History: Inspirational people
This term, our history topic is all about two inspiring, significant individuals. The children are learning who these people were, what they believed in and what changed because of them. Throughout the topic, the children will use words and phrases relating to time and chronology (eg old, new, past, a very long time ago, present, ancient, modern).
With each topic, we have vocabulary for the children to learn and use. Here are the words and their definitions for this history based topic. Ask your child about these words at home – can they remember what they mean?
- equality – being treated fairly and having the same chances in life
- rights – the basic things people need to live (eg food, housing) and reach their potential ( eg education, safety)
- apartheid – a system that keeps people apart, usually because of different skin colour
- racism – treating people differently because of the colour of their skin, their religious beliefs or their culture
- suffragette – a woman who campaigned for the right for women to vote
- protest – people coming together to show others that they are against an idea or an event
- impact – a strong and powerful effect on something or someone
- belief – a strongly held opinion that something is right
Throughout history, lots of people around the world have faced discrimination – where they are treated differently because of their race, skin colour, gender, age and lots of other things, too. Sadly, it still happens to this day! But there are some amazing people who have worked hard to make a change for better, and help us move towards a world where everyone is treated fairly and equally. One such person is Nelson Mandela.
The children were totally immersed in the learning and there were lots of questions about the apartheid laws. Ask your child about this.
Why were black people treated differently?
How long did Nelson Mandela go to prison for?
What happens when people feel they are being unfairly treated? Leonora Cohen was a suffragette, she was actively involved in the fight for women to have the right to vote in elections. This week, we have a live Zoom call from Abbey House Museum in Leeds. The children learnt lots of interesting facts about Leonora’s life, beginning with her birth in Hunslet, Leeds.
How many times did Leonora go to prison?
Why did Leonora travel to London and how did she feel?
Ask your child about the pictures below. What can they remember?
Our new science topic this half term is…
With each topic, we have vocabulary for the children to learn and use. Here are the words and their definitions for this topic. We often make up actions to match the words to help us remember them. Ask your child about these words at home – can they remember what they mean?
Our first lesson back in school was to learn about the parts of a plant. This video helps to understand the different parts and what their jobs are.
Can your child name the parts of the plant shown below?
The class worked in groups to compose their own plant made up of all the different parts.
We’re also taking part in the Grow your own potatoes project.
The first job was to plant the potatoes.
We’ll be observing the potatoes as the plants start to grow.
Finally, if there are any budding gardeners in the class, this article gives some ideas for children to do at home.
Football skills
In PE today. the children were learning some football skills. After mastering keeping control of the ball, the class then learnt how to stop the ball.
With a partner, the children practiced passing the ball and using their feet to switch the direction of the pass to another player.
We will be doing our PE lessons outside (if the weather allows) so please ensure your child has an outdoor kit with suitable footwear.
Welcome back
Today, we were able to welcome our children back into class. It was lovely to see so many smiling faces first thing this morning. The children have had a great day and have all settled back into school life. We started our day by sharing our feelings and emotions. Following this, we have had a fairly relaxed day and have spent a lot of time chatting and catching up with each other.
Here are a few quotes from the children.
I’m so happy to see my friends.
I’m looking forward to being able to play with my friends.
I have missed my teachers.
I feel excited but a little bit nervous ,too!
I feel really proud of all the home learning I managed to do!
My family are very proud of me.
I feel really cool to be back at school.
Please can you return your child’s reading books, library books and home learning books as soon as possible – thank you.
Back to school
We’re excited for all the class to be back in school this week.
Here’s a few things to remember.
Please do take time to read the daily news messages for more information about our reopening including the parents’ guide.
PE will continue to be on Tuesday and Thursday so children will need to come in their outdoor PE kit on those days.
Please bring any reading books, library books and your child’s reading record book from home. We’ll be sending books home on a Monday and Thursday and children will visit the school library on Mondays.
Finally, we’d love to see your child’s home learning book so please send this to school. After we’ve had a look through it, we’ll keep it at school until the summer when your child will bring home all of their learning books.
We made it!
Nine weeks of home learning later and we are ready to welcome back the children this week.
It’s been great to see the children have been working hard at home right until the end. Well done, Year 1 – we are very proud of how you have adapted over this strange time. We’d also like to send a big thank you to all your adults at home who have supported you.
Here’s a selection of this week’s learning.
