Year 1 Class News

Our next SEAL theme – Getting on

Posted on Sunday 21 February 2016 by Mrs Taylor

For this half term, our SEAL theme Getting On covers four main aspects:

  • developing the social skills of friendship
  • working well together in a group
  • managing anger
  • resolving conflict

A key resource for children to refer to during this theme, and at other times, is Peaceful Problem Solving.  This is a useful resource to encourage children to sort out their own problems.  You may wish to talk through this with your child(ren).



When group work takes place in school, some questions for children to consider are:

  • Did everyone take turns?
  • Did everyone listen to what other people thought?
  • Did each person have chance to tell the group what they thought?
  • If people had different ideas could the group reach a compromise?

The key areas of learning throughout this theme are empathy, managing feelings and social skills.

We start our weekly SEAL statements with a focus on manners, I don’t interrupt (with my mouth or with my hand).

Sainsbury’s Sport Relief Mile comes to Leeds

Posted on Sunday 21 February 2016 by Mrs Taylor

The Sainsbury’s Sport Relief Mile is back – and it’s coming to Leeds.

Yorkshire Sport Foundation will host a Sainsbury’s Sport Relief Mile on Sunday 20 March.

Setting off from Woodhouse Moor, the Yorkshire Sport Foundation Leeds Mile event offers a 1 mile, 3 mile or 6 mile route.

YS found

sport relief

School Council elections

Posted on Thursday 11 February 2016 by Mrs Taylor

It’s was a busy morning at the Moortown Primary School polling station with all classes taking part in our School Council elections.  We’ve had a record number of children choosing to stand as candidates including the majority of the current School Council.  Candidates prepared and delivered some great speeches to their class earlier this week in preparation for the election.

With a number of very close results, the winning candidates were announced in our assembly this afternoon.

Well done to our new school councillors – we are sure you will represent your class well.

The first meeting will be held after the half term on 01 March and one of the initial decisions to be made will be how we can support Sport Relief.
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Measuring lengths

Posted on Tuesday 09 February 2016 by

We did lots of measuring lengths today! At the moment, we’re measuring using objects such as cubes, paper clips and straws. So we may say that the green strip of paper below is about 6 paper clips long. Standard units will be introduced in Year 2.
We took our shoes off, drew around our feet and measured how long they were too!IMG_1191 IMG_1192 IMG_1188

#shareaheart Safer Internet Day

Posted on Tuesday 09 February 2016 by

We were discussing and writing about how we can make the internet safer and happier. We know what our personal information is and why we need to keep this private. We know what to do if we come across something we don’t like on the internet and we know how to treat others when interacting on the internet.
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School Council Elections

Posted on Monday 08 February 2016 by Mrs Taylor

Following in-class election speeches this week, our School Council elections will take place on Thursday, 11 February. All children have the opportunity to vote at our polling station using the following instructions.

Before voting, please read the following:

  • Vote once for one person.
  • Place one X only on this ballot paper beside the name of the candidate you have chosen.
  • Do not write or mark anything else on the ballot paper; if you do, your paper will be invalid and your vote will not be counted.
  • When you have marked the ballot paper, fold the paper and place it in the box provided.


Results will be counted on Thursday and our new School Council will be announced at the end of the day. This will be made up of two children from each class with the highest number of votes.

Good luck to all our candidates.

Phonics fun

Posted on Monday 08 February 2016 by Mr Wilks

We’ve been learning about comparatives and superlatives in phonics this morning. We’ve also been learning about one of our key spelling rules: drop the y for an i.



Posted on Friday 29 January 2016 by

For our PE lesson on Thursdays, we are enjoying dancing to ‘The Carnival of the Animals‘ by Camille Saint-Saëns. It is a musical suite of fourteen movements where each movement represents an animal. We are learning to dance in response to the music. We know to do heavy-footed movements for the elephant music and not move like dainty butterflies!

This week, we focused on movement. We were thinking about how the different animals move and how we can show this with our bodies. We had fun playing games where we had to guess the animal and did some great dancing! Here are some pictures showing some freeze-frames and our animal movement guessing game!



The day the animals came…

Posted on Friday 29 January 2016 by

Animals 1 Animals 2 Animals3

School dinners

Posted on Thursday 28 January 2016 by Mrs Taylor

Our school dinner menu was discussed by our School Council this week.  They also talked about ways to encourage others to try some of the new meals that are on the Spring term menu.

Did you know the menu is available to view on our website and also displayed on our dining room window. This is a good way to make your child aware of what the daily meals are.

The menu follows a three week cycle and it changed on a termly basis.

Here are the options for today.

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