Year 1 Class News

Living and Learning: Online Safety

Posted on Friday 22 November 2024 by Mr McGriffiths

This week in Living and Learning we talked about online safety. In particular, we spoke about what we should do if an advert pops up on our screen when we are playing or watching. We explained that sometimes these pop ups want to trick us and might not be telling the truth so we should always tell a trusted adult and show them what has happened.

In circle time we spoke more broadly about online safety and I was very impressed with the children’s maturity and knowledge. We completed the sentence ‘I can stay safe online by…’

telling my parents when there is a pop up.

telling a teacher or trusted adult if they is something on the screen I don’t like.

switching it off if I am worried.

tell my parents if a stranger messages me.

staying with my parents when I am online.

Well done everyone!

Help at home by talking to your children about how to stay safe online and what they should do if they are feeling worried about something they see or hear online.

Living and Learning: odd socks day

Posted on Friday 15 November 2024 by Mr McGriffiths

On Tuesday this week it was Odd Socks Day! This was all in order to celebrate our differences and uniqueness. It was also part of Anti-Bullying Week. We spoke about how we use the acronym STOP at Moortown Primary School to help understand what bullying is as well as how to stop it.

We talked  who we could tell if we saw or experienced bullying in order to make it stop. We knew lots of people we could tell and I was very impressed by the children’s knowledge, kindness and maturity.

Living and Learning: Me and My Community Week

Posted on Friday 15 November 2024 by Mr McGriffiths

This week has been Me and My Community Week at Moortown. We have had lots of visitors from our local community come to school to talk about themselves and how they make up part of the community. We have also spoken about what communities we are part of, culminating in a fabulous identity day on Friday.

We talked to Grandad Wheels about life in a wheelchair and we heard him read one of his fabulous stories. We even got to design a futuristic wheelchair for him!

We visited Moortown Park with Pat who runs Friends of Moortown Park. We learnt about how they look after the park and we thought carefully about how we could look after the park too.

We also had  a visit from the RNIB.  We listened very carefully and learnt lots about things that help people who are blind. We even got to meet a guide dog.

We also had a visit from Mrs Gledhill who is a teacher of the deaf. She taught us some things we can do to help people who are deaf to hear us. She then taught us some sign language, we loved it!

All week we were also thinking about what makes us unique and celebrating the differences we all have, whether that is the way we look, what we like to do or our families. We read the book Odd Dog Out to help us understand this further. We even made our very own sausage dogs that reflected our personality!

What a week it has been! Well done everyone!

Anti-bullying day and Odd socks day

Posted on Wednesday 06 November 2024 by Mrs Taylor

Next Tuesday, 12 November, is Anti-Bullying Day. This years’ theme is Choose Respect and we will be taking part in Odd Socks Day on this day.
Odd Socks Day celebrates that we’re all unique. Children are invited to wear odd socks (with their uniform), marking the fact we’re all different in some way. Part of Anti-Bullying Day, the day sends an important message to pupils that they should be allowed to be themselves, free from bullying. It helps us celebrate anti-bullying day in a fun and positive way.

Pumpkin picking

Posted on Wednesday 23 October 2024 by Mrs Taylor

One of the community links for our Me and my community themed week, MHA Moor Allerton, are holding an open day next Tuesday 29 October 2pm to 4pm with pumpkin picking from their own pumpkin patch, refreshments and activities.

They can be found at MHA Moor Allerton Scheme, Yew Tree Court, 4 Cramner Close, LS17 5PT.

Living and Learning: New school charity

Posted on Wednesday 23 October 2024 by Mrs Taylor

Every year, we vote for a new school charity to support.

Our new charity will replace our current school charity The Children’s Heart Fund. Thank you for all the donations and support given to this great, local cause, including £180 for our recent Rob Burrow Connect Challenge.

As part of our Me and my community themed week, children will be considering the following shortlist of charities. Children should start thinking about these charities and be ready to share their views.

Yorkshire Air Ambulance is an independent charity providing a lifesaving rapid response emergency service to 5 million people across the whole of Yorkshire. Money raised keeps both of their air ambulance helicopters maintained and in the air.
Leeds Mind provides help and support for people who may be experiencing issues impacting on their mental health and wellbeing.
Willow Foundation supports young adults, aged 16 to 40, who are living with a life-threatening or life-limiting condition.

Action Against Hunger aim to save the lives of vulnerable people affected by hunger. Action Against Hunger fights hunger and malnutrition around the world, because no child should ever suffer or die from it. Stop hunger today. 


No child should live in poverty. All children should have their basic needs met so that they can achieve their full potential in life. Give every head a bed.

Leeds hospitals charity who support Leeds teaching hospitals to make a real difference to patients, families and staff for the people of Yorkshire. They fund for lifesaving equipment, treatments, research into rare diseases and home comforts.

Each class will vote for one charity which will be brought to the Junior Leadership Team who will have the final vote on Thursday 07 November.

It’s nearly time to elect our new junior leaders

Posted on Sunday 20 October 2024 by Mrs Taylor

We have recently launched this year’s Junior Leadership Team election process. Our Junior Leadership Team is one of the ways that children are encouraged to take an active part in pupil voice.

The election process allows children to develop an understanding of one of the British Valuesdemocracy, with two representatives from each class, chosen democratically by their peers.

Here are some of the qualities our junior leaders think are needed to be an effective JLT member.

  • use the 8Rs for learning
  • be respectful and polite
  • help others
  • be a good speaker and listener (to members of your class and in the meetings)
  • share and be confident with your ideas
  • let others speak
  • accept the views of others even if you don’t agree
  • be friendly and approachable
  • follow our school rules and make good choices in class and around school

This weeks’ whole school homework is all about the election and democracy, ready for the elections on Thursday 24 October. For children who want to stand in the election, they will have the chance to share their speeches in class on Wednesday or Thursday this week.

Well done to all our current junior leaders who have represented their class so well this year. Remember, you can stand again in the election.

After-school clubs

Posted on Friday 18 October 2024 by Mrs Taylor

Our autumn term clubs continue after half term and there is an opportunity to join the below after school clubs which currently have available places: 


Hama Bead Club – Y4, Y5, Y6

Mindfulness & Yoga – Y3, Y4, Y5, Y6


Skipping – Y3, Y4, Y5, Y6

Sewing & weaving – Y4, Y5, Y6


Skipping – Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4

Girls Football – Y4, Y5, Y6


Dazl Dance – Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4

Basketball – KS1 

Basketball – KS2

Clubs run straight after school and finish at 4.15pm.

All clubs will run until w/c 9 December, which would give your child 6 sessions if they’d like to join. 

If your child is interested in joining any of the above clubs, please reply to the email sent and an individual payment request will be set up. 

English: Little Red writing

Posted on Friday 18 October 2024 by Mr McGriffiths

In reading and writing, we have been reading the book Little Red by Bethan Woolvin. This is alternative version of Little Red Riding Hood where Little Red saves herself rather than waiting for a woodcutter!

Today we wrote some descriptions of Little Red and I was so impressed with how hard the children worked! They have all made great progress since the start of Year One and I was astounded by some of the vocabulary they used.

Well done everyone!

Help at home by talking about the Little Red story and how the children would describe her.

Rugby ticket offer

Posted on Wednesday 16 October 2024 by Mrs Taylor

Headingley Stadium has the honour of hosting the England men’s and women’s national team against Samoa and Wales respectively on Saturday 02 November 2024.

As a partner school of the Rhinos, we are pleased to offer children and families 20% off tickets. These are purchased directly from the Rugby Football League using the discount code shown below.