Year 2 Class News

Special delivery

Posted on Wednesday 13 May 2020 by Mrs Taylor

Today, we received a special delivery for the Year 2 staff and we are all excited to take up our challenge! Thank you!

Home learning at school

Posted on Wednesday 13 May 2020 by Mrs Taylor

Some of our class are completing their home learning at school at the moment.

Look at these great drawings of the Eiffel Tower.


Learning a new skill of touch typing…


A picture paints a thousand words.

Posted on Tuesday 12 May 2020 by Mrs Freeman

Year 2 are currently learning how to spell there, their and they’re.

Today, one of the children sent in a picture using one of these spellings. It made me stop and think just how proud we are of all our children.

One picture can paint a thousand words!

“They’re helping us.”

Lexia stars

Posted on Monday 11 May 2020 by Mrs Taylor

Well done to Ehtasham, Hafsa and Betsy who have reached their next level in Lexia.

Do let us know ( and if you need any help with accessing this resource at home at the moment.


Dem bones, dem bones ……….

Posted on Thursday 07 May 2020 by Mrs Freeman

This week, Year 2 have been enjoying some scary learning based on extracts from The Funnybones books.

When they had completed their reading task, the children were asked to get creative and make skeletons using materials they could find around the house.

Here are some homemade Funnybones characters.

Another great week of home learning!

What have we been up to?

Posted on Tuesday 05 May 2020 by Mrs Freeman


Here are some pictures of the various activities Year 2 have been up to.

Super Scientists

Great Geographers

Super spellers

Marvelous Mathematicians 


Restful Readers


Keep up the good work! 


Posted on Monday 04 May 2020 by Mrs Taylor

Last week, part of our home learning was about Ramadan. One of our class mates sent us this learning to tell us more about it.



Home learning

Posted on Saturday 02 May 2020 by Mrs Taylor

First of all, click here for an important message we’ve received from one of our class mates. As well as staying connected with your family and friends, who you can’t see right now, it’s great that you are staying connected with us.

Here’s some more of your home learning and other activities you’ve been doing to keep busy.


Well done, Javier for reaching your next level. Great work!


Fluency texts and Pobble comprehension





Using Connect 4 to learn halves


Staying safe online


Drawing maps with keys


Exploring for plants

Can you identify these plants that one of our class mates found?

I’m looking forward to testing out an app called Picture This to help to identify plants when you are out and about.

Here’s what else you’ve been up to this week.


Working with clay

Cracking codes

Making scrapbooks

Making a lava lamp (and being a safe scientist)

Playing scrabble

Finally, sit back and enjoy this brilliant Stop Motion movie.




Home learning

Posted on Tuesday 28 April 2020 by Mrs Taylor

Wow, Year 2 – you are making us really proud of all your great learning. Keep it up!

Extreme reading

Maths – arrays and fractions

Writing and spelling

Can you guess which adverbs (the words that add more information about the verb) match with which photo?







Living & Learning

It’s always good to see what activities you’ve been doing and what skills you have been developing alongside your home learning.

Yoga and watering the garden

Learning to ride a bike and baking

Planting vegetables

Planting out peas

Arrays everywhere you look!

Posted on Thursday 23 April 2020 by Mrs Freeman

It’s almost the end of another week. Thanks again for your photos – they’ve been amazing!

All of you have been finding arrays everywhere.

The Bog Baby story has been very exciting and there has been some excellent character descriptions and sequencing work.

Finally, a few extra ‘crafty‘ pictures to share.