Yorkshire Dance virtual dance workshops
Yesterday, all classes took part in dance workshops, led by dance artist Ellen, as part of the Yorkshire Dance RE:FRESH dance festival.
From Reception to Year 6, all the children copied, explored and performed different dance moves in their workshops.
While we can’t have visitors in school at the moment, this was a great virtual project we could get involved with.
Here are some comments from the Year 1 children.
I loved it because of all the moves we did.
I loved it because I like all the animals.
I liked to see you smiling.
It was amazing and you were amazing, Ellen.
Not all heroes wear capes day Thursday 1 April
As part of our current History topic, ‘Heroes’, Key Stage 1 are having a ‘Not All Heroes Wear Capes’ themed day on Thursday 1 April.
Throughout this topic, we are learning about real life heroes, past and present. The topic is not about fictional superheroes. Instead, we have been exploring real heroes in everyday life (emergency service workers and influential heroes such as Sir Tom Moore, Nelson Mandela and Leonora Cohen).
As the children missed World Book Day, and the chance to dress up as their favourite book character, we thought this would be a great opportunity for children to come to school dressed up as a hero. It could even be someone that you know personally and consider a hero.
Please consider the following:
- instead of having the expense of buying anything new, have fun creating your hero outfit
- no face paint
- make sure their costume does not need support from an adult during the day eg when they go to the toilet
- look at the ideas below to support you in thinking of a hero or a costume think about heroes in our history and everyday heroes and not fictional superheroes
If you would like any more ideas, please feel free to talk to contact us.
A week of heroes and plants
This week, our learning has been full of heroes and plants! In Writing, we’ve continued working our superheroes, writing a super story about a meeting between them and their arch nemesis. We’ve been focussing on making sure we check for our must dos:
- Capital letters to start sentences
- Capital letters for proper nouns (names)
- Full stops to end sentences
- Finger spaces
Here’s a story for you to enjoy:
We recapped our understanding of chronology at the beginning of the week, making a timeline of a school day. Can your child tell you what’s on the rest of the timeline?
Then, we moved on to learn about two heroes from History: Leonora Cohen and Nelson Mandela. It’s been really interesting hearing the children’s views on the battles these people fought. Discuss what the children know and think over the weekend.
Our plant learning has become real this week as we got to plant sunflowers! Each of us has our own flower to grow, making sure we provide it with the light, water and warmth that it needs.
I’ve really enjoyed my second week in Year Two. It’ll be time to welcome Mr Parker back on Monday. We’re all looking forward to it.
A Great Week Back
A huge well done to all of Year Two for their return to school. They adjusted well not only to coming back in but to having a new face at the front of the class while Mr Parker gets to know his new son.
We’ve had a really positive start to our Maths learning. The children have shown that they’ve really retained their knowledge of place value, completing lessons enthusiastically and taking on challenges positively.
We’re ready to get planting in Science next week to find out what plants need to grow and the whole class love the idea of having a venus fly trap in the room so I’ll get shopping this weekend!
Chronology has been the word of the week in our History lessons. We’ve created a timeline of our life and will look at some heroes of the past in our upcoming lessons. Speaking of heroes: ask your child what hero they created in their Writing learning this week. There were some brilliant heroes around the room with some very clever enemies to go with them
Well Done Year 2
Hi Year!
Please watch this short video from me.
I look forward to seeing you all next week!
Home learning superstars
Well done Year 2 for continuing to work so hard at home. You’ve done an amazing job this half term and you deserve a well earned rest.
Thank you to those who continue to send me their learning.
Take a look at some the great examples of learning that have been sent.
Have a wonderful half term Year 2!
End of unit quizzes
Have a go at our quizzes to see what you can remember from the Science and Geography learning this half term.
Wonderful writing!
From Mr Gathercole, who leads the Y1,2 home learning writing sessions…
Hello writers,
I’ve been absolutely blown away by the amazing writing that’s been sent in to us recently. Teachers always enjoy reading your work so keep sending those emails.
Whether it be writing about fairytales or poetry about aliens, you’ve produced great writing. We’re so proud of everyone for all of their hard work. You should be very proud, too!
First up, we see some brilliant re-telling of a classic fairy tale. Can you pick out words from each that you really like and are going to use in your writing?
Our first piece comes from Moortown. What great editing and improvements to what was already a great piece of writing! Now it’s even better.
This next entry comes from a writer at St James’ CE. Lots of great adjectives have been used. This wolf sounds a bit mischievous to me.
Back to Moortown for another great tale. When you read this, how do you know it is probably a fairy tale?
Next, we’ve some poetry based on the poem, Aliens Stole My Underpants by Brian Moses. It turns out that the aliens stole more than just underpants! Here’s what a couple of Scholes writers had to say on the matter.
Olivia wrote this great letter after our prime minister got in touch with us. Here’s a link to that message in case you missed it.
It sounds like this super learner at St James’ CE does a lot to keep positive during lockdown. It sounds like you’re doing a lot to have a healthy body and mind.
This writer at Scholes is spending lots time outside. There is so much detail that we can easily picture what you do to stay happy and healthy.
We may not be at school but these learners have all remembered to take pride in their presentation. To everyone at Scholes, Moortown and St James’ CE, keep being amazing.
Home learning superstars
Well done Year 2 for all the amazing home learning you are doing. You and your families are working so hard and doing such a great job.
Take a look at some fantastic examples of learning that is happening at home.
Wonderful writing from William, Avneet, Alasdair, Rayhan, Soham, luca, Henry, Charlie and Harjas.
Magnificent maths from Alasdair, Charlie and Harjas.
Keep it up, Year 2!
Please keep sending me your amazing learning.
Home learning
Hello Year 2 and happy new year!
Click on this video to see what your home learning will look like over the coming weeks.
Email me at benparker@spherefederation.org if you have any questions.