Year 1 Class News

What healthy changes can you make?

Posted on Thursday 07 July 2016 by Mrs Taylor

As part of our SEAL theme of Changes, the SEAL statement next week is I can make a healthy change.

During the week, children will be encouraged to make a healthy change.  This could be physically or emotionally and may include:

  • being active after school rather than being on a computer
  • having water with a packed lunch rather than a sugary drink
  • having a water bottle at school
  • taking part in a Sports Leader session at lunchtime
  • bringing a piece of fruit for KS2 playtime and Year 3 swimming
  • dealing with a problem in a positive way
  • going to bed earlier

Here are some suggestions that have been made this week.

healthy changes

Another healthy change may be travelling to school in a sustainable way – walking, scooting and biking.

Each class will be recording their healthy changes with a reward for the class with the most changes.  All journeys to and from school by foot, bike and scooter can also be counted.

At the end of the week, the whole school homework will be our annual pupil health questionnaire, this should be returned to your child’s class teacher by Wednesday 20 July.

Change4life, whose aim is ‘to motivate and support millions more people to make and sustain changes that will improve their health’, also provides lots of ideas.

change4life logo

We look forward to hearing all about your healthy changes.



We are learning about time

Posted on Wednesday 06 July 2016 by

We have begun learning about time. In year one, this involves:

  • knowing and ordering the days of the week
  • knowing and ordering the months of the year
  • being able to tell the time to the hour on an analogue clock
  • being able to tell the time to half past the hour on an analogue clock

How you can help at home
You can help at home by asking your child questions such as, ‘What day will it be in two days?’ or ‘If it was Sunday three days ago, what day is it today?’  You can also get them involved in telling the time, especially for key times of the day, such as dinner time or bed time.IMG_0299 (1)

School meal menu

Posted on Thursday 30 June 2016 by Mrs Taylor

Our school meal menu is changing! Catering Leeds, our school meal provider, have produced the new Autumn term menu.  It follows a three week cycle and will be displayed on our dining room window. This is a good way to make your child aware of what the daily meals are.

Following pupil consultation about their favourite vegetables, we have amended the vegetable selection to incorporate these choices.

School meals continue to be free for Reception, Year 1 and Year 2.  If your child is in Key Stage 2, please check for eligibility for free school meals.

If your child would like to start having school dinners, please inform the office.  A combination of packed lunches and school dinners is also available.

sch din 2


Wet Play

Posted on Wednesday 29 June 2016 by

It felt more like November than June today! Lunch time was wet play so the children were busy in the classroom having fun – and learning. Here are some pictures:


Jessica made a repeating pattern from Lego. I asked her what the 58th colour would be and she said, ‘It will be red because all the even numbers will be red.’ Fantastic, Jessica!

IMG_0287‘I made a pyramid!’

Yorkshire Primary PE and Sport Premium Awards 2016

Posted on Monday 27 June 2016 by Mrs Taylor

At the Yorkshire PE and Sport Premium Awards 2016 this afternoon, hosted by Olympic bronze medallist Steve Parry, we received our award for West Yorkshire winners in the Broader Sporting Experience category.

‘Your application fulfilled criteria, sustainability and creating a measurable impact on pupils.’

Find out more about how we invest our PE Premium.

Our pupils who attended, nominated by staff for their dedication to school sport, were a great credit to the school.

‘I feel proud to be from Moortown Primary School.’

‘I am proud that Moortown won this award.’














Hotshots total

Posted on Thursday 23 June 2016 by Mrs Taylor

Thanks to your generous sponsorship, we have raised £635.20 from our Hotshots event during the Money Matters themed week.  The money will be split between our current school charities, Yorkshire Air Ambulance and Leeds Mind.


Money from our other fundraising event from the themed week, our penny trail, is still being counted!


School Saving Accounts

Posted on Sunday 19 June 2016 by Mrs Taylor

Our next paying in session for children with School Saving Accounts is this week.

  • Wednesday 22 June 3.15pm


You’re welcome to accompany your child to pay in their money.  If you can’t come, or maybe your child is at an after-school club, you can bring money to the office in a sealed envelope marked ‘School Saving Account’ with your child’s paying in card and this will be deposited into their account.

Also, it’s not too late to open an account.  Please ask at the office for an application form.

The next paying in session this term is Wednesday 20 July 3.15pm.

Money Matters Homework

Posted on Friday 17 June 2016 by

We tried to choose a few pieces of homework to show off on our class news but we ended up choosing all of these.
IMG_0232 IMG_0234 IMG_0236 IMG_0237 IMG_0238 IMG_0239 IMG_0243 IMG_0245

History – toys

Posted on Monday 13 June 2016 by

We are continuing to learn about the history of toys and how toys have changed over time. Today, we looked at how some toys have survived the test of time but that have still evolved in some way. Examples are dolls, teddy bears and toy cars.  The children looked at pictures of these toys from the early 1900s – present day and ordered them using their historical knowledge.

Then, we looked at a painting  entitled ‘Children’s Games’ which was painted by Pieter Bruegel in 1560. It shows over 80 games being played in a town square, some of which children still play today. The class really enjoyed searching for all the games being played using  magnifying glasses.

Perhaps you could create the opportunity for your child to ask grandparents or older relatives about toys which they played with when they were young.


English – instructions

Posted on Monday 13 June 2016 by

We are learning all about instructions. We have already learnt about the importance of instructions being in the correct order and being clear (just ask your child about what happened when we tried to make a jam sandwich with unclear instructions)!
Now we are beginning to think about writing our own instructions. Today, we looked at imperative verbs, or ‘bossy’ verbs. These are verbs which create an imperative sentence, i.e. a sentence that gives an order. We played a game which we called ‘bossy boots’ to help us to identify and use imperative verbs.




I gave the ‘boss’ a verb and they had to say it in a sentence to be bossy. We had some very bossy characters!