Year 1 Class News

Hand Puppets

Posted on Friday 22 July 2016 by

BeFunky Collageaaaaaaa aaaaaa aaaaa aaaa aaa aa a

Thank You

Posted on Friday 22 July 2016 by

Mrs Maqbool and I want to thank all of the children for a fantastic year in Year 1. They have been fantastic learners and happy children! This was my first year of teaching and it has been a brilliant one thanks to the brilliant attitude which the children have – we will miss teaching them next year!

We also wish to thank you, the parents, for your continued support throughout the year. Thank you for the work that you put in to help your children become good learners by cultivating positive attitudes in them. We really appreciate the things you do at home which help us and you should all be proud of the wonderful children you have!

Thank you also for the very generous gifts which we received. We really appreciate it and it is lovely to hear how happy you have been with your child’s progress throughout the year.

So thank you very much and enjoy your summer holiday.

Mrs Wells and Mrs Maqbool

What healthy changes are you making?

Posted on Thursday 21 July 2016 by Mrs Taylor

Last week, our SEAL statement was I can make a healthy change.

It was great to hear all the changes that children were making and also encouraging their family to take part in.

Here are some examples from Year 3.

y3 healthy changes

Children were also encouraged to travel to and from school on foot, by bike or scooter.  The class with the most healthy changes and sustainable journeys were Year 5 with over 200 counters!

Here are some suggested healthy changes for over the holidays.

We hope you have a happy and healthy active break.


School Saving Club

Posted on Sunday 17 July 2016 by Mrs Taylor

Our next paying in session for children who have opened a School Saving Club account is this week: Wednesday 20 July 3.15pm.


It’s not too late to open an account.  Please ask at the office for an application form.

Sports day Tuesday 19 July

Posted on Sunday 17 July 2016 by Mrs Taylor

Preparations are under way for this year’s sports day to be held on Tuesday at Roundhegians Rugby Club. Access to Roundhegians will be the pedestrian entrance off High Moor Avenue.


Please note: this year, we’ve swapped the morning and afternoon so that KS2 children compete from 9.30am whilst YR and KS1 start at 1.15pm. The format will remain the same with various races and also field events for KS2. Medals will be awarded for 1st, 2nd and 3rd and all children will be rewarded for taking part.

Another change is that children should come to school in their PE kit and they will stay in their kit all day. This includes, if possible, their team t-shirt – blue, red, green or white. If your child doesn’t have a t-shirt in their team colour they should wear their normal PE kit and they will be given a bib matching their team.

They will also need their water bottle, a hat and sun cream applied before school.

We look forward to seeing you there to support.

£117.77 = lots of pennies!

Posted on Sunday 17 July 2016 by Mrs Taylor

Remember all the pennies collected by each class during the recent Money Matters themed week?

collecting tube

They were then used to create a penny trail in our playground.

p trail

After lots of counting (thank you to Mrs Russell), our total amount raised is £117.77.

Thank you for all your contributions.  The total will now be split between our two school charities.

Abbey House Museum

Posted on Friday 15 July 2016 by

What a great day we had yesterday! The weather was lovely enough to enjoy lunch and games outside, and we learnt so much about the past. I was very impressed with how enthusiastic the children were at discovering new things and of course their behaviour was fantastic. Here are a few pictures from our day.

We looked for pictures of Victorian people and dressed up as them!
zzzz zzz zz z


Entry to Abbey House Museum is free and it is much bigger than it looks from the outside. With the holidays coming up, this could be a great day out to keep everybody occupied!

Digimap Steve Backshall competition

Posted on Wednesday 13 July 2016 by Mr Wilks

Thank you very much for your entries to the Steve Backshall competition.

Unfortunately, our entries were not chosen as winners. Copied below is their announcement of the winners:

Thank you so much for entering our Digimap for Schools Wildlife Maps competition to win a school visit from Steve Backshall. The standard of entries was amazing and has totally delighted us. The judging panel met at the Royal Geographical Society and whittled the entries down to a shortlist. Steve Backshall then selected the winner. The delay in responding to you all was caused by Steve’s busy filming schedule and  I am sorry it’s taken so long to announce a winner.
It was a difficult task to judge from all of the excellent entries, and the team thoroughly enjoyed looking through the variety of wildlife photos and the questions relating to the photos. Finally, Mengham Junior School in Hayling Island was selected as the overall winner, and will soon have a visit from Steve Backshall. The wildlife presenter, naturalist and all-around adventurer will spend a morning with the school next week, taking the winning class on a nature walk and talking to the school.
There were also two runners-up, from St John’s Mead Church of England Primary School in Eastbourne and Kitebrook Preparatory School in Gloucestershire, who will receive signed books from Steve Backshall. More information about the winning entry is on our blog today

Thanks to Jack Elliott in Year 6 for letting me know about the competition and asking if we could enter. I know that some people had issues getting logged into the program and uploading your entry. I’m sorry about this. The password on the letter was correct and I’ve given feedback to Digimap.

Science with magnets!

Posted on Tuesday 12 July 2016 by


Olympic themed menu

Posted on Tuesday 12 July 2016 by Mrs Taylor

To celebrate the forthcoming Olympics, Catering Agency will be running a special themed menu for school dinners on Monday 18 July. Please contact the office if your child would like a school dinner on this day.

olympic themed