Easy Peasy Publishers
Year 2 were treated to a literary delight this week. Year 6 have designed, constructed and written some fabulous books, taking their inspiration from Roger Hargreaves’ Easy Peasy books. Year 6 then shared these with Year 2 and they thoroughly enjoyed it!
Some of our Year 2 children even read the Easy Peasy books to the Year 6s!
More success at Moortown!
The Quality Mark is a recognition that some schools choose to work towards to help them monitor what they do for their learners and to celebrate successes within school. Because Ofsted chose not to inspect our school this year due to our continued good provision, we welcome feedback from other external bodies. This year, therefore, we decided to be re-assessed for the Quality Mark.
The re-assessment visit happened on Monday 16 May 2011. I’m delighted to say we’ve yet again been recognised for the great teaching and learning at Moortown. Here are some extracts of the visiting assessor’s report:
“The assessor felt that this was one of the most impressive visits he has ever made in nine years of visiting Quality Mark schools. David, the head, has lots of plans – he needs no points of action or areas to develop suggested from us. It was a privilege to visit.”
“Since the monitoring visit, the school has accomplished an impressive amount of progress.”
“The school has radically reshaped the intervention programme it operates with pupils… It has put into action what many other schools are now realising – that the huge weight of strategies that have been recommended to schools over the past ten years are of limited effectiveness unless they are tailored to exactly what the pupil needs at the time that s/he needs it.”
“Classrooms all show consistency of approach in teaching – learning objectives visible, use of speaking and listening partners, learning walls for each class… Consistency in marking of writing is assured through a detailed and very clear marking policy. The Year 6 pupils who showed the assessor around school were at pains to draw his attention to these features and kept up a running commentary of how pupils learn (including telling the assessor that in the Reception class it’s ‘learning through play, you know!’).”
“Moortown has successfully devised and implemented a curriculum and teaching methodology that involves pupils in their own learning, is rigorous and demanding whilst at the same time makes learning an enjoyable experience for pupils.”
Thanks to the dedication and support of staff, parents / carers and children, I know we do a fantastic job at Moortown. It’s great to know that visitors to school are struck by this great work, too.
I’m grateful to the five parents who spoke with the Quality Mark assessor, and to the two Y6 pupils who provided a tour of the school.
Ralph(ina) the hamster comes to Moortown!
Year 2 had a very special visitor this week. Ralph (or Ralphina due to recent discoveries) came to say hello to all his friends at Moortown – I apologise to those parents battling with their child’s requests for their own furry friend! Ralph behaved impeccably despite being woken up in the middle of his sleep.

We wanted the children to have some first hand experience of nocturnal animals and they were enthralled, with everyone having the opportunity to have a stroke. If you are considering getting a hamster or just want to know a little bit more about them, you can find out more here.

Rural Reading
Year 2 have been making the most of splendid weather, by reading in new places.
Roald Dahl Book Fair
The Circus is Coming to Moortown!
Symmetry in Shapes

Splendid Symmetry

Christmas Hat Competition
Born In A Barn
Who was born in the barn one cold and wintry evening? If you come and see our Christmas performance on Tuesday 14 or Wednesday 15 December then you’ll find out. It’s not too late to get your tickets! Come and listen to the singing donkey, various sheep and cows, a wise owl and a very noisy cockerel. Looking forward to seeing you.
Join in our celebrations!
Key Stage One and Foundation Stage Christmas Performance