Year 2 Class News

Goodbye Year 2

Posted on Monday 09 July 2012 by

If I had a pound for every wobbly tooth I’ve been shown this year, I’d be a rich woman!

This is just one of the many delights which I have discovered teaching in Year 2 brings. It has been an enjoyable year with lots of interesting stories from weekends away or days out (Sam and Brandon particularly)! I’ve learnt more facts about sharks than I ever thought possible (Oliver, Levon and Ethan)! Ravinder and Arranhave provided many thought-provoking questions with their ever-enquiring minds, whilst Alex and Katarina have wowed us with their confidence and ability to settle in to new surroundings.

As I enjoy being active, I was pleased to discover that the class love PE and that they have been enthusiastic about taking part in sporting events. Zach was even the first child from Moortown Primary to cross the finish line at the Roundhay Fun Run! Archie, Shriyaa, Bailey, Jahneil, Lanas and Molly were keen to take part in the Wake Up! Shake Up! competition which meant I got to hear lots more of my favourite band, One Direction! Pavan, Simran and Isabella have demonstrated a talent for gymnastics and Tayshaun never fails to impress us with his football skills (remember us when you’re famous Mr Lennon)!

Other successes of the year include:

  • Superstar mathematician Henry who’s made great progress
  • Roshan’s big improvements in reading
  • Ibrahim putting 100% effort into his learning
  • Ahmed’s amazingly creative homework
  • Shahban’s accurate observational drawings
  • Jawaad’s ability to make us jump with his animated expression when reading a story
  • Jaskirat’s fantastic handwriting
  • Yahya’s helpful contributions as school councillor
  • Rayhaan’s ability to be ready to learn at all times

And…. not forgetting Linda’s brilliant performance in the Christmas production!

Thank you to Mrs Stewart for all of her help with class routines and the children’s learning. Finally, thank you to all of the parents this year for continued support with your child’s learning – it really does make a difference! I wish all of Year 2 an enjoyable time with Mr Wilks in Year 3.

Have a lovely summer.

Miss Hewson













Dance Showcase

Posted on Monday 09 July 2012 by

Well done to the children who took part in the Dance Showcase at Allerton Grange. Thank you to Tracey for choreographing a fantastic routine which involved lifts and the children making use of the whole stage.

Dance showcase

Wake Up! Shake Up!

Posted on Monday 09 July 2012 by

Well done to our Year 1 and 2 children on reaching the final of the Key Stage 1 Wake Up! Shake Up! competition. The children put a lot of effort into practising and were an absolute delight to take to represent our school. Thank you to the parents of the children for helping with lifts and coming along to support us.

Feeling proud

Learning about symmetry

Posted on Monday 09 July 2012 by

Creating symmetrical patterns

Yoga fun

Posted on Monday 09 July 2012 by

We were lucky enough to enjoy a morning of yoga last week. Here are some of the children enjoying the relaxing benefits.

Yoga experts

Creative homework

Posted on Monday 09 July 2012 by

How to stay safe at the seaside Lego model


Posted on Friday 22 June 2012 by

Take a look at our class kenning poem. Can you guess what animal it is?

A poisonous-spitter

A mouse-eater

A stealthy-slitherer

A camouflaged-rattler

A deadly killer!

Jubilee Day

Posted on Tuesday 19 June 2012 by

Year 2 looked great on our Jubilee day. They even had a visit from the Queen!

Jubilee fun


Fun Run

Posted on Tuesday 19 June 2012 by


Fun Run
About to cross the finishing line!


The journey home

Posted on Tuesday 19 June 2012 by

On the bus
Having a rest after a busy day.