Goodbye Year 2!
Mrs Taylor, Mrs Lake, Mrs Burgess and Miss Gilliland would like to wish you all a happy and healthy summer holiday.
Thank you for all the kind and generous gifts we’ve received.
It has been a pleasure to teach the children and see how much they have progressed and matured over the year. We shall miss them!
Summer of sport
It’s just 7 days to go until the Commonwealth Games begin in Birmingham. Watch this introductory video to find out more.
To keep active over the summer holidays, why not try these commonwealth personal best challenges at home. My Commonwealth PB incorporates skills that are used in 7 of the sports which will be taking place at the B2022
Commonwealth Games.
Use the QR codes below to see each challenge.
We’d love to hear how you get on!
Fruit bars
It was back in the kitchen for Year 2 again yesterday. This time, we made fruit bars (a healthy snack option). After using fresh and frozen fruits in our fruit salad on Monday, this time we used dried fruits.
We used measuring, mixing, snipping and mashing skills.
Hopefully the children enjoyed the finished product as a snack after school!
Learning new food preparation skills
Today, Year 2 have been learning some food preparation skills while making a fruit salad. This learning also included a reminder about the 5-a-day message and that a fruit can be fresh, dried, tinned or frozen.
There are two main techniques we use for cutting – bridge hold and claw grip and the children learnt to use these techniques safely today. We also used peeling, segmenting and mixing skills. Ask your child to demonstrate these techniques at home.
We talked a lot about safety and food preparation especially around using sharp knives, that are kept in a locked drawer, and getting ready to cook (washing hands, cleaning down surfaces, tying hair back).
Then, it was time for the tasting!
I enjoyed eating the melon.
I didn’t like strawberries before but now I like them.
Now I like blueberries.
I liked the juicy melon and strawberries.
I learnt how to make a fruit salad and I want to make one at home.
I liked the melon because it was nice and juicy.
I learnt how to do the bridge and claw skill.
I learnt how to cut safely.
I learnt how to do the bridge skill for cutting the grapes.
I learnt how to use the claw skill for cutting the stalk off the strawberry.
The frozen fruit made the fruit salad moist.
I liked that when the frozen fruit defrosted, it was all juicy.
I enjoyed learning how to do the bridge hold and I liked eating the fruit.
Science learning
This half term, Year 2 have enjoyed learning all about animals (including humans) in our science topic.
This week, as the science learning comes to an end, the children will be self assessing their understanding of the vocabulary as shown below.
Our visit to Yorkshire Wildlife Park allowed the children to use their knowledge learnt at school to describe the animals we saw.
We saw a wallaby which is a mammal because it has live babies but we didn’t see any fish.
We saw a lion and a lion is a mammal because it has fur. We didn’t see any amphibians.
The BBC website is great to support science learning and these videos are a good recap of our learning.
To share their knowledge, ask your child to have a go at these true or false statements about carnivores, herbivores and omnivores.
Living and learning: drug education
In Living and Learning, we have been learning all about drugs and keeping safe around drugs. For Year 2, this learning was based on things that go into our bodies and onto our skin and how to manage risk around household products and medicines.
Our definition of a drug is a substance that changes the way our body or mind works.
Firstly, we thought about the things that are good and not so good for our bodies.
We identified that some things that go into or onto our bodies can be harmful and how we might know that.
We reviewed our ideas and talked about how some things can be both helpful and harmful.
Hygiene products helps us to keep clean but might be harmful if we swallow them. The same with cleaning products. There might even be labels on these items to show they can be harmful. Have a look to see if you can spot any labels and hazard symbols on these items at home. Where are these products kept in the home?
If someone eats too many sweets or drinks too much (fizzy drink) it can damage their teeth and make them feel ill.
Our second lesson focussed on medicines – what they look like, how they are used and why people use them. Safety around medicines was also a key part of this learning.
As always in our Living and Learning sessions, we talked about how to seek help about this and who we would ask.
Finally, this week Dave from d:side came to visit to support this learning about drugs.
What three things go in our body?
Checking the size of our lungs.
Locating our heart
What are the jobs of these parts of the body?
Let’s try and remember where those parts of the body go.
Our two lungs
Our heart
Our liver
Our stomach
The children gave some great responses to share their understanding.
Pupil health questionnaire homework
This week, our whole school homework is I can share my views about health.
We’re proud to be a happy and healthy school.
Each year, we ask you to complete a short health questionnaire. Your views can help us to become even happier and healthier.
Parents/carers: please complete this survey with your child, to find out their views on some of our key health issues at school, and comment at the end.
Please submit before Friday 15 July 2022 and as an extra incentive the class that submit the most responses will earn an extra playtime next week!
Super Sports Day
What an amazing day yesterday! Our first full sports day since the pandemic and we came back with an amazing bang! Mrs Taylor did a grand job of organising everything, as always, and all the helpers that made it run smoothly were brilliant. Mr Roundtree is a little croaky today after his commentating but I’m sure you’ll agree, it was well worth it. You will see a photo of Mrs Burke completing her final egg and spoon race as a member of staff but you never know, she might be guest of honour next year. Thank you to everyone who came along to watch!

Living and learning: drug education
This half term, part of our Living and Learning focus includes drug education. We have arranged for visitors to come into school to help to deliver this key aspect of education.
We have been working with d:side for many years and they will be visiting school to deliver sessions to all classes based around drug education on Monday 11 July and Wednesday 13 July.
d:side is a comprehensive drug & alcohol education programme that encourages children to make positive & healthy life-choices whilst promoting a pro-active attitude to life. They focus on developing the children’s knowledge, skills & attitude, whilst equipping them with the appropriate life skills to successfully manage sensitive situations with peers & encourage a positive approach to life.
As part of this visit, Dave Hill, from d:side, will be available in the playground after school on Monday 11 July 3:05-3:30pm to answer any questions about this learning.