Living and Learning: Who am I?
In our themed week, this week, we’ve enjoyed finding out about the identity of members of our class.
Living and Learning: My Community week so far
This week, we are enjoying our ‘My Community’ themed week based around these themes.
- Who am I? (identity)
- Who are we? (diversity)
- Where do I live? (community)
- How do we all live together? (equality)
There have been lots of events, visits and visitors so far.
- School community coffee morning and Wake Up Shake Up on Monday
- Bulb planting with Friends of Moortown Park
- Visiting Allerton Grange drama department for a community themed drama session led by Year 12 pupils
- A visit from Linda Gledhill from the deaf and hearing impairment team
- A visit from the RNIB to raise awareness of visually impaired members of our community
- JustDifferent disability workshops
- Litter picking in the local area
- Hate Crime workshops led by West Yorkshire Police
- Visiting Donisthorpe Hall
- A visit from Moortown fire service
- A visit from our PCSOs
- Learning carousels across different classes
Still to come is a visit to a group run by Moor Allerton Elderly Care; Greek language sessions led by a parent; a visit to St Gemma’s Hospice and choosing our new school charity.
The week will culminate with Identity Day on Friday 29 November.
Children are invited to dress in clothing that represents part of their identity, for example uniform from a club they attend, a team they are part of or support or traditional dress to represent their heritage. We invite a donation for the PTA Christmas fair.
Thank you for all the entries we have received for the active travel in the community competition.
We encourage families to get out in the community in an active way on the way to and from school. Email ( a picture of your active travel, maybe by a landmark on the route to school, for the chance to win one of five £10 vouchers. The winners will be drawn in the assembly tomorrow afternoon so please ensure your entries are sent by 12 o’clock tomorrow.
Thank you for supporting the themed week and please discuss the week with your child to reinforce this important learning.
Outdoor PE
This half term, we welcome Leeds Beckett Sports Coaching students who are beginning their placements delivering PE to the class.
We aim to be outside for PE, when we can, so please ensure your child has their outdoor PE kit at school.
item | Description | additional notes |
t-shirt | indoor: plain white t-shirt (long or short sleeved)
outdoor: as above, plus fleece / warm top |
– this should be a round-necked top, not a collared polo-shirt (must not be same shirt as that worn in class)
– t-shirts with school logo are available |
shorts | black shorts / PE skirt | |
tracksuit bottoms | black tracksuit bottoms / leggings | ideal for outdoor use |
footwear | indoor: pumps / trainers
outdoor: trainers |
– trainers could be the same as those worn to school |
Great Lexia learning
Lexia, a computer based program to build reading skills, is a valuable learning tool that we access in school. It is also beneficial for your child to access Lexia outside of school, too.
Each child is progressing at a different rate – one that is specifically tailored to your child’s needs.
For your information, by the end of Year 2 your child should be aiming to achieve Level 9. This will ensure the Year 2 learning has been covered.
We have been particularly impressed with the children’s positive attitude to Lexia with 15 Lexia certificates awarded so far this month. Well done, Year 2.
If you are not set up already please see below for information in helping to set up:
For use on a computer, go to for Lexia Reading® Core5® or for Lexia Strategies™
If you’re experiencing some difficulties with setting Lexia Core 5 up on your tablet or device, use the following email address when prompted:
Your child can then log in using the student username and password. This is the same username and password used at school (these details can be found inside their reading record book).
A typical home session may last from 10-15 minutes.
It is important your child works without any help while using the program. All of the work your child does at home is recorded and reported to school. This means we can see when help is needed and provide additional instruction at school.
Thank you for your support with this learning at home and please come and see us if you have any questions about using Lexia.
Homework Champions
Last week, the focus for the homework task was I know how to STOP bullying.
This homework was set in response to our learning during anti-bullying week. Today, we discussed each others work and celebrated some super ideas of how to spread the all important message;
- Start
- Telling
- Other
- People
Anti-bullying bookmarks made for the whole class!
Bullying is when you hurt someone, physically or emotionally, several times on purpose.
