School Council elections 2013
Today, during our whole class assembly, we launched our annual school council elections.
Our current school council feel these qualities are very important in a school councillor:
- Good listener
- Confident speaker who is prepared to contribute in school council meetings and feedback to their class
- Has lots of realistic ideas and suggestions to improve the school
- Good decision-maker
- Works co-operatively with others
Other key points about the election include:
- Two members of each class, including Reception, make up the school council.
- Current and previous school councillors are welcome to stand again in the elections.
- Children can vote once for one person.
- Children can vote for themselves – just like in a UK election.
- Vote for the candidate with the best qualities to make a good councillor – don’t just vote for a friend.
- Good school councillors represent the class well – always!
If your child is interested in representing their class on the school council, they need to prepare a speech to present to their class. This will be the homework for this week.
Here are the key dates for the election process:
Friday 01 March
Homework to prepare a speech for those children interested in becoming a school councillor.
Wednesday 06 March / Thursday 07 March
Speeches from all the candidates to their class.
Thursday 07 March
Children vote for their chosen candidate. Results counted.
Friday 08 March
New school councillors announced.
Good luck to all children who choose to stand as candidates and thank you to the current school council for their valuable contributions and decision-making over the last year.
Try a school dinner
Over this term, we’re offering the chance for you to have a school dinner with your child(ren).
This is open to all children: those who currently have a school dinner and those who’d like to try them.
The dates for these sessions are:
- Years 5 and 6: Friday 01 March, 12.20pm
- Years 1 and 2:Friday 08 March, 12 noon
- Reception: Friday 15 March, 12 noon
- Years 3 and 4: Friday 22 March, 12.20pm
The cost is £2.65 for an adult meal and £1.90 for children in Reception to Year 4 and £1.95 for children in Years 5 and 6. There is obviously no extra charge if they already have a school dinner.
If you would like to sample a school dinner please ask at the office to secure your place as they will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.
Class Assembly
Thank you for coming to see our class assembly on Thursday. We appreciate the positive feedback, too. Here are a few of the comments:
- “Informative and lots of fun while learning.”
- “Lovely clear voices and beautiful singing.”
- “Well done. I learnt lots about electricity. What a wonderful performance.”
Class Assembly
We invite you to join us for our class assembly on Thursday 31 January 2013 at 2.40pm.
Apologies for the previous mix up with the date.