Year 1 Class News

Odd socks day

Posted on Monday 12 November 2018 by Mrs Taylor

We launched anti-bullying week today by taking part in Odd Socks Day.

There were all kinds of sock colours and designs on show celebrating the fact that we are all different and unique.  Thank you for supporting this.

Here’s some of the Year 2 selection.

New kit awarded from Premier League Primary Stars

Posted on Sunday 11 November 2018 by Mrs Taylor

Following our application to the Premier League Primary Stars Kit and Equipment Scheme, we’ve heard our bid has been successful!

As a result, we’ll receive a new kit for school later in the year.  This will be of great use for the football team and for other competitions.

School Council, when they meet for the first time on Wednesday, will be discussing the possible team colours. The final choice will be made democratically: each school councillor will vote for their favourite.

Which would you choose?

October active travel prize winners

Posted on Saturday 10 November 2018 by Mrs Taylor

We’ve awarded the final voucher prizes for our October active travel prize draw.

Well done to Isla, Year 2, and Jasraj, Year 4, who won the week 4 and overall October month prizes for travelling to school in an active way.

The Living Streets’ WOW interactive travel tracker allows children to record, in class, their daily journey to school and children will continue to be awarded themed badges at the end of every month for travelling actively.

An active journey includes:

  • walking
  • scooting
  • biking
  • park and stride

We want to reduce the number of cars outside school so if you do have to travel by car, we recommend parking away from the school gate maybe at our preferred park and stride location, Marks & Spencer.

As always, keep safe while travelling.

School Council 2018-2019

Posted on Wednesday 07 November 2018 by Mrs Taylor

Meet our newly elected school councillors, chosen democratically by their class.

Their first meeting will be held next week.  On the agenda is to discuss bullying (as part of anti-bullying week), Takeover Day and to consider what they might want to spend their library and class reward budgets on.

All children are encouraged to make suggestions to their school councillors (by posting their suggestion slip in each class’ Living and Learning box) for ideas/concerns to be discussed.

Anti-bullying week – odd socks day

Posted on Wednesday 07 November 2018 by Mrs Taylor

Next week is Anti-bullying Week. This year’s theme is ‘Choose Respect’ and we will be joining in with Odd Socks Day on Monday 12 November.

This day is to raise awareness of our differences, individuality and personal choice. There is no need for any payment – your child should simply wear odd socks and join in the fun!

Thank you for your support.

Living and learning – Identity

Posted on Sunday 04 November 2018 by Mrs Taylor

Our Living and Learning theme this half-term is Identity. Pupils will learn about what makes themselves and others special, valuing the similarities and differences between themselves and others and what is meant by community. This will be taught through our Living and Learning sessions and also a focused week – Anti-bullying week (12 November).

Also this half term, our new school charity will be chosen.  Every year, we nominate a new charity to support. This year, we have been supporting MakeAWish. We decide this on the basis of a Talk Time homework, and then school councillors make the final decision.

Our Living and Learning long term plan details the learning for each year group across the year and you can keep up to date with our weekly Living and Learning statements on the parent noticeboard in the playground and also on the school calendar.  We will begin and end this half term with a focus on manners.

I apologise when I need to.

I say please and thank you.

Bonfire night themed menu

Posted on Friday 26 October 2018 by Mrs Taylor

When we return to school, on Monday 05 November, there will be a bonfire night themed menu.

Election ready

Posted on Wednesday 24 October 2018 by Mrs Taylor

The polling station is all set up and ready for the annual School Council elections tomorrow.

Good luck to all candidates.

Active travel in October – week three winner

Posted on Wednesday 24 October 2018 by Mrs Taylor

Well done to our week three winner who made active journeys to school every day last week.

Our active travel section on the website has recently been updated.  Have a look at some of the initiatives we take part in to encourage a happy and healthy start to the school day.

Homework Review

Posted on Sunday 21 October 2018 by Mr Roundtree

The children thoroughly enjoyed sharing their creative homework about The Great Fire of London with their friends. As always, there were lots of effort put in by the children and they were proud of what they had done.