There’s an astronaut in Year 2!
Over the last couple of weeks, we have been focusing our writing lessons on the children’s book ‘Man on the Moon.’ As the title suggests, it is about a day in the life of Bob, a man who lives on Earth but works on the Moon.
All the children have been really engaged with this learning and we’ve even had a look at the first moon landing in 1969!
This week, the children thought about appropriate questions (using inferred events) they would like to ask Bob.
Is it cold on the moon?
Where do you sleep?
Do you enjoy your job?
Why do you need to wear a special suit?
We decided to see if we could send our questions to Bob. However, Bob is a busy man so instead he sent us a prop to help with our queries.

All the children were excited to try the suit on.
Questions and answers
The children took it in turns to ask the astronaut a question and shake hands.
Learning and exploring through drama allows the children to be actively involved. It is a great way to spark imaginations and creativity and this helps to build ideas for writing.
We even enjoyed a spot of moon walking!
Living and Learning: My Community
We’re looking forward to lots of learning about identity, diversity and our community in our next whole school themed week, My Community.
Here are some key events taking place next week.
Living and Learning: Themed week
My Community themed week
As part of our themed week, next week, we would like the children to bring in something that relates to their identity. It might be a special object, toy, a photo of special people or a place or a memory from their life. If your child would like to take part, they should bring their item ready to show on the following days.
Monday 25 November Arctic Ocean
Tuesday 26 November Atlantic Ocean
Wednesday 27 November Indian Ocean
Thursday 28 November Pacific Ocean
Friday 29 November Southern Ocean
Thank you for your support.
Christmas themed menu
Catering Agency, our school meal provider, will be running a special themed menu on Thursday 12 December. Please contact the office, before 28 November, if your child would like a school dinner on this day (no action needed if your child normally has a school meal on this day).
Living and Learning: My Community themed week
Themed week – My Community
Our next whole school themed week, based around identity, diversity and community, will be taking place from Monday 25 November 2019. A variety of events and visitors are planned to help us deliver this key aspect of education.
Events and learning during the week will include looking at our own identity including belonging and self-esteem, diversity of people around us including race, age, religion, disability and gender. Classes will also be getting out into the community working with local organisations and taking pride in the local area for example by litter picking.
Active travel
We encourage children to get out in the community in an active way on their way to and from school, with prizes available as part of the themed week. By walking/scooting/biking to school, families will be keeping our community safer and healthier by reducing congestion at the school gate. Maybe even pick up a piece of litter on the way. Even by parking further away from school your child could then to do the final part of their journey by foot, bike or scooter. Bike and scooter storage facilities are available beside the Year 3 and 4 classrooms.
Email us ( a picture of your active travel, maybe by a landmark on your route to school, for the chance to win one of five £10 shopping vouchers. Entries to be submitted by Friday 29 November 2019.
New school charity
During the themed week, children will be researching local, national and international charities and a new school charity will be chosen at the end of the week to replace our current charity, WWF. Children will have chance to consider and suggest charities in the upcoming whole school homework (Friday 22 November 2019).
Identity day
Friday 29 November 2019 will be a non-uniform identity day. Children are invited to dress in clothing that represents part of their identity, for example uniform from a club they attend, a team they are part of or support or traditional dress to represent their heritage. We invite a donation for the PTA Christmas fair.
SAVE THE DATE Community coffee morning Monday 25 November 2019 9-10am
As part of the week, we welcome parents and carers to an informal coffee morning to meet other members of our school community including representatives from the PTA, our governing body, Moortown Community Group and Friends of Moortown Park. There will be chance to hear about proposed plans for the new land to the rear of school. A whole school community Wake up Shake up will follow at 10am in the main playground.
Can you help?
Pupil feedback from our previous My Community themed week was to ‘learn more languages that other people speak’. Do you speak another language and would you be happy to speak to children about this? If so, please contact the office to pass on your details. Also, do you have any local community links that may support our week?
Our website and Twitter continue to keep you up to date with key community events as well as our community noticeboard with lots of information about the themed week too. It’s going to be a busy week!