Year 2 Class News

Slice, cut, segment…

Posted on Thursday 23 January 2020 by Mrs Taylor

As we come to the end of our instruction writing in english, and to prepare the children to write their own instructions, we followed instructions to make fruit kebabs.

As we were making the fruit kebabs, we talked about the adverbs (safely, carefully, slowly), time connectives (first of all, next, finally) and imperative verbs (peel, slice, thread) needed for the instructions.

We also developed our food technology skills including peeling, cutting (using claw hold and bridge hold) and naming and using different equipment. Hopefully the children will want to try out these skills at home too!

We even thought about our maths learning by creating an array!



Posted on Thursday 23 January 2020 by Mrs Freeman

Last week, for their homework, the children were asked to show ways in which things can be made better. During our homework review, we saw a variety of creations. The children had thought carefully about the situations where a change could be made for the better.

Living and Learning: d:side visit drug education

Posted on Wednesday 22 January 2020 by Mrs Taylor

Dave from d:side visited us, as part of our drug education aspect of Living and Learning, to talk about keep ourselves healthy and what goes in our body.

Here’s what was covered in the session.

  • How we are different to our friends / classmates
  • What keeps our bodies clean and healthy
  • Identifying internal parts of the body and their position and function
  • Identifying ways in which we can value ourselves and value others

Finally, there was chance to share some compliments and recognise how we can value others.

Spring term after-school clubs

Posted on Wednesday 22 January 2020 by Mrs Taylor

Our spring term after-school clubs will be starting next week and while many of the clubs are full, we do have some spaces available for the following clubs.

Gymnastics (run by Leeds Gymnastics) Y1-5
Board games Y3-6
Multi-sports (run by PE Partner) Y3-6 Please note this club is now open to Year 3
It is not too late to sign up so please contact the office if your child would like to take part.

Maths: Arrays

Posted on Monday 20 January 2020 by Mrs Taylor

In maths, we are learning about multiplication and today, we focussed on arrays.

An array in maths is an arrangement of objects, numbers or pictures in columns or rows.

This morning, we noticed an array in real life when the milk was delivered.

We looked at the rows and columns to work out the corresponding multiplication number sentences. This helps us to recognise that multiplication can be done in any order.

5 lots of 3 = 3 lots of 5

5×3 = 3×5

Then, we used practical resources to make our own arrays and to work out the matching number sentences.

Can you spot any more arrays around us?

Have a look at our multiplication video in the calculations section of the website to see the sequence of learning.

What is an adverb?

Posted on Monday 20 January 2020 by Mrs Taylor

As part of our current english learning about instruction texts, today our focus was what are adverbs?

Adverbs are words that add more information to the verb.

In instruction texts, adverbs can be useful to give more information about how someone should do something.

Carefully, fill the cup with water.

Stir it gently.

This morning, the class worked in pairs to act out different adverbs. Their partner had to guess which adverb it might be.

We noticed, throughout the day, just how many adverbs are used in classroom instructions.

Calmly, line up.

Quickly, collect your resources.



Science: Seasons

Posted on Monday 20 January 2020 by Mrs Taylor

This half term, our biology topic in science is seasonal changes.

In line with the KS1 science expectations, our main learning objectives are:

  • I can observe changes across the four seasons.
  • I can observe and describe weather associated with the seasons and how day length varies.

The vocabulary we will be learning and using in this topic include:

  • winter
  • spring
  • summer
  • autumn
  • seasons
  • day length
  • temperature
  • change

So far we have been learning the seasons and the corresponding months of the year that match each season. Some of the things we have noted that change across the seasons include:

  • weather
  • temperature
  • trees
  • plants
  • animals
  • clothes we might wear

This video (One year in forty seconds) helps to show the changes across the seasons.

On our class calendar, we note the weather and season on a daily basis. We also record the temperature using our thermometer giving children the chance to develop an important maths skill of reading scales.

We will be moving onto learning more about weather across the seasons and how the length of the day (and night) changes across the year.


Bossy verbs in PE

Posted on Friday 17 January 2020 by Mrs Freeman

Year 2 have been busy looking at some instructional texts. Today, in our writing lesson, was to learn about imperative verbs.  Often, these words are referred to as bossy verbs. Following a quick recap on what a verb is ( a doing word) the children were introduced to the term  imperative verb.

An imperative verb tells someone to do something, so that the sentence it is in becomes an order or command. For example in this sentence (a command, outlining an action that must be done):

Fold your clothes up!

The imperative verb is ‘fold’.

We carried this learning on into our PE lesson. The children were given different commands to follow.

Stand on one leg.
Hold one hand in the air.



Dance on the spot.
Leap around the room.
Stand still and DAB!

Sit down!

To finish off our lesson,we played some parachute games.


Posted on Sunday 12 January 2020 by Mrs Freeman

Big topic: Computing  Image result for bee bots ks1 Throughout this topic the children will learn how to create a clear, precise algorithm. Algorithms are described as something very simple but important. They are explained as instructions that are split into little steps so that a computer can solve a problem or get something done. The children will discover how to de-bug a simple algorithm when it goes wrong!

Debugging is when you find an issue in the program that you have written and repair it.  When writing a program it is very easy to make mistakes in your code.

We began with a lesson to help us understand that a computer follows precise commands and will respond to those commands consistently. Next, we will plan and predict the behaviour of simple programs and work with a
friend to plan a route for Beebot.We always begin a new topic by introducing relevant vocabulary that will be referenced throughout our lessons. The intention is for the children to learn the words and feel confident to use them in context.

These are the words/phrases the children will be using;

  • algorithm
  • debug
  • appropriate
  • computer
  • technology
  • password
  • personal information
  • devices
  • trusted adult

During the topic we will also be looking closely at how we stay safe online. Age restrictions, digital content, passwords, privacy, personal information and online vs. offline behaviours are all on our agenda.

Image result for stay safe online ks1

Learning at home

Posted on Sunday 12 January 2020 by Mrs Taylor

It’s great to see the children have started the new year by carrying on their learning at home.

Congratulations to Betsy and Theo for earning the first Lexia certificates of the year.

Each week, on Spelling Shed, a new spelling list will be posted with the weekly spelling words for the children to practise.

The children’s logins are inside their reading record books but if you have any problems with accessing Lexia or Spelling Shed at home please let us know.