Year 2 Class News

Skipping school

Posted on Thursday 19 January 2023 by Mrs Lake

Today, we welcomed Katie from skipping school into school for the morning. Year 2 have had a fantastic morning learnings lots of different skills in preparation for the skipping festival in the summer. Over the next few months, we will be practising all the different skips we have been taught in PE lesson and at playtimes. We really encourage children to practise at home too. Skipping ropes are available to purchase from school.

Well done, Year 2!

Posted on Wednesday 18 January 2023 by Mrs Taylor

A HUGE well done to all the children this afternoon for performing so well in their second class assembly of the year. Thank you for coming to share this with them.

We are very proud of their confidence to speak in front of such a big audience and for taking responsibility to learn their lines and the songs and poems.

There’s a class reward for them tomorrow!

Class assembly reminder Wednesday 18th January

Posted on Friday 13 January 2023 by Mrs Taylor

We look forward to welcoming you to our second class assembly next Wednesday.

The children are looking forward to sharing their learning.

The assembly starts at 2:40pm. We hope to see you there!

Living and Learning: drug education

Posted on Thursday 12 January 2023 by Mrs Taylor

In our latest Living and Learning lessons, we’ve been learning about safety around medicines and household products.

We considered:

What are medicines?

What do they look like?

How are they used?

Why do people use them?

The children had lots to share about their experiences of taking different medicines and what they are used for.

Using different scenarios, we thought about what would be the best things to help. Sometimes a hug, some water, rest, a tissue or sleep can be enough to help someone feel better and medicine might not be needed.

Then, we considered safety rules at home and how to keep themselves and others safe.

We sorted the following safety rules depending on whether they were true or false or if it depends on the situation.

In some more scenarios, we thought about why the situation was unsafe and what the character could do to prevent a danger.

We shouldn’t take someone else’s medicine. It is just for them.

Medicine should only be given by adults.

These might be tablets so they shouldn’t touch them.

They should tell an adult they have found them.

Help at home: please reinforce this key safety message at home. Make sure your child is aware of possible dangers at home, such as medicines and household products, and how to seek help if they need it.

Spring term after-school clubs

Posted on Wednesday 11 January 2023 by Mrs Taylor


We are geographers!

Posted on Friday 06 January 2023 by Mrs Lake

This half term, our topic will focus on Geography. Our topic is called ‘The streets around our school’. We will be focusing on the environment we live in, any local issues and finding solutions to issues in our locality.

We are becoming geographers – a type of scientist who studies the Earth. Geographers study the land (the physical features of the Earth) and the people who live within it (the human features).

To kick start the topic, we have been reading the book ‘Here we are’ by Oliver Jeffers.  Talk to your child about the important messages in this book.

Here We Are — Oliver Jeffers

We looked on Google earth to see where we lived in comparison to the whole Earth. We know that we live in the continent Europe. The country England and the city Leeds. We looked at Moortown Primary School and Moortown park on Google Earth.

Try going on Google Earth at home. Can you find your house and places you like to visit?

Have a happy and healthy Christmas break

Posted on Wednesday 14 December 2022 by Mrs Taylor

Well done to the cast of Wriggly Nativity! It was great to welcome you into school to watch our first in person Christmas production for a few years.

We hope you agree that the children did a fantastic job and we are very proud of them all.

Mrs Taylor, Mrs Lake and Mrs Roth would like to wish you all a very merry Christmas and we look forward to seeing all the children in 2023!

Wriggly Nativity and party dates

Posted on Monday 12 December 2022 by Mrs Taylor

As we begin the final week of the autumn term, here are some reminders of events happening this week.

Reception, Y1 & Y2 will present their Christmas production, ‘A Wriggly Nativity’.

There will be two performances:

Tuesday 13 December – 2.15pm – 3.00pm

Wednesday 14 December – 2.15pm – 3.00pm

Please specify which day you would like to attend via school gateway under the payments section.

16 December

Non-uniform day

Reception, Y1 & Y2 Christmas party



Posted on Friday 09 December 2022 by Mrs Taylor

This half term, we’ve had two parts to our science learning – seasonal changes and the scientist, John Dunlop.

Here’s the vocabulary we have been using in our learning.

First of all, we thought about what changes across the seasons. We learnt some information from this video.

  • weather
  • temperature
  • clothes we wear
  • how much sunlight there is
  • animals and other living things

We also read this poem as one of our weekly fluency texts.

We’ve been checking the weekly temperature and weather on a weekly basis. Ask your child about the temperature this week and how we measure it.

We’ve also been learning all about the famous scientist, John Dunlop and for homework this week, you can find out more about him with your child.

Wriggly Nativity

Posted on Friday 02 December 2022 by Mr McGriffiths

The children are very excited about our upcoming production of ‘Wriggly Nativity’ in the last week of term.

We have found a playlist of all the songs we have been learning in school on Youtube. (link here) We would be really grateful if you could practise the songs at home.

Thank you for your support,

Year 1 and 2 team.