Fractions, fluency, fresh air and fun
Hello everyone
Today, I received a lovely letter from Ralph. It really made my day!
Thank you
Thank you to all of you have been sending in examples of your home learning. We love to see what you have been up to.
There’s been lots of super work going on this week.
We’ve been doing lots of writing about our new book: The Bog Baby.
Great to see lots of maths learning going on!
There’s lots going on at home.
Here are a few more photos from this week.

Let’s stay positive!
First thing this morning, we received a letter from one of the children. It simply made us smile and we hope it makes you smile too!
Keep sending your photos please.
Quick hello to everyone
We hope you are all still managing to fit in some learning as well as having some fun. Thank you to everyone who has sent photos through to us – we have really enjoyed looking at them and feel very proud of you all.
In this photo, Penelope and her sister have been very resourceful. They have collected random objects from around the house to create this lovely rainbow. We are sure you will be as impressed as we are! Well done, girls!
Keep up with all the hard work and please keep sending the photos.
Remember though, have fun, be kind and stay active!
A penguin writing reports?
Look who turned up to help me write some of your school reports! Smartie gave me some help to make sure I stay safe when I am using my computer. Can you think of three things he might have said?
Also,Smartie would like to know if you are all using your manners. He has delivered some stickers for you so keep a look out on your work! The stickers are at the bottom of this page and he has left extra on my kitchen table. Who will be the first to get a sticker on their manners work?
Busy People
Well, here we are in the second week of home learning. There are so many photos being sent to us and we are simply amazed by the variety of activities happening in everyone’s homes.
Not only is the home learning taking place, we have also seen baking, gardening and cleaning.

The learning just keeps on coming!
Here are some more home learning activities for us all to share. Have a look at what your friends (and us) have been up to.

Keep up the good work!
We are incredibly proud of the children for having a go at some home learning. The feedback we’ve received has been very supportive and just shows how determined the children are to keep up with their education.
Using our class news page is a great way to stay in contact with each other and share the activities we have all been doing. As well as your activities, we will also keep you posted with some of the things we have doing whilst away from school.

Keep sending your pictures!

Toys Now and Then
My toy is a cute snowman. He was knitted by my aunty. He wears a blue hat and scarf and has 3 buttons on his tummy. On his face is a really big smile and a red nose like a cherry. Super descriptive writing – well done!
The Taylor household has also been hard at it. Here are a few photos from Mrs Taylor.

Home Learning
Daily home learning tasks will be published on the homework section of the school website. Please support and encourage your child to complete these. Mrs Taylor and Mrs Freeman will be contactable via email.
Thank you and stay safe.
Allerton Grange Sports Leaders
Today, Year 2 enjoyed an energetic athletic themed PE session at Allerton Grange led by their sports leaders.
There was lots of encouragement and praise from the leaders to support the class in the different relay races.
Living and Learning: body image parent and carer guide
Our focus in Living and Learning, for the rest of this half term, is body image.
What is body image?
Body image describes our idea of how our body looks and how we think it is perceived by others. This can include our thoughts and feelings about our height, weight, shape, skin colour, and our appearance and attractiveness more broadly.
This parent and carer guide has been designed to give practical ideas to support your child in building their emotional resilience in this area.