This half term, our science learning has been all about living things and their habitats so we are biologists.
Here is the key science vocabulary that we have been learning along with their definitions.
So far we have learnt about what is living, dead and what has never been alive. Think about this for the following things.
Then, we learnt about different habitats and the animals and plants that live there.
What might live in a polar habitat?
Where habitat would a monkey live in?
What might live in a desert habitat?
What habitat would a squirrel live in?
There are also micro-habitats.
A micro-habitat is a very small habitat (a small area of a larger habitat).
For example, a leaf could be a micro-habitat of a hedgerow.
Why do animals and plants live in particular habitats?
A habitat provides the basic needs (including food, air, water and shelter) of different kinds of animals and plants. It gives them what they need to survive.
There are lots of great videos to support this learning on the BBC website.
Themed menu 07 October 2022
Catering Agency, our school meal provider, will be running a special themed menu on Friday 07 October. Please contact the office if your child would like a school dinner on this day (no action needed if your child normally has a school meal on this day).
Check out the Cricket World Cup themed menu.
Living and Learning: manners
Using good manners was our Living and Learning focus this week.
We thought about what manners are.
Saying sorry
Saying please and thank you
Saying excuse me
Having good table manners
Not interrupting others
Being kind to others
Covering our mouth (with our elbow) if we cough or sneeze
Manners are words and actions that we can use to help us be kind and respectful to others. They are so important in our relationships with others.
Here’s a poem about manners that we will be our reading fluency text next week.
So far in Year 2, we have heard and seen some great manners. We will continue to reinforce this, not just this week, but all the time.
Remember to use these good manners whether at home, at school, in shops or wherever you are!
Autumn term after-school clubs
Some of our after-school clubs will be restarting next week and they will run until week commencing 05 December. Please note some clubs begin after half term when building work at school has been completed.
Places can be booked via Gateway.
Our physical activity clubs continue to be heavily subsidised through the investment of our PE and Sport Premium.
Each club has a limit on the maximum number of children who can attend. As numbers are limited we ask that you limit your child to one club initially. If there are clubs with remaining places, we will then offer these as a second club.
Please contact the office if you have any queries about the clubs or the booking system.
History Topic – The Great Fire of London
We have started our topic and we are learning all about The Great Fire of London. We are using a book, Vlad and the Great Fire of London, to stimulate our learning. (This is a YouTube link. Top tip for watching YouTube with your child: go to the settings cog along the play bar and turn off autoplay – this avoids an inappropriate clip coming up automatically, and helps to discourage your child from passively watching clip after clip.)
We have started by talking about the topic vocabulary, which you can see below. Help your child at home by exploring the information on the BBC bitesize website.
Living and Learning: rules
At the start of the new school year, the children have been reminded about rules and the importance of rules in our daily life.
Before focussing on our school rules, we started by thinking about…
Why do we have rules?
What rules can you think of?
What places have rules?
Who makes the rules?
Rules tells us what to do.
We need rules so we don’t hurt each other.
Rules help us to know what is right and what is wrong.
Rules help us to be happy and healthy.
In our school we have three school rules. Three, two, one, stop is one of the most important instructions the children will hear at school.
We concluded that following our school rules will make our school a happy, healthy and SAFE place to learn.
We also agreed our Living and Learning ground rules.
Finally, we considered our rules about online safety at school. Your child has brought home their Being online – acceptable use agreement for pupils and parents/carers which should be read through, signed and returned to class.
The children have been reading this as this weeks’ fluency text (a weekly text that we read daily).
Any questions, please do ask.
The Great Fire of London Poem
This week, we have all enjoyed learning history through poetry. There are lots of facts about the Great Fire of London in this poem. Enjoy reading the poem together at home. You can discuss the key events, people and information in the poem. Can you spot the rhyming words too?
Great Year 2 learners
The children have settled really well in their first few days in Year 2 with lots of new routines to learn!
We look forward to meeting you over the next few weeks but for now, here is some key information about Year 2.
Mrs Taylor – Monday and Tuesday
Mrs Lake – Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
Teaching assistant – Mrs Roth
Important days and dates
PE – Tuesday and Thursday
Spelling test – Friday
Homework – to be completed by the following Thursday
Class assembly – Wednesday 19th October at 2:40pm
Water bottles
These should be brought to school daily and they will be brought home every day for refreshing and cleaning.
Please contact the office if your child would like to have milk in Year 2.
Whole school homework is set every Friday (along with new spellings). This week your child will bring home a homework book and guide. This should be kept at home and it can be used for practising spellings. Homework and spellings can also be accessed from the website.
Your child will be bringing home a letter explaining about their reading.
In Year 2, the children can access a reading/phonics online learning resource called Lexia. The children brought their login information home this week and it is great to see so many children have been accessing the resource already! Lexia certificates will be awarded every Tuesday if your child completes a level (by the end of Year 2, the children are aiming for achieving Level 9).
We continue to use Numbots in Year 2 (using the same login as Year 1) and certificates will be awarded every Tuesday for children who earn the most coins and who complete the different stages.
For reading, Lexia and Numbots, little and often (10/15 minutes a day) is recommended.
Please do check the uniform policy to ensure your child is wearing the correct items including for PE days. Earrings must be removed on PE days.
Finally, please do ask if there are any queries and keep checking back on class news to find out more about your child’s learning!
Welcome back!
Welcome to Year 2!
We hope you’ve had a happy and healthy summer break and we can’t wait to see everyone back at school on Tuesday.
Goodbye Year 2!
Mrs Taylor, Mrs Lake, Mrs Burgess and Miss Gilliland would like to wish you all a happy and healthy summer holiday.
Thank you for all the kind and generous gifts we’ve received.
It has been a pleasure to teach the children and see how much they have progressed and matured over the year. We shall miss them!