Marvellous measures
A week’s learning about measures ended with lots of measuring of arms, legs and heads. As part of the big topic, Doctor Doctor, measurements of our bodies were compared. Measuring length can be done using non-standard units and standard units. The week was started by measuring with paperclips, dinosaurs and highlighters, then home-made tape measures were used to practise the actual concept of using a tape and then the standard units of centimetres and metres were introduced.
- How many centimetres in a metre?
- Who had the biggest hand span?
- How do you measure a hand span?
…all questions that you can ask Year 1.
Marvellous Magnets
How do you make a metal pin or paperclip move without touching it?
Ask Year 1 children and they will be able to tell you.
PE Days
Please make sure your children have their PE kits in school on Monday and Tuesday as these are our days for PE. This is an essential part of our curriculum so it’s really important that children have the correct clothing so that they can fully participate in these lessons.
Here is a reminder of what they should be wearing for PE (copied from our uniform policy):
PE: children should wear white t-shirt, black shorts / tracksuit bottoms and pumps
Thank you for your support.
A great start to the year!
Year 1 have made a great start to the new school year! They have settled into new routines, listened to a lot of new information and have astounded us with their writing. Everyone has come in smiling and ready to learn and this has meant we have been able to start the year with a great positive attitude.
Here are some photos showing how positively Year 1 have started the school year:
Welcome back!
Hope you have all had an enjoyable summer break.
Mrs Taylor, Mrs Weekes and Mrs Strange look forward to seeing you all tomorrow.
Teacher training!
This morning, the teachers have been learning/recapping how to use the school website to post news, homework and spellings.
New SEAL theme – New beginnings
As we start the new school year, our SEAL (Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning) theme focuses on New beginnings.
We begin this half term with a focus on manners: I can greet someone politely.
Subsequently, I can make someone feel welcome is the first SEAL statement to launch the theme of New beginnings.
New beginnings allows children the opportunity to discuss and reflect on how they or others may feel in a new situation or setting. This SEAL theme offers children the opportunity to see themselves as valued individuals within a community, and to contribute to shaping a welcoming, safe and fair learning community for all.
The key areas of learning throughout this theme are empathy, self-awareness, social skills and motivation.
Through discrete SEAL lessons, circle times and across the curriculum, children will explore feelings of happiness and excitement, sadness, anxiety and fearfulness, while learning (and putting into practice) shared models for calming down and problem-solving.
New beginnings supports the development of a learning community in each classroom where all members feel that they belong. Class contracts, produced at the start of the year, allow children to contribute to how they feel they can achieve a safe and fair learning community.
Time for a Smart Restart?
Coming back to school after the holidays is a great time to make a fresh start and to get into a healthier routine for the new term. Change4Life’s brand new campaign – Smart Restart – has now launched and encourages families to take on one change for the better, for six weeks.
Have you seen the TV advert for the campaign?
Research by Public Health England shows that sticking to a healthy routine right from the start of term can have real benefits. Children that do more physical activity have improved concentration levels, enjoy good relationships with classmates and have fewer reports of problems. It is also associated with lower levels of worry amongst children.
So by signing up for the free Smart Restart, you will receive offers, discounts and lots of support with the free app, emails and texts to help you stick to your chosen healthy change all the way through to half term. You can also enjoy Disney family fun and games in the kids’ zone.
From super lunches to beat the treats, there are a variety of changes to follow. Let us know how you get on.
Thank you and goodbye
Thank you, parents and children, for all the lovely presents, cards and kind words which I received today. I have had a wonderful year teaching Year 1 and I know the children are going to continue to strive at Moortown Primary.
I will miss you all, children; continue to grow in confidence and develop into happy, healthy learners.
- Well done to Hibba, Elias, Pippa, Nico for making excellent progress in your phonics.
- Well done, Oliver and Grace, for representing the Year 1 children on the school council; continue to do such a good job next year.
- Owen and Isobel, I will miss your amazing art creations.
- Harry, always the first ready to learn.
- Well done, Neive, for persevering with your handwriting. You are a star learner.
- Sam, my little helper, you have done a fabulous job sorting out the milk in the mornings. Thank you!
- Hannan, I wish you all the best at your new school.
- Keep up the wonderful maths learning, Stanley, Archie and Noah.
- Will I ever beat you now, Matteo? Our sprint champion!
- It has been wonderful to see Edward, Abi, Brandon and Pohnum grow in confidence this past year.
- Keep up with the reading, Daanyaal and Abdullah – you have worked so hard.
- Well done, Saleem, for being the best tidier.
- Zach: what a super learner you have been this year! Remember to keep up your concentration.
- What lovely friends you are to everyone, Aleena and Nishaan – it is a special quality.
- Megan: such an amazing learner, I will miss our little chats.
- Keep up the great attitude to learning, Matthew and Pavan, and continue with your great progress next year.
- Thank you for all your hard work in your writing Enya – keep it up next year.
Finally, thank you Mrs Strange for keeping us all so organised.
Have a super summer break.
Scooter training
It’s really good to choose to walk, cycle or scoot to school, because:
- it keeps you fit and healthy
- it’s good for the environment (less traffic on the road means less pollution in the air that we breath)
but, it’s really important to stay safe on your journey.
When we walk, cycle or scoot, it’s very important to keep ourselves safe, to try and make sure we are not involved in a road accident.
During Year One, we have taken part in lessons teaching us about road safety. This week we took part in the Leeds City Council Scooter to School initiative. Here are some of the children being put through their paces.