Year 2 Class News

Maths and Science using Skittles

Posted on Thursday 05 December 2019 by Mrs Freeman

Today, the children have continued with some scientific enquiry learning. First of all, they were given a bag of Skittles with a question; can we collect any data about these sweets?

We could sort them into colours.

I think that we could count them.

After grouping the sweets, the children completed tally and bar charts to showcase the data collected.

Next, came the BIG QUESTION!

What do you predict will happen when we add water to the Skittles?

I think the Skittles will turn white.

The water will be brown.

The sweets might dissolve.

The colour will melt.

Using simple equipment, we arranged the Skittles around the edge of the plate and then poured warm water into the middle.  We observed closely as some amazing changes happened.

Well done Year 2!


Packed lunches

Posted on Tuesday 03 December 2019 by Mrs Taylor

At Moortown Primary, our packed lunch guidance includes:

  • information about the different food groups
  • how to put together a healthy, balanced packed lunch
  • links to recipes and ideas for healthy packed lunches

This week, our packed lunch guidance will be emailed to parents and carers and sent home to children who have a packed lunch in school.

Packed lunches should be in a secure named container.  No sweets are allowed – instead, we encourage lots of fruit or vegetables.  Water is available on all tables for children who choose a packed lunch.  However, your child can bring their own drink in a non-breakable container – please avoid fizzy drinks.

Change4life provides lots of ideas for healthy packed lunches including  suggested swaps.

As an alternative to packed lunches, school meals, including a vegetarian option, are a great choice and are prepared daily in our kitchen. Children are offered a choice of main courses and desserts and they select their main meal choice at the start of the day.  Catering Leeds provides food which meets national Food Standards criteria.  School meals can be combined with packed lunches.

Free school meals are available to all children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2.  They are also available to some older children according to family income.  It’s important to register for entitlement to free school meals, even if your child has a packed lunch or is in a younger class – this is so we can receive additional funding (called the pupil premium) which we can use to help your child. Please check if this is something you might be entitled to.

Living and Learning: Takeover Challenge Day

Posted on Monday 02 December 2019 by Mrs Taylor

On Friday 6th December, we will be taking part in Takeover Challenge Day and this year, it is being supported by First News.
What is Takeover Challenge?
Takeover Challenge is a fun engagement project which sees schools and organisations across England opening their doors to children and young people to take over adult roles.
It puts children and young people in decision making positions and encourages schools and organisations to hear and act upon their views and ideas. Children and young people gain an insight into the adult world and schools and organisations benefit from a fresh perspective about their work.
During the day, children will take over some of the adult roles in class. This may include taking the register/dinner register, tests, performing the warm up for PE, reading the class novel or planning parts of lessons.
Some older children will have the opportunity to ‘takeover’ other roles in school including taking over the office, serving dinners and leading the certificate assembly.

School Savings Club

Posted on Monday 02 December 2019 by Mrs Taylor

The next School Savings Club paying in date is 09 December 2019 at 3.15-3.45pm.

The account is open to all children and it is free to set up. As there is not minimum deposit requirement, it is a great way for your child/children to begin to manage their own money and understand the importance of saving. We offer paying in sessions every half term where you can bring along any savings to be paid into your child’s account.

As an extra incentive, Year 3 pupils who open an account, or who currently have an account, will be credited with £10.

If you’re unable to attend in person, please hand in any money to be deposited to the office in a sealed envelope addressed to Mrs Tiffany.

Here are the remaining paying in dates for this year (the penultimate Monday of each half term).

  • 03 February
  • 23 March
  • 11 May
  • 06 July

To find out more about the accounts or if your child would like to open account, please enquire at the office.

Spelling Shed

Posted on Sunday 01 December 2019 by Mrs Taylor

Spelling Shed is a great interactive resource to use at home to reinforce learning in class. We have set up a new feature on Spelling Shed whereby your child will have their weekly spellings as a list to practise when they log on. We hope this will give children an alternative way to learn their weekly spelling words.

All children have received their Spelling Shed logins but if you have misplaced this information, please come and ask us. Login details can also be found inside your child’s reading record books.

Here’s a reminder about how Spelling Shed works.

The game is simple and gives four different degrees of support in the form of difficulty modes; easy, medium, hard and extreme. Higher levels allow a higher score to be achieved but children can practise as much as they like on lower levels before trying to gain high scores. The scores achieved give a league position and each class has its own league position within a school league and our world league.

Thank you for your support with this learning at home.

Living and Learning: Out in the community

Posted on Sunday 01 December 2019 by Mrs Taylor

As part of our My Community themed week, Year 2 enjoyed a trip to Donisthorpe Hall to their weekly residents’ concert to help us learn more about some of the people that make up our community.

It was an absolute delight to see the young and the old dancing together. Our residents had a really lovely afternoon. We would love any of the pupils to come back any time. 
Donisthorpe Hall
What a fantastic afternoon which the older residents at Donisthorpe clearly enjoyed. Their joy at seeing and meeting the year 2 children was lovely and the children fully engaged with them. The residents and children had a lovely time. Thank you for organising such a worthwhile community activity.
Parent helper


Posted on Saturday 30 November 2019 by Mrs Freeman

On Friday, a group of children attended an event at Leeds Gymnastics Club.  It was great to see the children trying out new skills and really enjoying themselves. Thank you to Mrs Bharath and the parents who helped out with this session.

Living and Learning: Staying safe in the community.

Posted on Thursday 28 November 2019 by Mrs Freeman

Today, we welcomed both the fire and police service into school. The children were thrilled to see a fire engine parked in the playground!

These vital services keep us safe and it was very interesting to hear all about the roles the professionals play. Ask your child to tell you about the photos below.


Living and Learning: Who’s in our community?

Posted on Thursday 28 November 2019 by Mrs Taylor

This week, we welcomed Natasha and Alex from RNIB. They shared lots of information about how they support people with visual impairments in our community.

Living and Learning: Who are we?

Posted on Thursday 28 November 2019 by Mrs Taylor

Even though we are all different and unique, there are still many connections between us. In this learning, Year 2 produced a ‘spiders’ web’ to show how we are connected.

If one of the connections was cut, how would that person feel if they were excluded from the web of connections?

The key message is that communities that include everyone are stronger.