Year 2 Class News

Free White Rose Rugby event for all pupils

Posted on Sunday 16 January 2022 by Mrs Taylor

As part of our partnership with White Rose Rugby and Moortown Rugby Club, here is an invite to a free rugby event, for all pupils, on Sunday 23rd January.
Last term, White Rose Rugby worked with classes for curriculum PE and also delivered the Thursday after-school rugby club.
We hope you can take up this opportunity for a fun morning at Moortown Rugby Club. Click here to register for the event.


Posted on Saturday 15 January 2022 by Mrs Lake

On Thursday, Year 2 enjoyed their first gymnastics session with two gymnastic coaches.  We showed great resilience, determination and team work during our PE lesson.


Topic learning – History

Posted on Thursday 13 January 2022 by Mrs Lake

History is the focus of our topic learning this half term. During this topic, we will be ordering significant events in our lives. We’ll be discussing them using historical vocabulary.

As the half term progresses, the children will discuss how significant things have changed over time: the food that we eat, the shops that we visit and the toys that we play with.


So far during our topic sessions, we have looked at ordering key events in our lives on a timeline, ordering events within living memory (the last 100 years) and discussing the key vocabulary past and present.

Science learning

Posted on Tuesday 11 January 2022 by Mrs Taylor

Our new science topic this half term is seasonal changes. We are biologists.

Here is the related vocabulary that we will be learning. Ask your child about these words at home, to check their understanding.

When we start a new topic, we ask the children what they would like to find out. We’ve been working on asking scientific questions and here are a selection of the great ones about seasons. We’ll look forward to answering some of the questions during the topic.

Does it snow in summer?

Why is summer so hot?

What happens every season?

How did the seasons start?

Does it snow every winter?

What time is night time?

How cold can it be in winter?

Why are there seasons?

When is winter?

When is it time for seasons to change?

Maths learning

Posted on Sunday 09 January 2022 by Mrs Taylor

This half term, we are continuing our addition and subtraction learning in maths and most recently, this has included adding and taking away ten from a two digit number.

The children can resourceful by using a 100 square to support them with this learning so they can see the patterns of adding and taking away 10 visually.

In class, we might use sentence frames to explain the highlighted numbers on the 100 square above.

78 is 10 more than 68 and 58 is 10 less than 68.

See if your child can use the sentence frame below to explain some of the other highlighted numbers.

__ is 10 more than ___ and ___ is 10 less than ___

To practise this at home, have a go at the Chopper Squad game (selecting ten more or less 1 to 100).

Using Numbots at home, little and often, is a great way to practise these addition and subtraction skills. The children have a number of different levels to complete and are rewarded with certificates for each level they achieve. We continue to have our weekly leader board for the most coins achieved.

We will soon be moving onto learning about multiplication and starting to learn the 2, 5 and 10 times tables. After half term, we will be setting timetables for the children to start to learn at home using Times Tables Rock Stars(TTRS). Login and access details will be sent out nearer the time.

City of Leeds Basketball

Posted on Friday 07 January 2022 by Mrs Taylor

The City of Leeds community basketball sessions will be restarting this weekend and can be booked here.  Sessions are available for children age 5-8 and age 9-11.

Stay safe and well

Posted on Friday 17 December 2021 by Mrs Taylor

All the Year 2 adults would like to wish all the children and their families a happy and healthy Christmas. We hope their glitter bottles come in useful if things get a bit exciting over the next few days!

Thank you for all your support this term. The children have been fantastic and they continue to make us proud. Here’s a few pictures from their Christmas party and lunch this week.

Stay safe and well and see you in the new year!

We are scientists

Posted on Wednesday 15 December 2021 by Mrs Taylor

This half term, Year 2 have enjoyed lots of practical science in our working scientifically learning.

We’ve done lots of investigating, sorting, identifying, comparing and predicting and the children are becoming more familiar with all of this scientific vocabulary.

We’ve also been revising some of our previous learning.

Ask your child about these pictures.



Posted on Tuesday 14 December 2021 by Mrs Taylor

Yesterday was a busy day in Year 2 with our production filming in the morning and then enjoying a movie afternoon. Thank you to the PTA for our movie snacks.

The children have all done incredibly well learning their lines, songs and actions for this year’s Whoops a Daisy Angel production. They also coped with the last minute change of performing on their own without Year 1 and Reception. We are very proud of them all and we hope you enjoy watching the video with them at home.

Whoops a Daisy Angel cast 



Living and Learning: Physical health and fitness

Posted on Sunday 12 December 2021 by Mrs Taylor

Our latest Living and Learning lessons have been all about physical health and fitness. Here are the main age related expectations for this learning.

Firstly, we remembered how much exercise children should do each day (60 minutes – 30 minutes in school and 30 minutes out of school).

How can we achieve that target? We thought about all the ways to keep active including:

  • active travel to and from school
  • skipping at playtimes
  • brain breaks in lessons
  • active games at lunchtime
  • after-school clubs
  • Junior parkrun
  • going on a bike ride
  • playing outside

Then, it was time to get active and have a brain break.

We know how much exercise is needed to keep our bodies healthy but what are the benefits of physical activity? Ask your child if the following statements are true or false.

Finally, we thought about what to do if we were worried about our health.

Tell a trusted adult.

Tell my parents.

Tell my teachers.

Ask my friends.

Write it down in the Living and Learning box.