Year 2 Class News

New beginnings

Posted on Sunday 21 April 2013 by

Sadly, this half term will be my last here at Moortown. I have a new role as a class teacher in York (much closer to home) which will begin in June. My new job has extra leadership responsibilities so I am looking forward to sharing all of the good and outstanding practice that I have learnt during my time here.

I am currently writing the children’s reports so you will receive them as normal before the end of the school year. SATs will be completed and marked in the next few weeks too.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all parents for being supportive as it has really helped the children to make very good progress so far this year. The class have been an absolute delight to teach and I will miss each and every one them.





Posted on Thursday 18 April 2013 by

The children created symmetrical patterns using peg boards.


Spring term

Posted on Wednesday 10 April 2013 by

It’s been another great term with lots of brilliant learning. Here are some of my highlights:

  • Grace and Addam were voted as our new school councillors.
  • Kostas has settled in and demonstrated excellent learning in maths.
  • Talha and Jack have made excellent progress in reading.
  • Emre has made brilliant progress in his writing.
  • Sarah has made great progress in her maths.

I hope you all have an enjoyable holiday!

Egg rolling… in the snow!

Posted on Sunday 31 March 2013 by Mrs Weekes

Despite the weather, egg rolling still happened in the back playground on Thursday. A path was cleared so there were no snow drifts to contend with and there were some eggstraordinary egg rollers. Here are the winners from each class.

Have a relaxing break.

Super Science Day!

Posted on Thursday 28 March 2013 by Mr Wilks

My task during Super Science Day was to make slime by causing a chemical reaction to happen between different materials. The children worked brilliantly together to make some pretty disgusting, gooey slime!











Super Science Day Talk Time

Posted on Wednesday 27 March 2013 by Mr Roundtree

We don’t normally set specific homework tasks in the holidays, but we encourage you to spend some time discussing the nine science activities your child will have taken part in, especially considering what they have learnt. The learning objectives were:

  • I know that dyes are made up of other colours
  • I know why objects float
  • I can create a gas with a solid and a liquid
  • I know that static electricity creates a charge
  • I know about irreversible changes
  • I know the effects of a chemical reaction
  • I know what exercise does to my body
  • I am aware of acids and alkalis
  • I know what happens when you mix water with oil

Check out the pictures from the day to help jog your child’s memory of each activity… Can they match the learning objective to the photo?


More Super Science Day

Posted on Tuesday 26 March 2013 by

Is it magic? No! We learnt that opposite charges attract so the balloon’s negative charge is attracted to positive charges on clothes, hair and walls. This is what makes them stick to each other.


Super Science Day

Posted on Tuesday 26 March 2013 by

We used static electricity to make the can roll without touching it!


Jumping into art

Posted on Monday 11 March 2013 by Mrs Weekes

Jumping into Art was exactly what Years 1 and 2 did today.  Splats came in today to help us with some drama based on ‘Katie’s Picture Show‘ by James Mayhew.  We explored five different pieces of art by pretending we were actually in the painting – we thought about how it would feel to be involved in the scene.  The whole day was spent making props and learning different parts resulting in a short performance for an audience.  This will be followed up in class with some descriptive writing, recounting our day.  Aaron from Splats said that this was the first school where he had time to rehearse the performance because the children were so responsive and well behaved: “An excellent school and excellent children”.

Splats drama

Posted on Monday 11 March 2013 by
