New after school club
This term, we will be running a new yoga and mindfulness after school club open to Years 1 – 3.
Led by yoga teacher, Heather Marshall, the sessions will run after school on a Tuesday.
Heather provided a session for Year 2 this week to give them a taster of what to expect at the club.
‘I enjoyed the relaxation.’
‘It was good to use our body to make the animal shapes.’
‘The games we played were fun.’
Please contact the office if your child would like to attend this club as we do have a few places left. Relaxation is definitely guaranteed.
Themed menu
Catering Leeds, our school meal provider, will be running a special themed menu on Thursday 3rd October. Please contact the office, as soon as possible, if your child would like a school meal on this day (no action needed if your child normally has a school meal on this day).
Bike to School Week
This week, it is Bike to School Week. Bike to School Week is a week long event designed to showcase the benefits of cycling to school.
Have you been inspired by the current UCI Road World Championships to get on your bike? Could you make biking to school one of your active methods of travelling to school this week?
To link with Bike to School week, our Year 1 class will be completing their Balance, Pedal, Go bike training this week.
If you are wanting to explore the area further by bike, this West Yorkshire Cycle map can help to find recommended routes.
Finally, have you visited the local Brownlee Centre? Take a look at some of their Let’s Ride sessions.
Drama to inspire writing
On Thursday, Year 2 brought their class novel ‘Where the Wild Things Are’ to life with a drama session led by Sam from Leeds Playhouse. The children took part in lots of fun games and loved becoming some of the characters from the story. Each child got to act out being a ‘Wild Thing’ just like Max in the story. All the children were extremely imaginative in their acting skills and we plan to use this creativity to inspire our writing.

Tennis for Kids
Chapel Allerton Tennis and Squash Club are launching their Tennis For Kids courses at the club from this week (Thursdays and Saturdays).
These sessions are aimed at children between 4 and 11 years old. and both members and non-members are welcome to attend.
Tennis For Kids is a great way for kids to learn the basics of the game whilst having fun and interacting with other children at an affordable price.
Somebody swallowed Stanley
Somebody Swallowed Stanley is a brilliant picture book telling about the tale of Stanley – a jellyfish unlike other jellyfish, because he is a plastic bag – and what happens to him when creatures of the sea try to eat him. Some manage to spit him back out, but one of the creatures isn’t so lucky, until a brilliant young man comes along and saves the day. The book has provided a great link to our current materials science topic.
This week, we brought the story to life with a drama session led by Sam and his team from Leeds Playhouse. We enjoyed fun games and we became the characters from the story. It was great to see the creativity of the children and how they were taking ‘safe risks’ with their learning.
If your child enjoyed the session, Leeds Playhouse run drama classes for children on a Saturday (details will be coming home in book bags). They have asked us to pass on the following message.
If any of the young people who would like to join Playhouse Youth are from low income households they can apply for a bursary by contacting Ellie Manners (
Taking safe risks in judo
This morning, Year 2 welcomed British Judo instructor Dan to give us a taster session of judo and to find out about the new judo club running locally.
Even in the short taster session, the children took some ‘safe risks’ to master new judo holds.
Here are the details for the new club taking place on a Saturday morning at Moor Allerton Sports and Social Centre.
Today, the children have brought home information about Lexia and a reminder of their login and password.
Lexia is a computer based program that builds reading skills and complements your child’s learning in class.
Where possible, we encourage the children to access Lexia at home to support this learning. Your child will make much more progress if they can regularly use this programme at home on either a computer or tablet.
Children should aim to achieve Level 9 by the end of Year 2.
If you have any problems accessing Lexia at home, please let us know.
As always, thank you for your support in continuing learning at home.
Judo taster sessions
This week, every class will be taking part in a judo taster session led by a British Judo coach.
These sessions will take place on Monday and Tuesday so please remember to have PE kit in school and take earrings out on these days.
We look forward to learning some new skills.
Mindfulness Matters
Following a very busy morning packed with learning, Year 2 settled down to enjoy some mindfulness.
What is mindfulness?
Mindfulness is simply… noticing what is happening right now.
Mindfulness is taking notice of how your body feels and what your mind is doing. When we notice what is happening around us, it can help us to calm down when feeling sad, angry or frustrated. Mindfulness helps us deal with tough emotions and can make us happy and feel good.
Today, the children focused on their breathing and what happens to our bodies when we ex and inhale. Following this exercise, the class were calm and focused all afternoon.