Living and learning: d:side visits
This half term, our Living and Learning focus includes staying safe. We have arranged for visitors to come into school to help to deliver this key aspect of education.
We have been working with d:side for many years and they will be visiting school to deliver sessions based around drug education and e-safey sessions to coincide with Safer Internet Day (11 February).
d:side is a comprehensive drug & alcohol education programme that encourages children to make positive & healthy life-choices whilst promoting a pro-active attitude to life. They focus on developing the children’s knowledge, skills & attitude, whilst equipping them with the appropriate life skills to successfully manage sensitive situations with peers & encourage a positive approach to life.
As part of these visits, there are two specific parent/carer information sessions.
Tuesday 21 January 3.05-3.30pm d:side drug education informal information session (open to all parents)
A d:side representative will be available to provide information about your child’s drug education learning with d:side and answer any other related enquiries.
Tuesday 04 February 2:50-3.30pm d:side e-safety informal information session (open to all parents)
A d:side representative will be available to provide information about your child’s e-safety learning with d:side and answer any other related enquiries.
Please contact school if you would like to attend.
Today, Year 2 enjoyed a tennis taster session. The lesson was delivered by two coaches from a local tennis club.
‘Chapel Allerton Lawn Tennis Club has recently teamed up with Yorkshire Tennis to try and increase the number of juniors playing tennis across North Leeds throughout the first 3 months of 2020.’
Tennis opportunities
Today, Year 2 – Year 6 pupils have taken part in tennis sessions to give children a taster of tennis and to promote sessions starting locally at Chapel Allerton Tennis and Squash Club.
Celebrate Yorkshire themed menu
Catering Agency, our school meal provider, will be running a special themed menu on Thursday 16 January. Please contact the office, in the next few days, if your child would like a school dinner on this day (no action needed if your child normally has a school meal on this day).
Living and learning this half term
- Drug, alcohol and tobacco education (DATE)
- Keeping safe and managing risk
Here are the weekly Living and Learning statements, for this half term, to support this learning. There will also be some whole school homeworks on these themes.
- I don’t interrupt (with my mouth or my hand).
- I can make things better.
- I know what a drug is.
- I know how to seek help.
- I make safe choices, including online.
- I can assess my own risks.
Happy Holidays
Well done to all the children in Year 2 for a very hard working term. This was rounded off by an amazing nativity show.
We would like to wish all the children and their families a happy and healthy holiday. Thank you also for the very generous, unexpected gifts.
We look forward to welcoming the children back to school on Monday 06 January 2020.
Best wishes
from all the staff in Year 2
Where in the world am I?
This week, it has been the final week of our geography based, Where in the world am I?, topic.
Throughout this learning, the children have become more knowledgeable about where they live within the world.
We live in Moortown.
Moortown is in the city of Leeds.
Leeds is in the country of England.
England is one of the four countries of the United Kingdom. The other countries are Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
The United Kingdom is in the continent of Europe. The other six continents are Asia, North America, South America, Australasia, Antarctica and Africa.
While learning all these place names, this has given us lots of opportunities to practise using capital letters for proper nouns.
This topic has also allowed us to explore maps in atlases and also online mapping (including Google Maps).
Finally, the children had a go at creating their own maps to show a familiar daily route – their way to school.
Can your child describe their route, maybe referring to some local landmarks along the way, using some positional and directional vocabulary such as near, far, left, right and the compass points of north, east, south and west. Ask your child what the map key is needed for too.
Here are a few examples.
The children will be sharing some of this learning in our class assembly in the new year.
Painting Poinsettias
The Poinsettia plant is particularly well known for its red and green foliage and is widely used in Christmas floral displays.
Today, the children were given the opportunity to sketch the plant. Using their observational skills, Year 2 produced some very accurate images. Next, with fine brushes and watercolour paints, the class added colour and detail to their artwork.
Below, are a selection of the finished pictures.
Last week, for their homework, the children were asked to show what they know about something cultural or what they know about a specific festival.
Over the course of this term, some children in school have celebrated a religious festival of some sort. This might have been;
- the Muslim festival of Eid ul Adha
- the Sikh and Hindu festival Diwal
- the Jewish festival of Hanukkah, coming up in December
- the Christian festival (of course, celebrated by many non-Christians) of Christmas
- and the Chinese New Year festival, coming up.
We had some great examples of different cultures and festivals. Well done, Year 2.
Takeover Day
Today, it was Takeover Day so the children took over Year 2!
Some children got to:
- do the warnings chart
- give out cool class tokens
- lead the
spelling test
- say 321 and stop
- read a story
- take the lunch orders
- take the register