writers to Use Spaces Between Words -  Instructables
Cereal loops have been used here.

Maths with vegetables

Posted on Thursday 01 October 2020 by Mrs Freeman

In maths, the children have been learning to use the language equal to, more than, less than, fewer and  greater than‘ to compare objects.

I know that 5 is less than 7 and 7 is greater than 5.

In our first lesson, the children struggled a little with this concept. So, today, we used some real life objects to help us to compare.

This hoop has the most carrots in.
There are less carrots here.
Charlie said ” There are more potatoes than carrots because eight is greater than five.”


Grace noted, “The carrots and potatoes are equal. I know this because they both have five.”

Try this one at home with your child. It may help to draw pictures.

Mrs Freeman has 7 apples in one hand. 8 Seven Apples Circle Photos - Free & Royalty-Free Stock Photos from  DreamstimeShe has fewer apples in the other hand. How many apples could Mrs Freeman have in her other hand?

Year 1 learning

Posted on Tuesday 29 September 2020 by Mrs Taylor

We have been very impressed with how Year 1 have started the school year even with all the new routines and procedures in place. Thank you for supporting your child at home especially with the fantastic homework we have received.

Here’s a summary of our learning so far.

In maths, we have been learning about numbers to 10 including counting, ordering, counting forwards/backwards and one more/less. Topmarks has some good maths based games to try at home.

We have also had a big emphasis on supporting the children with their number formation and presentation in their new maths books. We start our numbers at the top.

To help at home, count forwards and backwards with your child. Give your child a number (initially up to 20) and see if they can tell you the number one more/one less.

In reading, we have a weekly fluency text. Here is this week’s text.

In class, we read the text every day to develop the children’s fluency. This involves lots of teacher modelling of reading taking account of the  punctuation and using expression. On Friday, we answer questions about the text.

Remember, reading books can be changed on a Tuesday and Thursday. Thank you for your patience as the children learn this new routine. We visit the library on Mondays. The children have all had the chance to use Lexia at school. They are becoming quicker at logging on so any practice they can get at home will help with this.

To help at home, read with your child everyday. This can be their book from school or any other book or text you have at home. Asking questions about the text will help with their understanding.

In writing, our learning has been based around what makes a sentence.

  • Capital letter at the start
  • Full stop (or other punctuation) at the end
  • Finger spaces between words
  • Does it make sense?

Capital letters have been our initial focus – how we form them and when do we use them. See if your child can remember when we need to use a capital letter. These alphabet videos are a good reminder too.

Another aspect of english we are developing is the children’s oracy. A particular focus we are working on is answering in full sentences.

After carrying out some egg related experiments, we are now learning about living things in science.

Topic learning began with lots of learning about the text After the Fall and for the next three weeks, this will be based on Here we are by Oliver Jeffers.

Well done to all of Year 1 who are working so hard! Keep it up!

PE in the sunshine

Posted on Tuesday 29 September 2020 by Mrs Freeman

In PE today, Year One were learning how to move at different speeds.

We enjoyed moving like different animals, moving at different speeds and moving on the spot. The children could explain how to sprint and jog and they described how their bodies felt whilst doing these activities.

I feel out of breath when I run fast.

My legs get tired.

My heart is beating fast.

I feel very hot.

Running fast is hard work.


Living and Learning: 8Rs for learning

Posted on Sunday 27 September 2020 by Mrs Taylor

For the last two weeks, in our Living and Learning lessons, Year 1 have been getting to know the 8Rs for learning (responsible, risk taking, resilience, resourceful, ready, responsive, remember and reflect). These are eight characteristics to promote good learning behaviour and of course, these are referred to throughout the year across all subjects. The parent’s guide to the 8Rs can help to reinforce this at home.

The children were given different scenarios and they had to match them up to the correct 8R or complete the missing R in a sentence. Ask your child if they can remember the answers.

Saavi has her white board and pen on her table for phonics.

Evie changes her number 2 after Mrs Taylor asks her to check her numbers.

Nate puts his hand up to answer a question even though he is not sure if it is right.

Talha uses the hundred square to check his number formation.

Grace _______________ her spellings because she had been practising them at home.

Austen took __________________ for his belongings because he put them all back in his pencil case.

Erica was _______________ as she kept trying until she could write the letter y in handwriting.

Rico ________________ on his maths learning and tries to put one number in one box in his book.

Resilience has been one of the themes of the After the Fall book we have been learning about in our topic lessons. We thought about what messages we might send to Humpty Dumpty as he tried to climb back up the wall again.

Don’t look down.

Keep going up.

Always keep going.

You can do it.

Don’t give up.

We’ve got you.

Take a risk.

Be resilient.

We’ve been talking about the 8Rs across other lessons and here are some more examples of Year 1 using the 8Rs.

