Year 2 Class News

Little Miss Paramedic

Posted on Thursday 01 December 2011 by

Trying the helmet out for size!
Trying the helmet out for size!

Doctor! Doctor!

Posted on Thursday 01 December 2011 by

A doctor in the making!
A doctor in the making!

A day in the life of a paramedic

Posted on Thursday 01 December 2011 by

Thank you to Richard (Indi’s dad) for talking to Year 1 and 2 about his job as a paramedic. We learned lots and were even able to try out some of the equipment!

Trying out the equipment.
Trying out the equipment

General information

Posted on Friday 18 November 2011 by

It was lovely to meet you all properly at Parents’ Evening. Thank you for taking a strong interest in your child’s learning. Many parents were keen to help even more at home. I hope the handwriting example has been helpful. Examples of what your child is expected to know by the end of Year 2 will be sent home shortly. Also, thank you for coming to see our assembly. I know the children loved showing you all what they have learned.


Posted on Wednesday 16 November 2011 by Mrs Weekes

As you know, Year 1 and Year 2 went to Eureka museum in Halifax on Tuesday 15 November.  The main focus of our day was in the learning area known as “Me and My Body.”  Our learning included the way our mouths work, how fast we breathe and how our skeletons move.

Look at all those teeth!
autumn 2 11 041
What big eyes you have!
Some time was spent in an enormous sandpit!
autumn 2 11 025
autumn 2 11 026
Before we left there was some banking to be done and some shopping, not to mention some repair work on a broken down car.
autumn 2 11 050autumn 2 11 060autumn 2 11 054

What a tiring day…

autumn 2 11 067…just time for a snooze on the way home.

Super Sculptures!

Posted on Wednesday 09 November 2011 by Mrs Weekes

It is not only children who are involved in learning.  On Tuesday, all of the teaching staff were involved in a Art workshop and some super sculptures were produced.

Check out the new member of our school community, Sebastian.

Mrs Burke, Mrs Weekes, Mrs Maver and Miss Hewson worked together to sculpt using newspaper and modrock and this is the result.

Look out for him in the middle building.

art sculptures 001art sculptures 002

Remember, Remember…

Posted on Thursday 03 November 2011 by

… Thursday 10th November!

It’s our class assembly. We look forward to seeing you there at 2.40.

Hobby Half Day

Posted on Saturday 29 October 2011 by

DSC06084Check out our fantastic photos of our first Hobby Half Day!

Children from Year 1 to Year 6 had the opportunity to participate in an afternoon of learning something new. The activities ranged from everyday baking and cooking to the unusual: creating their own carbon footprint.

DSC06092 DSC06090

Staying safe around dogs

Posted on Friday 30 September 2011 by

We enjoyed the visit from the charity Dogs’ Trust as part of Staying Safe week.Linda the expert dog handler.
An expert dog handler

Fireman Sam!

Posted on Friday 30 September 2011 by

A fireman in the making.
A fireman in the making.