Year 2 Class News

After-school club availability

Posted on Thursday 13 May 2021 by Mrs Taylor

Our after-school clubs return from next week and we still have some places available. It is not too late if you would like to book your child on. Clubs are mainly based on your child’s class bubble at the moment.


Year 6 dodgeball (starting 24 May)

Year 2 multi-skills


Year 2 Wake up Shake up

Year 3 football


Year 4 Wake up Shake up


Year 1 multi-skills


Year 4/5 multi-games

Please check on School Gateway or contact the office for more details.


Posted on Wednesday 12 May 2021 by Mr Roundtree

This half term, Year 2 have been learning about plants in Science.

Last week, we set up a comparative test to determine what seeds need to grow.
All of our seeds were planted in soil.
We planned our test to have four different variables:
1. The seed was given sunlight and water.
2. The seed was given only sunlight.
3. The seed was given only water.
4. The seed was given no sunlight or water.
We worked in groups and carefully planted the seeds to ensure a fair test.
Watch this space to see which seeds grow best!

100 skips

Posted on Thursday 06 May 2021 by Mr Roundtree

This week, Year 2 took part in their Captain Tom 100 challenge by completing 100 skips in the playground. The class really enjoyed the challenge and some children even carried on skipping after they had reached 100!

All of the funds that were raised from this event have gone to our new school charity, Dogs Trust. Thank you for all your donations.

Living and Learning: Sun Safety

Posted on Thursday 06 May 2021 by Mr Roundtree

Year 2 have been learning about about sun safety in our living and learning session this week. We have been reading the text below daily to help us know how to reduce the risk of sun damage.  

The children used the text to create posters. We are going to to stick  them on our living and learning display to help us remember how to stay safe in the sun.

Living and Learning: health and prevention

Posted on Thursday 06 May 2021 by Mrs Taylor

Across school, our current Living and Learning topic is all about health and prevention which forms part of the new statutory Health Education. Here are the objectives for the children to learn by the end of Year 6.

Year 1 and 2 will be focusing their learning on sun safety and sleep but as dental hygiene is also part of this learning, the children will soon be bringing home their own toothbrush and toothpaste.

Here is some information you might want to read with your child to talk about this at home.


Summer term

Posted on Thursday 29 April 2021 by Mr Roundtree

Welcome back!

We’ve already had a busy start and it is set to continue. Here is a quick overview of what we’ve already been doing and what’s coming up.


In writing, we’ve been recapping different sentence types.

Inspired by the novel, ‘The Boy Who Grew Dragons’, the children will be applying their knowledge to writing about a beast and what you need to do to grow it.

We’re going to be recapping expanded noun phrases and conjunctions. Also, the children will be learning how to edit and improve their writing so that it is ready for Year 3.


In maths, we will be revisiting a range of addition and subtraction topics.

  • Adding and subtracting across 10.
  • Solving addition and subtraction problems.
  • Adding and subtracting within 100.

Not only this, we will be continuing number facts learning as well as practicing our 2, 3, 5 and 10 times tables.


The children have been enjoying learning the basics of hockey.


The children will be investigating, observing and describing  how seeds and bulbs grow into mature plants. They will find out and describe how plants need water, light and suitable temperature to grow and be healthy. Below is the specific vocabulary that will be used in our science lessons. Talk about these words at home. Does your child know any of them? Can you child tell you the definitions?

  • seeds
  • bulbs
  • temperature
  • growth
  • survival
  • healthy
  • mature
  • plants

In our first session, we looked at the inside of a fruit and identified the seeds.

Computing Topic        Algorithms for kids are a key to problem-solving - Penrose Learning <br/> — Penrose Learning

The children will be learning about computer programming. They are going to discover what an algorithm is and what it needs to work effectively. We will be creating and debugging simple programs and  will use logical reasoning to predict what will happen when an algorithm is executed.

In some of our lessons, we have regular ongoing online safety messages. These are usually prompts and reminders about the important of staying safe on and offline. Asking for a person’s consent is very important and this is something we regularly rehearse.

May I take your photo?

Yes, of course you can.

Would you mind if we show your learning to the whole class?

No, I really don’t want to share it.

As well as programming, the children will be having specific lessons about the following;

Age Restrictions

• I know that some online activities have age restrictions because they have content which is not appropriate.

Digital Content
• I am beginning to understand what a digital footprint is.

Misinformation, disinformation and hoaxes
• I know that I shouldn’t believe everything I see or read online.
Fake websites and scam emails
• I know that some websites have secure markings (eg padlock symbol next to URL) that makes them more trustworthy.
Password safety
• I know that passwords are important and that I should not share them. Personal data
• I know that I’m too young to share personal information (eg full name, address, school, age) online.
• I know that there are adverts online which, if clicked on, may take me away from the page I’m looking at.
Online vs. offline behaviours
• I know that people should treat others respectfully when they are online.
• I know what to do if someone is mean to me or someone else online.
Impact on quality of life
• I know that being online offers lots of positives but that
there needs to be a balance between time being spent on
and offline.

Below is the vocabulary that links to the computing topic.

algorithm program debug
computer password personal information

Skip into summer

Posted on Wednesday 28 April 2021 by Mrs Taylor

This term, all classes will be taking part in the West Yorkshire Skip into Summer project with Skipping School. We are excited to be part of the 136 schools and almost 33,000 children taking part!

As part of this project, we have skipping ropes available to buy at a subsidised price of £3.

If your child would like to buy a rope, to keep learning their new skills at home, they will be on sale, outside the Year 1 classroom in the middle playground, 3:10-3:30pm on Thursdays and Fridays. Exact change would be helpful.

The Captain Tom 100 Challenge

Posted on Tuesday 27 April 2021 by Mrs Weekes

On Friday, we will be deciding which charity we’ll be supporting this year. As our first fundraising event, we’ll be taking part in the ‘Captain Tom 100 Challenge’. Each class will be doing something 100 times on Tuesday 04 May. All we ask is that each child brings in 100 pence (it doesn’t have to be 100 pennies, it can be a £1 coin!) and all money raised will be donated to the charity we have chosen. There will be a bucket at the gate for you to leave your donation.
Here are the details of what each class is doing:
Reception – creating 100 handprints
Year 1 – running 100 laps of the new playground (100 in total so an average of 3 each)
Year 2 – 100 skips
Year 3 – 100 bounces of a basketball
Year 4 – 100 skips
Year 5 – running 100 laps of the new and old playground (100 in total so an average of 3 each)
Year 6 – 100 goals scored as quickly as possible
Thank you for your support – we will let you know how much money we raise!

Tennis opportunities

Posted on Saturday 03 April 2021 by Mrs Taylor

As tennis restarts, here are details of some local clubs offering camps and lessons.
Alwoodley Tennis Club are hosting tennis camps for both weeks of Easter.
Roundhay Tennis Club have spaces on the 12th, 13th, and 16th April 9am-12pm for ages 3-10. Click here to book.
Adel Tennis Academy have a number of activities taking place including Easter Tennis Camps , in the week commencing 12th April, and junior tennis classes, that children are welcome to join.


Posted on Sunday 28 March 2021 by Mr Roundtree

This half term, we have been learning about plants. In this week’s session, the children were finding out about wildflowers and naming some common ones. The children then used and iPad to research and find more. Lots of children were able to name and identify at least eight wildflowers.