Reading in Year 1
Over the last couple of weeks, we have been listening to the children read in class and today your child will have brought a reading book home with them.
Reading books will be changed on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
To minimise contact with items coming from home, we would like the children to put reading books, they have read, in the box at the cloakroom door at the start of the day. The children will then put their reading record book in their appropriate group basket in the classroom.
We are sure the children will cope well with this responsibility.
Please could we ask for parents/carers to write the title of the book and a brief comment about their child’s reading inside the reading record book.
We would encourage the children to read to an adult every day to develop their fluency skills. The Active Reading Guide (in your child’s homework book) will provide support for reading with your child at home.
Thank you to those families who have begun to use Lexia. The children are starting to use this in school now and we would recommend 10 minutes every day if possible.
Please contact us ( and if you have any questions about your child’s reading.
Enjoying our shared area
We have been so impressed with all the children this week. On Monday, the class entered school with huge smiles on their faces and this has continued throughout the week. Coping with new routines can be difficult for us all. However, the children have modelled how to do this well and without fuss.
As well as the classroom, Year One also have a shared area that is used as a learning space. This allows us to present the children with further learning opportunities and we will be using this area as an extension to our classroom.
The children have been taught how to use the area correctly and the importance of keeping it tidy. Below, are a few snap shots of how we learn in our shared areas.
We’re ready…
Welcome back to school everyone!
As we welcome the children into Year 1, we would like to reassure you that the classroom and shared areas are fully prepared, and meet current guidelines to ensure a happy and healthy return to school.
We’re looking forward to seeing the children and getting back into a routine.
Below is a list of key points to remember:
- Mrs Freeman will be teaching every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Mrs Taylor will teach each Thursday and Friday.
- Mrs Bharath and Mrs Roth will also be working in Year 1.
- Parents are not to enter the cloakroom or classroom. If you need to speak with us, then please make an appointment at the office.
- Children DO NOT need to bring bookbags to school.
- Please ensure your child has a coat every day.
- Water bottles can be brought into school and can be refilled throughout the dy.
- Homework books will be brought home on Friday (11th) and will remain at home.
- Please email your child’s homework each week (by Thursday) and this will be shared in class. The children will be given a sheet of homework and new spellings every Friday. They will be tested on their spellings the following Friday. Please email and
- PE is on a Tuesday and a Thursday. The children are being asked to come to school in their PE kits on those days. They will remain in their kit for the whole day.
- The school uniform policy is on our website. Please check if you are unsure about any items of clothing or footwear.
- The staff and children will remain in their own ‘bubble’ throughout the day and regular hand sanitising will be carried out.
- We aim to let you know about reading books this week.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Mrs Freeman/Mrs Taylor
Last day!
Well done, Year 1! You made it.
Click on this link to hear my final message of the year!
I hope you have a great summer. You deserve it 🙂
A message from Mr Parker
Hi Year 1!
I hope you’re all ok and are looking forward to the holidays! I certainly am but I’m also very much looking forward to being your teacher again in September.
At this point in the year, you usually meet your new teacher. As this can’t happen this year, all the other teachers have sent a little message introducing themselves to their new class. Although you already know me, I didn’t want you to feel left out so I’ve also recorded a little video.
Click on this link to check it out.
See you soon!
Home learning
We’ve reached the last week of home learning!
Thank you for continuing to send me lots of your fantastic learning. I’m still really impressed with the work that’s going on.
Click on this link to some amazing maths!
Virtual sports day results and skipping challenges
Well done to all children who took part, at home and at school, in the virtual sports day yesterday.
The results are in and can be accessed here.
Here’s our overall school results for each challenge (out of 217 schools).
Netball challenge 56th
Keepie uppie challenge 27th
Rugby challenge 93rd
Speed bounce challenge 46th
Skipping challenges
If you are interested in trying another physical activity challenge, Jodi from Skipping School – a regular visitor to school, is running a daily skipping skill challenge this week. Sadly, Year 2 and Year 4 have missed out on their skipping festivals this year so these videos will help the children to recap the skills they have learnt at school.
This week’s learning
Hello Year One!
There’s been lots more amazing learning going on, at home and in school!
Lots of you took on the challenge of taking your learning outside whilst it’s been sunny. Have a look at the photos below and see if you can spot yourself or your learning:
Home learning
Hi Year 1!
I hope you’re all OK.
I enjoyed setting the home learning again last week. I’ve been super impressed with the learning that is continuing at home.
I’ve also been impressed with the learning that’s taking place in school. It continues to be a strange time for us all but I think everyone is doing amazing!
Keep it up 🙂
Check out some of the fantastic learning that has been going on this week:
Click on this link to see an amazing video of some Andy Goldsworthy art.
Last week, the children in school also did some painting.
If you’re at home and have been doing other things in addition to the home learning, please email it to me so I can post what you’ve been up to.
Amazing Year 1 Learning!
Hello everyone!
I’ve had a really good week setting you tasks and seeing some of your learning. Here are a few pictures of them…