Year 1 Class News

Do you have any old or foreign coins and bank notes?

Posted on Monday 16 May 2016 by Mrs Taylor

If so, we will be launching a cash4coins PTA fundraiser during our Money Matters themed week.


Many people have some old foreign currency, either notes or coins and perhaps some old UK or Irish decimal coins.

We are collecting all worldwide current currency in notes or coins and any of the older currency such as the German Marks, Spanish Pesetas, old UK shillings, old UK decimal coins including Ireland, Channel Islands, Scotland, Isle of Man and £5/£2 coins.

We can turn your old money into a valuable donation.

Please donate at the school office.

Look at our skills!

Posted on Friday 13 May 2016 by

Some of the year 1 children were improving their skills this lunch time!

Brilliant Homework

Posted on Wednesday 11 May 2016 by

WOW! Year 1, I am so impressed with you! You were very creative and have made some wonderful things about your favourite toy. I particularly liked Ethan’s edible homework which unfortunately had to go home, but we have a photo on the wall. Rayn’s rocket is eye-catching and he used lots of different materials to create it. Pollyanna created a marble run which you can really play! Hifza made a hobby horse which is so pretty and shows off lots of skills. Everyone should be proud of their work this week. Well done!IMG_0107 IMG_0108

National Smile Month

Posted on Wednesday 11 May 2016 by Mrs Taylor

As part of National Smile Month, we will be having a calcium filled lunch special menu on Tuesday 24 May.


If your child would like to have a school meal on this day, please inform the office as soon as possible.

Fun in the sun

Posted on Monday 09 May 2016 by

We had some fun in the sun today and we had some very proud moments. Children who, in the past, couldn’t jump up high enough to reach the higher equipment in the playground can now do it! We’ve been determined and resilient… and we’ve grown a bit taller too! IMG_0090

As the sun was glaring down on us, some children made a safe choice to enjoy their fruit in the shade.



Posted on Monday 09 May 2016 by

Today, we began learning about money in maths.

We talked about why we need money and what we can do with it. The children had some wishful ideas about what you could buy with 50p! After that, we looked at the coins more closely and sorted them. We’re only looking at pence this week so just the 1p, 2p, 5p, 10p, 20p and 50p coins. Next week, we will look at pounds and will include notes.

Further into the week, we will be adding using coins, for example, a 5p, 2p and 1p coin makes 8p altogether.

Rocket seeds

Posted on Friday 06 May 2016 by Mr Roundtree

A quick update on our rocket seeds…

They’re growing! We’ve been watering them and turning them each day so that they all receive the same amount of sunlight.

We can’t see any difference between the red and the blue yet but there is a noticeable difference according to which windowsill they’re on. We’ve concluded that one of the windowsills doesn’t receive as much sunlight as the others because those seeds are growing at a much slower rate.

Today, we’ll be calculating the percentage of seeds that have grown in each seed tray and noting it on our record sheet.


Posted on Thursday 05 May 2016 by Mrs Taylor

To launch our Money Matters themed week, on 23 May, we will hold a Hotshots fundraising event, led by TSC sports and dance coaching limited, to raise money for our two school charities: Yorkshire Air Ambulance and Mind.  During the day, each class will be able to take part in the Hotshots event, with every child having three chances to score a goal and their fastest time recorded.  All children will receive a certificate with their fastest shot and medals will be awarded for the fastest boy and girl in each class.  Sponsor forms will be sent home and children are encouraged to raise money for this event.  These should be returned, with any money raised, on the day.

hotshotshotshots sponsor form

Money Matters

Posted on Thursday 05 May 2016 by Mrs Taylor

Our next whole school themed week Money Matters, based around money and financial education, will be taking place from Monday 23 May 2016.  A variety of events and visitors are planned to help us deliver this key aspect of education.

During the week, we will look at questions including:

  • What is money?
  • Where does money come from?
  • How do we spend money?
  • How do we manage money?

If your job involves an aspect of finance and/or money and you can support our themed week by coming into school, please contact the office.

pound sign

A fun maths game for doubles

Posted on Wednesday 04 May 2016 by

To help us remember doubles, we have been playing a game…


Roll a die (1-6)
Double the number rolled and colour that number.
Take it in turns.
The winner is the first to get three coloured squares in a row.

The children love playing this and they are getting much quicker at recalling doubles and halves. They are also developing their logic as they decide which square they are going to colour and how they can ‘block’ their opponent.

Questions you can ask: 
Which number do you think I want to colour next? Why?
If I want to colour this number, which number do I need to roll? (This gets children thinking about halving.)
How many ways can you win now?
Which square would be best to start on? Why?

The children said they would like to play it at home so you can simply download the image above or make your own. All you need is a die!