Living and Learning: MoneySense
Over this week, we are holding MoneySense sessions for each class with support from volunteers from NatWest.
MoneySense is an impartial financial education programme that uses real-life experiences to help young people develop good money habits.
Catherine from NatWest, supported our ‘How we use money’ Year 1, 2 and 3 sessions yesterday and gave some great feedback.
Money Matters themed week – School Savings Club
As it is our Money Matters themed week, we are holding an information and paying in session tomorrow after school for the School Savings Club pupil accounts.
Jordan Francis, from Leeds Credit Union, will be available to give more details and hand out application forms for these pupil accounts. As there is not minimum deposit requirement, it is a great way for your child/children to learn the importance of money. Paying in sessions are held every half term.
As always, if you are unable to attend in person, please hand in any money to be paid in, to the office in a sealed envelope addressed to Mrs Tiffany.
Cricket finale
Today, we finished our cricket sessions with Tom from Yorkshire Cricket.
This final match allowed us to use all the skills we had learnt in our previous sessions – throwing, catching and batting. There was some great teamwork and communication on show as well.
A number of children commented they have started their All Stars local cricket sessions. These sessions allow the children to continue to develop the skills they have learnt at school.
Living and Learning: How does our money help people?
HotShots was a great start to our themed week. Each child had three chances to get their fastest shot with lots of encouragement and supporting from the sidelines.
Well done to Shasmeen and Jack who were our fastest girl and boy shooters with speeds of 28mph and 39mph.
Thank you to children who have returned their sponsor form and money. Please return any remaining money by the end of the week. The money raised will be donated to our school charity, WWF.
Living and Learning: Saving the pennies
A big thank you to Mr Shine, our facilities assistant, who donated his collection of 1ps and 2ps to help to raise money for our school charity, WWF.
We’ve a team of money counters each day and today’s group were kept very busy.
Remember, pennies and two pence coins can be brought in all week ready for our money trail on Friday.
Living and Learning: Money Matters
Year 2 have had a busy start to our themed week. This morning, we welcomed Paul and Jane from Yorkshire Building Society to find out about needs and wants.
‘A need is something you have to have to survive.’
‘A want is something you don’t need but you like.’
‘Choice is to pick something sensibly.’
We also learnt an important message that different people have different needs and wants.
Girls Golf Rocks
Would your child like to give golf a try?
Here’s details of a FREE local project targeting girls golf taking place in the half term break.
What makes a good sports leader?
Thank you to our current Year 6 Sports Leaders who have fulfilled this role for the past year. It’s now time to train up some new leaders to take over lunchtime physical activity sessions.
Year 5 were invited to sign up for the roles and we had some great applications.
Today, fifteen Year 5 pupils began their training to gain their Mini Leaders Award. As well as learning a variety of physical activities, the group worked on their communication, explanation and organisational skills. After their second training session on Friday, they will be ready to lead sessions to the rest of the school from next week.
Walk to school week
To celebrate Walk to School week, next week, we’re working with Moortown Living Streets to run a fun daily quiz to help get more feet on the street! It is also our Money Matters themed week so what a better way to travel to school for free!
We all know that reducing school gate traffic improves air quality and safety and by walking some or all of the way families benefit from a healthier and more pleasant start to the day.
During Walk to School Week, Living Streets Moortown will be hiding ten words along the routes to school. See your child’s entry form for more details.
Find them each day to fill in the blanks and complete the story – remember to take a pen or pencil! There are also some daily ACTIONS for you to try – see if you can do them all!
At the end of Walk to School Week, your child should hand their completed story in to their class teacher for a chance to WIN one of four £10 Love to Shop vouchers!
What are the parts of a plant?
Each week, in our Green Fingers topic, we have been observing changes over time by looking to see how our pea, tomato and cress plants have changed and grown.
This time, we used some scientific equipment to observe even more closely. The magnifying glass made the parts of the plants bigger so we could see them more clearly.
Some of the children, who are growing pea plants, made a surprising discovery when they were observing their plants.
Can you spot what it was?
To find out what are the main parts of a plant, the children were asked to research this using an appropriate search question or phrase on the internet. They were able to tailor the search to material relevant to them.
We checked our findings as we watched this BBC video. We decided this information is from a trusted source.