Year 2 Class News

“Run, run, as fast as you can!”

Posted on Friday 07 February 2014 by Mr Roundtree

Having spent three weeks learning, acting out and writing about the Gingerbread Man, Year 2 decided to try and make our own. But did it come to life?

In groups, we seived, beat, stirred and kneaded until we had a rich, brown dough that smelt delicious! We then cut out our Gingerbread shapes and popped them into the oven – just like Granny!



The staff in the office were teased by the tempting scents that wafted in their direction and, with mouths watering, we took out our perfectly cooked Gingerbread. Don’t worry! It wasn’t running!

Here are our decorations.





Hero day

Posted on Monday 27 January 2014 by Mr Roundtree

Friday 24 January saw Year 1 and 2 taken over by heroes! There were some absolutely fabulous hero costumes – from Batman and Thor, to Florence Nightingale, army officers and Amelia Earhart!

Throughout the day, our heroes took on many difficult and challenging tasks, rising to them all with courage, enthusiasm and skill!

In the morning, Year 2 designed their own symmetrical superhero capes in maths.











We used squares to help us on our first design and then moved on to creating symmetrical designs on plain capes.










Our second task was to turn ourselves into superheroes. We thought about what powers we might have, what our name would be and what our superhero costume would look like.

Finally, we created our own superhero cartoon about Moortown Man and his quest to defeat the evil Miss Brookerush to save Year 2! Here is the comic in the making…












Stay tuned to see our finished comic appear in the next few days…

Marshmallow tower challenge!

Posted on Tuesday 21 January 2014 by Mr Roundtree

This week’s R for learning is Resilience. We took on a challenge that would require us to be resilient to be successful.

Using only dried spaghetti and marshmallows, we were challenged to be the team to make the tallest tower! It was a very tricky task that had many of us stumped, but we kept trying. Here’s what we came up with…

We kept trying, even when we found it difficult, showing that we can be resilient! Here’s the winning tower: it came in at 43cm tall, with a 42cm tall close second!


After school-club availability Spring term

Posted on Tuesday 07 January 2014 by Mrs Taylor

We have the following spaces available on the upcoming after-school clubs:


  • Shuffles KS2 FREE 8 places available
  • Art KS1 £20 Full


  • Sports multi-fit KS1 FREE 3 places available
  • Dance and Drama KS2 FREE 5 places available


  • Cookery KS1 £20 Full
  • Dodgeball KS2 FREE Full


  • French KS1 £20 10 places available
  • Scratch Code Club £20 Full


  • TSC football places available

To book your child a place on one of these clubs, please complete the booking form and return to the office by Thursday 09 January 2014.

To book your child onto the TSC Football club, visit TSC direct and follow their booking process.

The TSC Football club starts on 24 January. All other clubs start week commencing 13 January 2014.

Back to school!

Posted on Saturday 04 January 2014 by Mr Roundtree

It’s nearly time for us all to pick up our book bags, brush off our red jumpers and head back to school!

Having had a very happy Christmas and exciting New Year, I’m looking forward to seeing all of Year 2 back in the classroom ready to continue the good learning they did in the Autumn term. See you all on Monday, enjoy the rest of the weekend and get plenty of sleep on Sunday night.

Well done!

Posted on Friday 20 December 2013 by Mr Roundtree

Well done to all of Year 2 for their hard work this term. It’s been very busy with Enterprise week, a school trip, the Christmas fair and, of course, the Christmas production!

I hope you all have a very lovely holiday and a well-earned rest. (I certainly will be!) I look forward to seeing everyone fresh-faced in January.

Merry Christmas!

13 December 2013

Posted on Friday 13 December 2013 by Mr Roundtree

This week’s homework is creative.

I can respond, creatively, to a piece of art.

Each child has one of three pieces of art in their homework book that have been the focus of three art afternoons this week. We would like them to respond to this art in any way they choose but make it creative.

Here are some ideas to start you off:

  • Create your own version of the artwork eg create your own triptych, landscape scene or portrait.
  • Write a description.
  • Write a story thinking about what might happen in your piece of art, or who it is of.
  • Tell us what you think about it.
  • Think about whether you can do any maths, writing or reading connected to it.

Art in maths – Symmetry

Posted on Monday 09 December 2013 by Mr Roundtree

It’s time to get arty in maths this week as we look at symmetry. Today we donned our aprons and used paint to create symmetrical pieces of art. First we tried creating a symmetrical image ourselves, then we painted one side of the paper and folded it in half to make sure it was symmetrical.


Here’s our gallery of symmetry.



Fun fit

Posted on Wednesday 20 November 2013 by Mrs Taylor

The Shuffles Fun Fit after-school club has been running this half-term including a different energetic activity every week.

There has been a mix of street dance, breakdance, multi-sports, short tennis, football coaching, relays & fun games with the main aim to keep the children active and to have fun.

We will continue to offer the club in the Spring and Summer terms and we intend to use some of our PE and school sports government funding to fully subsidise this and other physical activity after-school clubs. Look out for more details when the Spring after-school clubs information is sent out.

‘I like going to Shuffles fun fit club because we do a different fun thing every week.’






Posted on Monday 18 November 2013 by Mrs Taylor

Today is anti-bullying day, part of national anti-bullying week.  Several of our classes have taken part in anti-bullying dance workshops led by Melissa from Flex Dance Inc.  All the artists of the songs used in the whole school performances have been victims of bullying in their lives.  Well done to all the children involved who learned their routines in such a short time and produced very confident performances.

Last week at our latest School Council meeting, all school councillors agreed to keep our current definition of bullying:

Bullying is when you hurt someone, physically or emotionally, more than once and on purpose.

Alongside this definition we have used the following prompts for the children to remember:

  • Several
  • Times
  • On
  • Purpose
  • Start
  • Telling
  • Other
  • People

Advice about bullying is available on a number of websites.  These include Kidscape, Childline, anti-bullying alliance, BBC and ThinkUKnow.  Talk Time homework this week will give you chance to discuss this important topic with your child/children.

Our children tell us they would speak to an adult in school, family or friends if they were to experience bullying or if they saw bullying.

‘I feel safe because school would deal with bullying.’

‘I feel safe at school as there are always teachers there if you ever have any problems.’

‘I feel safe at school because everyone around me looks after me.’

Pupil health questionnaire 2013

If you do have any concerns about bullying, please speak to a member of staff.