Year 2 Class News


Posted on Sunday 18 October 2015 by Mr Wilks

Last week, Chris, ‘The Den Man’, came into school to challenge us to build strong waterproof shelters for our camping holiday. Both Chris and I were really impressed with the children’s teamwork and resilience. It was a tough challenge and the children had to solve problems on their own. They did brilliantly! Here are some pictures of the afternoon:

Creative homeworks 

Posted on Sunday 18 October 2015 by Mr Wilks

This week’s favourite creative homeworks….


Holiday history

Posted on Thursday 01 October 2015 by Mr Wilks

We’ve been comparing beach holidays from the Victorian age to holidays now. There are a lot of things which have changed but even more that have stayed the same. Check out our Venn diagrams…

Cracking creative homeworks

Posted on Friday 25 September 2015 by Mr Wilks

Each time we do a creative homework, the class pick five of their favourites. Here are this week’s top five:












Getting digital…

Posted on Friday 25 September 2015 by Mr Wilks

This morning we’ve been using laptops to write up some of our work from our English lessons. We’ve used our ICT skills to find a saved document on the school network, then open it, save it correctly and finally start to word process. 


At the beach….

Posted on Wednesday 23 September 2015 by Mr Wilks

The seaside has come to Year 2. Well, kind of. This is our holiday themed reading area. A great place to relax with a book. Just watch out for those pesky seagulls! 


Aerial Art

Posted on Friday 18 September 2015 by Mr Wilks

This afternoon, we’ve created a huge version of the Sky-God from our class novel using some of the repeated patterns we made earlier in the week. 


Finding synonyms…

Posted on Friday 18 September 2015 by Mr Wilks

This morning in our English lesson, we’ve been finding synonyms for some common adjectives.

A synonym is a word or phrase which means the same or nearly the same as another word or phrase.


Even more maths…

Posted on Thursday 17 September 2015 by Mr Wilks

This afternoon we’ve spotted some patterns in our class novel, The Leopard’s Drum, and then created our own pattern.


More maths…

Posted on Thursday 17 September 2015 by Mr Wilks

We’ve also been learning about place value in our maths lessons.