Jumping into art
Jumping into Art was exactly what Years 1 and 2 did today. Splats came in today to help us with some drama based on ‘Katie’s Picture Show‘ by James Mayhew. We explored five different pieces of art by pretending we were actually in the painting – we thought about how it would feel to be involved in the scene. The whole day was spent making props and learning different parts resulting in a short performance for an audience. This will be followed up in class with some descriptive writing, recounting our day. Aaron from Splats said that this was the first school where he had time to rehearse the performance because the children were so responsive and well behaved: “An excellent school and excellent children”.
Polling station opens early
As you know Moortown Primary is used for a polling station in May. Tradition was broken this week when we became a polling station on a Thursday in March; the councillors being elected were not from the local government but from each class in school. Well done to all those children who prepared and made speeches and congratulations to those who were elected.
Packed lunch treat
Faizaan, Year 6, shares a recipe and healthy eating information from change4life.
Today, Year 6 have been talking about change4life and how you can make your health better. Why not take a look at their website: (http://www.nhs.uk/Change4Life). Furthermore, change4life looks at how you can swap unhealthy food for healthy foods and check for ‘hidden nasties’ like salt and fat through their ‘Be Food Smart’ campaign (http://www.nhs.uk/change4life/pages/be-food-smart.aspx). There are lots of recipes you can choose, from breakfasts to healthier alternatives to pudding and snacks.
Today we have made apple, apricot and sultana squares, ‘a healthier take on flapjack’, really easy to make and we gave them the thumbs up! The ingredients could even be changed to include different fruits. We’re going to try making them at home.
- 100g butter
- 4 tbsp golden syrup
- 250g porridge oats
- 1 apple cored and chopped
- 50g ready-to-eat apricots chopped
- 50g sultanas
- ½ tsp ground mixed spice (optional)
- 1 egg beaten
What to do:
1. Preheat the oven to Gas Mark 4/180°C/ fan oven 160°C. Grease a 23cm (9inch) shallow square cake tin with a little reduced fat spread, then line the base with baking parchment or greaseproof paper
2. Melt the remaining reduced fat spread in a large saucepan with the golden syrup. Take care that the mixture doesn’t get too hot.
3. Remove the pan from the heat and add the porridge oats, apple, apricots, sultanas or raisins and mixed spice (if using). Stir well, add the beaten egg and mix again.
4. Tip the mixture into the prepared tin and level the surface. Bake for 20-25 minutes until firm. Cool in the tin for about 20 minutes, then cut into 16 squares.
What is a treasure?
This is the question we have been asking for a few weeks now. On Monday 11 March we are having a drama day looking at art and how it is treasured by lots of different people. “Katie’s Picture Show” looks at different pieces of art through the eyes of a young girl. Splats are a company we have worked with before and we would like to invite you to share the learning of the day. There will be a short performance at 2.30 pm on 11 March; please come along if you can.
Thank you.
Top tips in maths
In recent weeks, our maths focus has been adding and subtracting. We’ve practised using number lines to count on in jumps of 1, 2 and 10. Some children have also begun to learn the column method. Why not practise counting in tens from different numbers when you’re walking to school? Start at any number, and add (or subtract) ten as you walk along: 46, 56, 66, 76…
We’re currently learning all about data. We’ve read information in pictograms and bar graphs. We created our own graphs in ICT, too. In the next few weeks, we’ll learn to multiply, divide and know about fractions. Why not try discussing fractions with your child when you next cut a cake or a pizza, or or when you look at the segments in fruit or chunks in chocolate bars?
Top tips for reading
The children’s reading and writing in Year 2 is coming on well. Remember to keep checking your child’s understanding of what they are reading. Here are some tips to help you:
- Find the word / phrase that tells me that…
- How is the character feeling on page _? How do you know?
- What is the problem in the story? How do you think it will be solved?
- Why are there words in bold / capitals / italics?
- Was there a meaning / moral to the story?
What do you treasure?
Over the next few weeks, we’re going to become artists using photography. Our iPads will be used to record treasures that are important to us. We will use these photos to create collages of our treasures. Please can your child be ready to bring in two or three items that are important to them and be ready to explain why it is a treasure. Children may want to bring in a certificate, a medal, a photograph, a souvenir or perhaps a toy that has a special meaning. Please make sure children have their treasures in school by Friday 08 March. They will be returned to you at the end of the day on Friday. Thank you.