Wriggly Nativity and party dates
As we begin the final week of the autumn term, here are some reminders of events happening this week.
Reception, Y1 & Y2 will present their Christmas production, ‘A Wriggly Nativity’.
There will be two performances:
Tuesday 13 December – 2.15pm – 3.00pm
Wednesday 14 December – 2.15pm – 3.00pm
Please specify which day you would like to attend via school gateway under the payments section.
16 December
Non-uniform day
Reception, Y1 & Y2 Christmas party
This half term, we’ve had two parts to our science learning – seasonal changes and the scientist, John Dunlop.
Here’s the vocabulary we have been using in our learning.
First of all, we thought about what changes across the seasons. We learnt some information from this video.
- weather
- temperature
- clothes we wear
- how much sunlight there is
- animals and other living things
We also read this poem as one of our weekly fluency texts.
We’ve been checking the weekly temperature and weather on a weekly basis. Ask your child about the temperature this week and how we measure it.
We’ve also been learning all about the famous scientist, John Dunlop and for homework this week, you can find out more about him with your child.
Wriggly Nativity
The children are very excited about our upcoming production of ‘Wriggly Nativity’ in the last week of term.
We have found a playlist of all the songs we have been learning in school on Youtube. (link here) We would be really grateful if you could practise the songs at home.
Thank you for your support,
Year 1 and 2 team.
Bethan Woollvin Webinar
This morning Year 1 and 2 had a very special online visitor. The author and illustrator Bethan Woollvin spoke to both classes about her work, how she creates her stories and what she likes about being an author and illustrator. We have been reading lots of her stories in class so we were very excited!
She read us the story Little Red and then gave us a tour of her studio including showing us some of her sketchbooks, it was very interesting! Bethan then showed us how to draw Little Red in a draw along session. We concentrated very hard and we were very proud of our drawings!
Finally, we got to ask Bethan some questions and hear her answers. We asked some terrific questions and we were very grateful for Bethan to give her time for such a wonderful webinar! Hopefully, it can inspire some new authors or illustrators in Year 1 and 2!
Skipping ropes
We continue to work with Skipping School as part of the Year 2 and Year 4 skipping festivals.
While you might be thinking about Christmas presents, we have skipping ropes available to purchase from school for a subsidised price of £3. These are available in two sizes and a range of colours.
Daily poem
We continue to read a variety of texts in class and this is our daily poem for this week, The north wind doth blow.
Ask your child to perform this for you – the signs we have learnt can help with this. We’ve had some great performances in class so far.
Living and Learning: mental health
This week, Year 2, with the help of some of the characters from the Beano, have been learning about a range of emotions.
Emotions are feelings. They can change all the time.
We all experience a whole range of emotions, from anger to happiness to fear.
Looking at someone’s face and their body language can help us to understand how others might be feeling.
How might Dennis be feeling? What clues tell you this?
We discussed why it is important to recognise and talk about our emotions and how to seek help with our feelings or if we notice a friend might need help.
Next week, we will be thinking about self care techniques that can help us to look after our own mental health. Mindfulness is one example of a self care technique. We do lots of mindfulness techniques in class – ask your child to share them with you. Also, look out for the wellbeing bingo for you to try at home.
Live webinar with author Alex Willmore
On Thursday, Year 1 and 2 met author Alex Willmore (virtually) in a live webinar. It was great for the children to be inspired by Alex’s storytelling, illustrations and the introduction of his new book ‘ I DID see a mammoth!’.
As well as enjoying Alex’s new book, all the children followed Alex’s live drawing to draw their own mammoth. Alex talked about how he became an author and gave the children tips of how to create their own stories.
Living and Learning: Anti-bullying Day and Odd Socks Day
Today has been a themed day all about anti-bullying as part of the national Anti-Bullying Week. We’ve also worn our odd socks to celebrate that we are all individual, unique and different.
First of all, we had to decide if these situations were bullying.
We discussed this in groups and after looking at our school definition of bullying, we decided that we didn’t know. This was just one incident and we didn’t know if it had happened several times.
We used drama to consider how children might feel if they were being bullied and how it would affect their mental health.
I feel sad because they are pointing and laughing at me.
I will say to the teacher that they are bullying me.
I feel upset because they are hurting my feelings.
I feel disappointed as they are leaving me out and being mean.
Our child friendly anti-bullying policy talks about an important message if you are being bullied – Start Telling Other People. The children all thought about who and how they could ask for help.
Ask your child about our two STOP acronyms: Several Times On Purpose and Start Telling Other People – one’s a definition of bullying and the other’s a solution.
Finally, we read the story, We are wonders by R J Palacio which shares the message that we are all wonders because of our differences and we should show respect to each other.
‘Look with kindness and you will always find wonder.’
Well done, Year 2, for some great discussions and understanding about this important topic today.
Junior leaders
Today, our new junior leaders met for the first time.
As part of the meeting, they reviewed our school definition of bullying and our child friendly anti-bullying policy prior to anti-bullying day next Monday.
They also reminded the class about Odd Socks Day, which is also on Monday, that celebrates our individuality.