Finally, here are the Lexia and Numbots certificates for this week.
Nate (Tin and Brass)
See you soon, Year 1
We hope you all enjoyed a happy and healthy half term. Following the announcement last week, we are very much looking forward to welcoming the children back on Monday 08 March.
As part of the home learning, you will have noticed we’ve begun our new history topic (Heroes) and science learning (plants). We are encouraging all the children to watch these videos before returning to school as this learning will continue in class.
Thank you for all the learning you have shared with us. It’s been great to see the learning and activities the children have been keeping busy with at home. Here’s the latest selection and keep working hard this week!
We’ve also had some children reach their next level in Numbots and Lexia. These are great resources to keep up the children’s maths and reading/phonics skills. Well done to the following children.
Rory, Erica, Avneet, Saavi and Victoria
If your child has reached the end of the Lexia Year 1 learning (completed Level 5), please use Phonics Play (Login Sphere Password Spher3) as an alternative.
End of unit quizzes
Have a go at our quizzes to see what you can remember from the Science and Geography learning this half term.
Wonderful writing!
From Mr Gathercole, who leads the Y1,2 home learning writing sessions…
Hello writers,
I’ve been absolutely blown away by the amazing writing that’s been sent in to us recently. Teachers always enjoy reading your work so keep sending those emails.
Whether it be writing about fairytales or poetry about aliens, you’ve produced great writing. We’re so proud of everyone for all of their hard work. You should be very proud, too!
First up, we see some brilliant re-telling of a classic fairy tale. Can you pick out words from each that you really like and are going to use in your writing?
Our first piece comes from Moortown. What great editing and improvements to what was already a great piece of writing! Now it’s even better.
This next entry comes from a writer at St James’ CE. Lots of great adjectives have been used. This wolf sounds a bit mischievous to me.
Back to Moortown for another great tale. When you read this, how do you know it is probably a fairy tale?
Next, we’ve some poetry based on the poem, Aliens Stole My Underpants by Brian Moses. It turns out that the aliens stole more than just underpants! Here’s what a couple of Scholes writers had to say on the matter.
Olivia wrote this great letter after our prime minister got in touch with us. Here’s a link to that message in case you missed it.
It sounds like this super learner at St James’ CE does a lot to keep positive during lockdown. It sounds like you’re doing a lot to have a healthy body and mind.
This writer at Scholes is spending lots time outside. There is so much detail that we can easily picture what you do to stay happy and healthy.
We may not be at school but these learners have all remembered to take pride in their presentation. To everyone at Scholes, Moortown and St James’ CE, keep being amazing.
This week’s update
We hope you are all staying safe and well at the moment. It’s always great to see so many of the class joining us on the daily class Zoom. There are always lots of smiles when the children see their friends. Please do ask if you need us to resend the Zoom details (carolinetaylor@spherefederation.org and jackiefreeman@spherefederation.org).
We continue to feel proud and happy when we receive learning from home. Keep this up! One more week of learning until the half term break.
Here’s a selection of the learning we’ve received this week.
Super spelling practice, Aliza.
Great writing, while at home on the snow day, Austen.
Always a variety of learning completed at home – with help from a pet!
Keep up the great learning, Daman. We loved the snow volcano!
Super learning across all subjects.
Impressive editing in writing and five minute moves with Joe Wicks to keep energised.
Lots of great learning – keep working hard.
Super writing and even a snow dog!
Great home learning, Saba.
Well done to Rico and Hollie for reaching their next level in Lexia.
If your child has already reached the end of the Year 1 learning on Lexia (Level 5 certificate), an alternative can be Phonics Play (username Sphere password Spher3). Select Phase 5 games when prompted.
We’ve seen an increase in the usage of Numbots since the children have been at home. Well done to the following children who have achieved these levels.
Austen, Avneet, Elena, Erica, Evie, Luke, Nate, Raushan, Roshni, Sophie and Tyreece
Aliza, Charlie, Grace, Haleema, Hollie, Ibrahim Sh, Ibrahim Sy, Keira, Matin, Rico, Rohan, Rory, Saavi, Talha and Victoria
Daman, Daniyal and Saba
Authors and illustrators
Finally, here’s a link if you would like to hear some stories read by their authors and also the chance to draw alongside some illustrators.
We’ve some fans of Draw with Rob in the class if you’ve not had a look at this online before.