Year 1 Class News

Rio Challenge

Posted on Saturday 11 June 2016 by Mrs Taylor

This week, we have launched skills drills Rio Challenge.  Linked to the upcoming Rio Olympics, pupils can attempt a series of ten timed sports drills based around core skills from different Olympic events.  These include hockey, gymnastics, rugby and athletics.


Children can be part of this online competition against their peers and other schools and we will be uploading times for the quickest drills.

The drills will be carried out in PE lessons and at lunchtime.  You could even have a go at home.

Rio challenge drills are led by Sports Leaders at lunchtime.

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Posted on Thursday 09 June 2016 by

We’re learning the basics of hockey in PE this half term. This week, we’ve been learning how to hold the hockey stick. This has been a real challenge for most children!

The way that most children have found helpful is this:
Imagine you are on a bike and hold the imaginary handlebars. Next, turn your right fist upside-down. Now we are ready to hold the stick! The left fist goes at the top and the upside-down fist goes nearer the bottom.

Please make sure that your child has shorts for PE as children in long trousers are getting too hot.


Rocket seeds

Posted on Thursday 09 June 2016 by Mr Roundtree

Our rocket seed experiment came to an end on the last Friday before half-term when we completed our final measurement. We’ve now submitted the results to the Principia mission and they’ll add what we found to the results of all the other schools taking place.


Having looked at the information we’ve gathered, which do you think are the seeds from space?

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When all of the data has been collated, the agency will be in touch with us to let us know what they found out and finally tell us which seeds are which!

Euro 2016 themed menu

Posted on Wednesday 08 June 2016 by Mrs Taylor

To celebrate UEFA’s European Football Championship 2016, Catering Agency will be running a special themed menu on Tuesday 21 June.  Please contact the office if your child would like a school dinner on this day.


Meanwood Park Orienteering

Posted on Wednesday 08 June 2016 by Mrs Taylor

Remember these?


They are now part of a fun orienteering course in Meanwood Park.  There are ten owls to find and each has a letter to create a two word anagram.



Money Matters round up

Posted on Sunday 29 May 2016 by Mrs Taylor

This week we’ve had our whole school themed week, Money Matters.  There has been some great learning about how to spend, save, donate and get money.

‘It’s been fun and interesting to learn things we didn’t know about money.’

Some highlights include:

  • All classes visiting Barclays Bank.  Thank you to Steve Fergusson, the branch manager, and all his staff for supporting this.
  • Moneysense workshops with KS1 and KS2 classes.  Thank you to all volunteers from RBS and NatWest who supported these sessions.
  • Hearing about how our new school charities, Yorkshire Air Ambulance and Leeds Mind, use donations and also how one of our old school charities, St Gemma’s Hospice, have used our donations.
  • Donating money to our charities through our Hotshots sponsored event.  Please ensure sponsorship money is sent to school.
  • Donating loads of pennies to our charities too.
  • Seeing children starting to use their School Saving Club accounts – taking responsibility for managing their money.
  • And finally, to our parents and a governor who were able to spare time to come and talk to the children about their money-related jobs.

Watch out for the first homework after the half term where children can show what they have learnt during the week.

To find out more about how to support your child/children with financial education, here are a number of suggested websites.

The Jangle app contains interactive activities allowing parents and carers and their children to gain financial experience and to learn about money together in an active and varied way. They are focused on meaningful and relevant financial topics and are linked to the day to day real life experiences of children and their families – designed for children aged 7 – 11.

goHenry is a Pre-paid Card and App with unique parental controls, for young people aged 8 to 18.

Money old and new

Posted on Sunday 29 May 2016 by Mrs Taylor

During Money Matters week, many children were keen to show off their money collections and talk about where and when they were from.  Thank you for sharing these with us.


Penny trail

Posted on Sunday 29 May 2016 by Mrs Taylor

It’s been great to see the generosity and enthusiasm of the children during Money Matters week to try and fill their class collecting tubes.  They were filling up by the end of the week.  The total amount raised for Leeds Mind and Yorkshire Air Ambulance will be revealed soon.  Thank you for your donations.


School Saving Club

Posted on Saturday 28 May 2016 by Mrs Taylor

This week, as part of our Money Matters themed week, was the first paying in session for children who have opened their School Saving Club accounts.

It was great to see children take responsibility and start to manage their money in their new accounts.

We have two more paying in dates this term and you are welcome to accompany your child to pay in their money.

  • Wednesday 22 June 3.15pm
  • Wednesday 20 July 3.15pm

Also, it’s not too late to open an account.  Please ask at the office for an application form.

Buying Mrs Wells’ Lunch

Posted on Thursday 26 May 2016 by

At the beginning of the week, I gave the children an important task – to buy my lunch for the week!

They were given £10 and each day, I have taken 6 children to M&S for them to select and purchase my lunch. They have been great at looking for the prices and choosing items which won’t blow the week’s allowance!

Here are some photos from yesterday’s trip (which cost £1.85).
IMG_0117                                                                 It was very exciting to go shopping!
IMG_0119                                                  We had to check the price to see if we could afford it.

IMG_0123We had to decide which coins to pay with.

Unfortunately, the money hasn’t lasted –  there is only 15p left in the purse for lunch tomorrow! This experience has taught the children all about cheap and expensive choices and that money does run out if you aren’t careful. It has also given them a real-life experience in which they have applied their learning from in class.