Year 2 Class News

Computing – Beebots

Posted on Friday 01 April 2022 by Mrs Lake

During our Computing topic this half term, we have been learning all about algorithms. These are sets of instructions and we can use them to program computers. We have practised writing our own algorithms as well as debugging (fixing) them. This week, we thoroughly enjoyed putting out computing knowledge of algorithms into action with the beebots. We can now write algorithms to programme a Beebot to make a shape and to navigate it through a maze with obstacles in the way. We made sure to write down our algorithm first and then debug it if it went wrong. It was great fun!



Living and Learning: First aid

Posted on Thursday 31 March 2022 by Mrs Taylor

Our Living and Learning focus has been first aid over the last two weeks.

The children have learnt how the emergency services can help others, what is first aid and what situations might need someone to give first aid.

Listen again to a 999 call that was made by a 6 year old when her mum collapsed.  We heard the key questions that would be asked if someone needed to call 999.

What emergency service do you need? Where are you? What happened?

Then, we thought about some of the injuries and illnesses that might happen that would mean they need first aid (inside the outline of the person).

Then, we drew a line from the injury to the outside of the outline of the person, thinking about what first aid the person might need to help them recover.

Around the outer edge of the person we added some things you could say to someone to comfort them.


Posted on Wednesday 30 March 2022 by Mrs Taylor

This half term, our science learning has been all about microbes and we have learnt so much! Hopefully you will have noticed how much more hygienic the children are!

It was part of a working scientifically topic and our vocabulary for this learning is below. Check the words your child knows and which they can explain to you.

Our investigations included how soap helps to get rid of harmful microbes on our hands and also what happens when someone sneezes and doesn’t catch it in their elbow or a tissue. Ask your child to explain how we did these experiments.

Below are some true/false statements for you to check your child’s understanding.



Posted on Friday 25 March 2022 by Mrs Taylor

This week, we had a fun and active afternoon of skipping with Jodi from Skipping School and she was very impressed by the skipping and effort she saw!

Jodi taught us lots of different individual and group skipping skills to practise for our Year 2 skipping festival with other schools later in the summer term.

Skipping ropes are available to buy, at a subsidised price of £3, from the office to practise these new skills at home.

Living and Learning: Health and prevention (sleep)

Posted on Sunday 20 March 2022 by Mrs Taylor

Our recent Living and Learning lesson was all about the importance of sleep.

Our learning explored why sleep is so important in our lives, how it can sometimes be difficult to fall asleep or stay asleep, and how to manage this. We also considered what the children can do to help themselves have good habits that can help them to fall asleep.

Firstly, we heard a story about a girl called Mia. We had to identify the things that were STOPPING her from getting to sleep.

As a class, we had a great discussion about what can HELP Mia (and us) to get to sleep and what might STOP us from getting to sleep.

Here are some of the ideas generated.

Hopefully the children have been sharing this knowledge to help with their own bedtime routines.

For further sleep support, here are some resources you might want to look at.
• NHS sleep specific website for younger children
Childline – for general advice about concerns
• Specific NHS advice on sleep is available here
Sleep Charity – for sleep tips and links to other organisations

NSPCC Speak out Stay safe

Posted on Wednesday 16 March 2022 by Mrs Taylor

During our recent Staying Safe themed week, all pupils took part in the NSPCC Speak out Stay safe learning featuring Ant and Dec and Buddy.

We are proud to receive our certificate to recognise this.

Topic- computing

Posted on Thursday 10 March 2022 by Mrs Lake

Our topic this half term is all about computing.

We’ve starting with ‘offline computing’ – learning all about algorithms.

We are going to be playing, and making, lots of online and offline games. As this is a computing topic, we’ll be using a range of technology including Blue-Bots and iPads.

Here is a lost of some of the vocabulary that will be taught in the coming weeks.

Big Walk and Wheel

Posted on Thursday 10 March 2022 by Mrs Taylor

Get set… we’re taking part in Sustrans Big Walk and Wheel 2022 (the new name for Big Pedal), the UK’s largest inter-school cycling, walking, wheeling and scooting challenge. The challenge runs from 21 March to 1 April. It’s free and we would love everyone to be involved.

 What do you need to do?

Encourage your child(ren) to walk, scoot or cycle to school on as many days as possible during the event. Park and stride (parking your car further away from school, for example, Marks and Spencer car park and walking, scooting or biking the final part of the journey) also counts.

Why we are taking part

As a happy and healthy school, Sustrans Big Walk and Wheel is a great way to build physical activity in children’s daily routine which is important for their physical health and mental wellbeing.

Active school runs also help to reduce congestion and air pollution outside the school gate. A 2021 YouGov study showed nearly half of UK children worry about air pollution near their school. Children thought active travel was the best away to bring down these pollution levels.

Plus there are some great prizes to be won every day if we get enough children taking part!

Useful resources

To help you prepare, Sustrans has developed a handy free guide packed with advice, games and challenges to help you have hassle-free cycle, walk or scoot to school.

Download your free family guide here.

World Book Day 2022

Posted on Thursday 03 March 2022 by Mrs Lake

We had a fantastic day celebrating World Book Day by reading books, talking about our favourite authors and books and dressing up as characters from some of our favourite books.


After a morning of completing activities related to their favourite books, the children paired up across Year 1 and 2 to share their work. It was fantastic to see the collaboration, interaction and enthusiasm for books when the children worked together.

You can find more activities, videos, book recommendations and the brilliant World Book Day song on the World Book Day website


Half term Dog’s Trust workshop

Posted on Wednesday 16 February 2022 by Mrs Taylor

Rachael, from the Dog’s Trust in Leeds, visited all classes last week in our Staying Safe themed week.

She is holding a half term workshop next week and she would like us to share this with our families.

Contact Rachael, by email, if your child is interested in attending.