Year 2 Class News

Outdoor PE

Posted on Friday 23 September 2011 by

Great throwing and catching skills!
Great throwing and catching skills!

Number work

Posted on Friday 23 September 2011 by

The boys look pleased with their learning here!
The boys look pleased with their learning here!


Posted on Friday 23 September 2011 by

This half term, your child will practise his / her number skills.  So far, we’ve learnt about multiples of numbers and odd and even numbers.  We’ll soon be focusing on using methods to add and subtract. To help your child at home, you could practise counting forwards and backwards from random numbers in 1s, 2s and 10s.


Posted on Friday 23 September 2011 by

We’ve been focusing our learning on using capital letters and full stops properly.  To help your child at home, please make sure your child can write their full name with capital letters. Perhaps you could look for words that use capitals in reading books – look for words such as names of places and days of the week.

Recently, we’ve used describing words to make our sentences more interesting and we’ll soon be learning about the features of stories and writing our own, too!

Spellings will go home on Fridays and be tested the following week – your help with learning the words – a little time each night – is needed here, please.


Posted on Friday 23 September 2011 by

We’ve started the year with a mini-topic associated with sound.  We’ve been identifying sounds, thinking about how sounds are made and how we can change the volume and pitch of sounds.

Next week, we have a themed week: ‘Staying Safe’.

Our big topic this term is ‘Doctor! Doctor!’  We’ll discuss how people in the emergency services help us, how our bodies work and how to stay healthy. Your child will also learn about historical figures such as Mary Seacole and Florence Nightingale.  There’ll be a variety of art and DT activities, too.  This topic provides us with the opportunity to invite lots of people in for talks and we’re also planning a trip.  Our class novel is George’s Marvellous Medicine – you might like to read this along at home as well as in school.

Staying Safe themed week 26 September

Posted on Friday 16 September 2011 by Mrs Taylor

We are looking for parents / carers who have a job related to safety.

If you can spare some time, during our Staying Safe themed week (26 September), to come in to talk to the children about how safety affects your work please speak to your child’s class teacher or leave a message at the office.

Thank you.

General information

Posted on Thursday 15 September 2011 by

PE will be on Thursdays and Fridays. Please ensure PE kits with outdoor trainers and pumps are in school on these days (or have them in on Monday and take them home on Friday every week!).

Show and Tell will be on Thursdays. Four children will be chosen each week to bring in something such as a certificate, a medal or a souviner. The focus will be on children’s speaking and listening skills. Encourage your child to prepare at home first by thinking about who, what, why, where and when (our five Ws).

Welcome back!

Posted on Thursday 08 September 2011 by

I hope you’ve all had an enjoyable summer!

I’m Miss Hewson and this will be my fourth year here at Moortown Primary School.  I have taught Year Four for the past three years so I’m looking forward to the new challenge of teaching the Year Two class.  I’m sure that we have an exciting year ahead!

Many of you I will have met from teaching siblings of this class and I look forward to seeing you all again.  For those of you that I don’t already know, I look forward to meeting you . Parents’ evening will be in October.  In the meantime, if you have any questions please feel free to come see me anytime.  Mrs Stewart will be our teaching assistant this year and is often available to answer queries too.

New SEAL statement and theme

Posted on Sunday 04 September 2011 by Mrs Taylor

As we start the new school year, our SEAL (Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning) theme focuses on New Beginnings and ‘I can make someone feel welcome is the statement for this week.

New Beginnings

New beginnings allows children the opportunity to discuss and reflect on how they or others may feel in a new situation or setting.  This SEAL theme offers children the opportunity to see themselves as valued individuals within a community, and to contribute to shaping a welcoming, safe and fair learning community for all.

The key areas of learning throughout this theme are empathy, self-awareness, social skills and motivation.

Through discrete SEAL lessons, circle times and across the curriculum, children will explore feelings of happiness and excitement, sadness, anxiety and fearfulness, while learning (and putting into practice) shared models for calming down and problem-solving.

New beginnings supports the development of a learning community in each classroom where all members feel that they belong.  Class contracts, produced at the start of the year, allow children to contribute to how they feel they can achieve a safe and fair learning community.

Year 2, Class of 2011

Posted on Tuesday 26 July 2011 by


It was our intention to give every child a DVD containing all of the videos from this year but unfortunately the school is unable to distribute them because for legal reasons. Check back next week for a slideshow of this year’s memorable photographs.