Year 1 Class News

How Do Polar Animals Stay Warm in Icy Water?

Posted on Thursday 18 January 2018 by Mr Roundtree

On Wednesday we kicked off our Life Forces topic by being polar explorers for the day!

We learnt how polar animals have a thick layer of fat, known as blubber, underneath their skin that keeps them warm. Year 1 wanted to find out if this was true.

First, we put our bare hands in the water to feel how cold it was. Then, we made our blubber gloves using rubber gloves and margarine and put our hands back in the water.

Year 1 discovered it was true! The blubber glove helped to protect our hand from the freezing water.

What fun we had!

Chick Cam 3!

Posted on Thursday 18 January 2018 by Mr Wilks

We’ve now got seven chicks! We’ll start moving them to the breeder box today.

Chick Cam 2!

Posted on Wednesday 17 January 2018 by Mr Wilks

The streams on YouTube only last for 8 hours, so here’s the next one!

It’s 17:10 and we now have three chicks with one more arriving very soon! Once hatched, the chicks need to stay in the incubator for about 24 hours to ‘fluff up’ before they are moved to the breeder box.

Chick Cam!

Posted on Wednesday 17 January 2018 by Mr Wilks

Good morning. Click on the following link to watch the chicks in our incubator. Two chicks have hatched already and there should be more hatching today and tomorrow! Stay tuned.



Reading aloud what we’ve written

Posted on Friday 12 January 2018 by Mr Roundtree

The children made a plan for their writing and loved sharing it with the rest of the class! We’re trying hard to read aloud what we have written down.

One More and One Less

Posted on Friday 05 January 2018 by Mr Roundtree

This morning in Year One, we worked hard to find one more and one less of a number using a variety of resources.

Living and Learning

Posted on Monday 01 January 2018 by Mrs Taylor

Living and Learning sessions are held weekly, in class, to promote social and emotional aspects of learning and other areas of Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE).  This half term we have two main themes, from our long-term plan.
  • Drug, alcohol and tobacco education (DATE) 
  •  Keeping safe and managing risk
Internet Safety Day, 06.02.18, is part of the keeping safe and managing risk theme.  More information will follow about this.
We begin the half term with a focus on manners and in particular interruptions.  Children will consider what is a valid interruption, for example an emergency and what alternatives are there to interrupting?  Children across school are encouraged to use our brain, buddy, boss system to try to avoid interruptions.  This means they would first think themselves.  Then, they could try asking a friend and the final option would be to ask the adult.  This encourages the children to become independent and take responsibility.

Here are the weekly Living and Learning statements, for this half term, to support this learning.

  • I don’t interrupt (with my mouth or my hand).
  • I can make things better.
  • I know what a drug is.
  • I am aware of risks.
  • I make safe choices.
  • I stay safe online.

Be mindful

Posted on Saturday 16 December 2017 by Mrs Taylor

At this busy time of year, mindfulness can help children to take control of their emotions.

During our recent themed week, all children took part in mindfulness workshops to learn a variety of techniques to use at school and at home.  Here’s a reminder of a few of them that might be useful for over the holidays.  A mindfulness newsletter/parent guide will be sent out in the new year.

Breathing hug

Start with both arms in the air.  Put one hand across your tummy and the other on your shoulder.  Breath slowly in and out.

Breathing tree

In a standing position, raise your arms as you  breath in and release your arms back down as you breath out.

‘Ok’ breathing

Make an ‘o’ sign on your tummy button to represent that it is ok to feel different emotions.  Slowly breath in and out.

Mindfulness bottle

This is a bit like a snow globe.  Shake it up and watch it.  Simply watch the disturbance as it begins to settle – as does our mind.

Take a bottle, add glitter and food colouring and seal tightly.

Thank you

Posted on Saturday 16 December 2017 by Mrs Freeman

On behalf of all the adults that have been working in Year 1, I would just like to say thank you. We all received lots of unexpected gifts and cards. This is much appreciated.

Happy holidays!

What a performance!

Posted on Thursday 14 December 2017 by Mrs Freeman

Well done to all the children for such a great Christmas performance this week. A lot of hard work has gone into this production and many many rehearsals.

Thank you also to all who came to watch. We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did.

A few pictures below.