Being resourceful in maths

Being responsive by checking number formation

With such a great start to the year, we are sure Year 1 will continue to use the 8Rs across all areas of their learning.





Foraging for Homework

Posted on Sunday 27 September 2020 by Mrs Freeman

On Friday, the children were asked to get creative for their homework. Having read an autumnal poem in class, they then had to spot some signs of Autumn whilst out and about.

Mrs Freeman and Mrs Taylor have both enjoyed some leaf crunching walks this weekend.

Weird Words for Autumn Time | Merriam-WebsterWe have already received some great examples of super learning in the outdoors. So far, we have seen crafts, pictures, models, colour mixing and some impressive writing!

We look forward to seeing more throughout the week.

Don’t forget that homework can be emailed to us and is celebrated in class every Thursday.

Well done, Year 1!




Living and Learning: 8Rs for learning

Posted on Sunday 20 September 2020 by Mrs Taylor

For the start of this half-term, our Living and Learning focus is the ‘8 Rs for learning’. This is about promoting good learning behaviour for your child.

In class, the children will focus on different ‘Rs’. We use an animal to symbolise each ‘R’, which might help your child remember all eight – can your child remember which animal matches the correct ‘R’?

You can support your child at home – we’ve listed a few ideas to help you below. Ask us if you’ve any questions or comments.

Download top tips for promoting the 8Rs for good learning behaviour.

Risk taking

Talk about the difference between a safe and unsafe risk. At school, we want your child to take a safe risk by having a go at answering, even if unsure; trying something new and attempting harder learning.


Provide time and space at home so your child is able to organise themselves: their PE kit, reading book, homework, spellings and tables… Don’t organise everything for them!
Make a link between rights and responsibilities: your child has the right to a great education, but needs to be responsible for their own learning.


This could be responding to their teacher in class or responding to feedback in their learning.


Make sure your child is at school on time for a prompt start.
Make sure your child has had plenty of sleep so they are alert and ready to learn at all times.
Encourage your child to ask lots of questions – that shows they want to learn!


Encourage your child to be organised so they can play with a range of different toys.
Encourage your child to try new ways to solve a tricky problem.


Encourage your child to keep going! Set a tricky challenge or puzzle for your child to do.
Encourage your child to think of different ways of doing things.
Don’t let your child win when they play a game – they need to experience losing, too!
Celebrate mistakes as opportunities to learn – be happy that your child found some learning hard and encourage them to ‘bounce back’ and learn from the experience.

Relate this ‘R’ to Humpty Dumpty and our current whole school topic, After the Fall.


Make sure they have time to learn spellings, number bonds and times tables – a little practice daily is best.
Play memory games:

Kim’s game: show them objects for 30 seconds… can they remember all the objects?
Can they build up the sequence, ‘I went to the shop and I bought an apple’… ‘I went to the shop and I bought an apple and a bike.’… ‘I went to the shop and I bought an apple, a bike and a cucumber.’ etc … Take turns!


Talk with your child about what they’ve learnt, asking questions about how they learnt, why they learnt it, when they’ll use their learning, how they would teach this to someone else, what learning might link with what they’ve learnt today…

This week, children will have the opportunity to not only reflect on their learning in general but also reflect on how the 8Rs supports their learning.

Of course, these characteristics are referred to throughout the year across all subjects to promote good learning behaviour.

Reading in Year 1

Posted on Thursday 17 September 2020 by Mrs Taylor

Over the last couple of weeks, we have been listening to the children read in class and today your child will have brought a reading book home with them.

Reading books will be changed on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

To minimise contact with items coming from home, we would like the children to put reading books, they have read, in the box at the cloakroom door at the start of the day. The children will then put their reading record book in their appropriate group basket in the classroom.

We are sure the children will cope well with this responsibility.

Please could we ask for parents/carers to write the title of the book and a brief comment about their child’s reading inside the reading record book.

We would encourage the children to read to an adult every day to develop their fluency skills. The Active Reading Guide (in your child’s homework book) will provide support for reading with your child at home.

Thank you to those families who have begun to use Lexia. The children are starting to use this in school now and we would recommend 10 minutes every day if possible.

Please contact us ( and if you have any questions about your child’s reading.

Enjoying our shared area

Posted on Wednesday 09 September 2020 by Mrs Freeman

We have been so impressed with all the children this week. On Monday, the class entered school with huge smiles on their faces and this has continued throughout the week.  Coping with new routines can be difficult for us all. However, the children have modelled how to do this well and without fuss.

As well as the classroom, Year One also have a shared area that is used as a learning space. This allows us to present the children with further learning opportunities and we will be using this area as an extension to our classroom.

The children have been taught how to use the area correctly and the importance of keeping it tidy. Below, are a few snap shots of how we learn in our shared areas.

Promoting a love for reading.
Completing a counting task. Building a wall for Humpty Dumpty and counting the bricks.
Constructing and counting.