Skipping day
One of the ways we have invested our PE and Sport Premium, over the last two years, is our partnership with Skipping School. This has supported children to learn new skipping techniques.
With skipping equipment available for pupils to use at playtime and lunchtime, this is one of the ways they can achieve their active 30 minutes in school every day.
Year 2 and Year 4 have taken part in skipping festivals this year and Jodi, from Skipping School, will be working with our remaining classes on Wednesday 19 June.
There will be a whole school skipping assembly at the end of the day and if the weather is dry, this will be held in the playground and parents and carers are invited to come and watch the skipping skills on show.
Please note that if the weather is wet, the assembly will need to be indoors and, due to space restrictions, we will not be able to accommodate parents and carers in the hall as well as the skippers.
After the skipping assembly, skipping ropes will be available for sale at a subsidised price of £2 rather than £5 from outside the Year 2 classroom.
Living and Learning: Relationships education
Thank you to those parents and carers who attended the recent relationships education information sessions.
‘Very helpful to understand what information will be taught at each level and the terminology so we can use the same language at home.’
‘Lots of helpful information to help support learning.’
‘Pleased to have a clearer sense of what will be covered and how.’
‘Very helpful to understand what is covered and what vocabulary the children will be learning to be able to reinforce it at home.’
These sessions were aimed at making parents and carers more aware of some of the following aspects of our curriculum.
- What is our Living and Learning curriculum?
- What does relationships education currently look like throughout school?
- What is included in our Relationships and Sex Education policy?
Relationships education forms part of our Living and Learning for this half term and if you were unable to attend the session, our progression of learning (pg10) and the terminology (pg6) that may be used as part of this learning can be found in our RSE policy.
Let us entertain you!
Today, the whole school were invited to watch some of our talented musicians in action. Year 4 showcased their skills on the ukulele. Having learnt a few simple chords and some basic strumming patterns, the children confidently played some popular tunes for us to enjoy.
Across the year groups, we have a selection of children who are learning to play the guitar. This group of musicians also demonstrated their skills.
Well done all!
Walk to School Week competition update
For pupils who are completing the #WalktoSchoolWeek story this week, as school is closed tomorrow, the missing words for Thursday AND Friday can all be found on Friday in the usual locations. Happy Walking!
Remember to bring in your completed sheet on Friday to be entered in the prize draw for four £10 vouchers.
Big Pedal
Our involvement in the recent Sustrans Big Pedal initiative has been recognised in the latest Leeds City Council Influencing Travel Behaviour newsletter.
Thank you to all the schools who took part in The Big Pedal this year. An amazing 2299 schools across the country took part and 36 of them were from Leeds which is brilliant!
Well done to Moortown Primary School who came 38th out of 500 in the small school category!
It’s great to see such positive engagement in these active travel initiatives to ensure families have a healthy and active start to the day. Thank you to Moortown Living Street group for their support with our active travel initiatives.
Living and Learning: MoneySense
Over this week, we are holding MoneySense sessions for each class with support from volunteers from NatWest.
MoneySense is an impartial financial education programme that uses real-life experiences to help young people develop good money habits.
Catherine from NatWest, supported our ‘How we use money’ Year 1, 2 and 3 sessions yesterday and gave some great feedback.
Money Matters themed week – School Savings Club
As it is our Money Matters themed week, we are holding an information and paying in session tomorrow after school for the School Savings Club pupil accounts.
Jordan Francis, from Leeds Credit Union, will be available to give more details and hand out application forms for these pupil accounts. As there is not minimum deposit requirement, it is a great way for your child/children to learn the importance of money. Paying in sessions are held every half term.
As always, if you are unable to attend in person, please hand in any money to be paid in, to the office in a sealed envelope addressed to Mrs Tiffany.
Leeds Gymnastics opportunities
Leeds Gymnastics, who run our Wednesday gym after-school club (some places are available), are holding their annual trials next month.
Girls Golf Rocks
Would your child like to give golf a try?
Here’s details of a FREE local project targeting girls golf taking place in the half term break.
What makes a good sports leader?
Thank you to our current Year 6 Sports Leaders who have fulfilled this role for the past year. It’s now time to train up some new leaders to take over lunchtime physical activity sessions.
Year 5 were invited to sign up for the roles and we had some great applications.
Today, fifteen Year 5 pupils began their training to gain their Mini Leaders Award. As well as learning a variety of physical activities, the group worked on their communication, explanation and organisational skills. After their second training session on Friday, they will be ready to lead sessions to the rest of the school from next week.
Walk to school week
To celebrate Walk to School week, next week, we’re working with Moortown Living Streets to run a fun daily quiz to help get more feet on the street! It is also our Money Matters themed week so what a better way to travel to school for free!
We all know that reducing school gate traffic improves air quality and safety and by walking some or all of the way families benefit from a healthier and more pleasant start to the day.
During Walk to School Week, Living Streets Moortown will be hiding ten words along the routes to school. See your child’s entry form for more details.
Find them each day to fill in the blanks and complete the story – remember to take a pen or pencil! There are also some daily ACTIONS for you to try – see if you can do them all!
At the end of Walk to School Week, your child should hand their completed story in to their class teacher for a chance to WIN one of four £10 Love to Shop vouchers!