Being healthy themed week: bike safety
Thank you to Stu and Alex from Edinburgh Bicycle Cooperative, based in Chapel Allerton, for visiting this during our Being Healthy week.
They were kept busy by checking lots of bikes to ensure they were safe to use. Thank you to everyone who brought their bike into school.
Then, Year 5 and 6 learnt some different bike maintenance tips to do on their own bikes.
Living and Learning: Being Healthy themed week – d:side visit
On Tuesday, we had a visit from Dave from d:side. Dave talked to us about keeping our body healthy.
There are three things that should go in our body (also known as our basic needs which is part of our current science learning). These are:
- food
- water
- air
If we have all these things, we might still get poorly so Dave reminded us of keeping safe around medicines and who should (and shouldn’t) give us medicines.
But where does the food, water and air go in our body?
We learnt about different parts of our body and where they are found. We recreated it correctly too!
Help at home: Ask your child, what were the different parts of the body we learnt about?
Living and Learning: Being Healthy themed week – Active Tuesday
Over the course of the Being Healthy themed week, Year 2 worked on improving a physical activity skill and we saw improvements in the children’s personal bests.
Teamwork, speed and looking skills were needed for this active treasure hunt. How quick could each team find the different locations on the school grounds?
Help at home: ask your child how much physically activity they should have in a day?
Living and Learning: Being Healthy themed week – healthy teeth
Instructions are currently part of our writing learning and so we tied this in with our Being Healthy themed week.
First of all, we watched this video that gave us lots of tips for how to look after our teeth.
We worked in groups to sequence instructions for how to brush our teeth and we identified the imperative verbs in each instruction.
Help at home: can your child retell the instructions and can they remember why it’s important not to rinse after spitting out.
Living and Learning: Being Healthy themed week – Mindful Monday
We kicked off the Being Healthy themed week with Mindful Monday recognising that our mental health is as important as our physical health.
Mindfulness can make you calm.
Mindfulness is good for you because it can make you feel relaxed and calm down your feelings.
Mindfulness is good because it helps your mental health.
We regularly have mindfulness time after lunchtimes but today was chance to add some more techniques to the ones we already know (self hug, ok breathing, breathing tree, starfish meditation and back to back breathing).
Yoga is a great way to help our mental health and Vikki from The Yoga House came to teach us some yoga poses and relaxation.
I enjoyed the yoga because it made me feel really relaxed.
I liked the yoga because it made me feel really joyful and active.I loved the yoga because it made me feel calm and made my worries float away.
I liked it because I enjoy doing yoga at home.
I loved the yoga because when you have shavasana time, you feel relaxed and I had lots of deep breaths.
Help at home: discuss these relaxation techniques with your child. Which is their favourite and which works for them? Also, have a look at our mindfulness guide for more ideas to try at home.
Being Healthy themed week 10 July
Our next whole school themed week, based around Being Healthy, will be taking place from Monday 10th July. This is the second of two themed weeks in the year.
Living and learning: body image
Our latest Living and Learning sessions have been focussed on body image and we started this learning by thinking about what is special about our own identity and how we can describe our own identity in terms of our physical appearance.
We also thought of other ways we might be different, on the inside as well as the outside. For example, we don’t all have the same personality and characteristics and we have different interests and hobbies.
We agreed that being different is a good thing and it should be celebrated as it would be boring if we were all the same!
I am different because I have a different family to others.
I am different because I have a different skin and hair colour to my friend.
I am different because I like dogs but my friend is allergic to them.
Moortown Lego Legends
This week, we had a presentation from six members of the class, also known as Moortown Lego Legends, to share their project they have been working on for the last four months. The class had lots of questions to ask them.
They have worked together as a team on a great Lego and coding project, putting into practice some of their programming skills learnt earlier this year in our computing topic, while also learning about sustainable energy sources.
Well done to all the children involved and thank you to the parents for supporting them in this learning out of school.
Lotherton Hall Trip
On Wednesday, Year 2 enjoyed a day out of school to Lotherton Hall. It was jam-packed day of sunshine, smiles and wildlife!
As part of our science learning this half term, we enjoyed a workshop called ‘who eats who’. In the workshop we looked at lots of science vocabulary: herbivore, carnivore, omnivore, prey, predator and producer.
The Year 2 children were brilliant at identifying skulls from different animals by looking at the size, teeth and features.
Before we left, we enjoyed time climbing and enjoying the park grounds and playgrounds.
Help at home by discussing your child’s biological knowledge. This links well with this week’s Talk Time homework.
Design and technology: food
This week, Year 2 have been using their design and technology food preparation skills to make our latest recipe, fruit bars.
After the cooking, we carried out the evaluation of the product and we enjoyed the tasting all together.
I liked the fruit bars because you could really taste the coconut and honey but next time I would change the apricots more dates or raisins.
I liked it because it was really crunchy. I would change it next time by adding blackberries.
I didn’t like the bars because of the seeds. Next time, I would leave the seeds out.
I liked the bars because it was sweet from the honey.
I really liked it because I could all the ingredients. Next time, I would take the seeds out and I would replace them with watermelon.
I liked the fruit bars as I liked the apricots but I would eliminate the seeds and replace them with dried berries.
It was so good that I want another one.
Help at home: Ask your child/children what food preparation skills they have used in this learning and can they demonstrate these at home.