Living and Learning: Remembering Stephen Lawrence
Today, we remembered Stephen Lawrence.
Following a whole school assembly, Year 2 talked about the life of Stephen Lawrence and what they can do to help to prevent racism and discrimination.
‘Stephen Lawrence was kind.’ Noah F
‘He was murdered in 1994 and he was eighteen years old.’ Gabriel H
‘Stephen was murdered at the bus stop because he had brown skin. The people who murdered him had white skin.’ Sophia
‘Stephen wasn’t doing anything wrong when he was murdered.’ Harry
‘We can look after other people’s feelings by being a good friend.’ Shasmeen
‘We can start telling other people to stop being racist.’ Zain
‘We can make new friends and be kind to others who have different coloured skin.’ Bridget
‘It doesn’t matter if you have anything different to other people.’ Rizwan
‘Be kind to other people.’ Eleanor
Living and Learning: I use good table manners
Every half term, our Living and Learning statements begin with a manners focus and this time we are looking at table manners.
Year 2 discussed different scenarios and how we would show good table manners. Children are encouraged to use these manners at school, when they have their school dinner or packed lunch, and we hope you see them at home too. We had a great discussion.
Reading at home
Daily reading at home is important to develop your child’s fluency and understanding of different texts.
This half term, we are starting a reading challenge where the children will move along the reading chart every time they read at home. Once they reach the end, they will receive a reward.
Please ensure there is a brief note/signature from an adult in your child’s reading record book to show they have read.
Green Fingers
This week, we begin our new science based topic, Green Fingers.
To start the topic, the children enjoyed planting tomato, pea and cress seeds and we will be monitoring their growth throughout the topic.
‘We put some soil in a pot and added water. Next, we planted seeds. I planted cress seeds. We were very green fingered.’ Bridget
‘We put soil in our cups and added 100ml of water. Next, we put our seeds in our soil and covered them up. Finally, we put them on the windowsill.’ Gabriel H
We also thought about what we want to learn in the topic.
‘How do plants grow roots?’ Daniel
‘I want to learn about how plants grow.’ Ewan
‘I want to learn what stems are and what different flowers there are.’ Shasmeen
‘How many plants are there on the planet? Sophia
‘How do plants make pollen?’ Iris
All Stars Cricket
Yesterday, we started our All Stars Cricket sessions led by Tom Bates from Yorkshire Cricket.
Each session will be based around different skills used in the game of cricket and our first session was all about catching.
After the session, Tom told us about the All Stars Cricket courses that will be running at local cricket clubs. The All Stars website provides more information about how to sign up.
Because of our cricket sessions this half term, PE will be on Mondays and Tuesdays so please ensure your child has their PE kit in school.
Living and Learning: Healthy Minds
- 15 April I use good table manners. Think about good table manners at home – not pointing our cutlery at someone or speaking with food in our mouths, for example.
- 22 April I recognise emotions in myself and others. Recognising emotions is an important first step in helping us manage our emotions. For example, it’s ok to feel angry, as long as we try to manage it in a way that doesn’t negatively affect other people. It’s great to feel proud as long as it doesn’t lead to showing off. Being aware of different emotions – both positive and negative – is an important basis for good mental health.
- 29 April I recognise mental health is important. Increasingly, we hear about the importance of mental health. Talk at home about different ways to help mental health. This might include restricting screen time, getting enough sleep, and taking time – even just five minutes – as a family to relax and recuperate after a busy day.
- 07 May I can describe and use ways to calm down. We all get worked up from time to time – how do different people calm down? We’ll explore different strategies to calm down, and encourage our children to adopt one or two of these. These may be some of the mindfulness techniques children have been taught or counting to ten, going for a walk, getting a glass of water – discuss what works for you and your child?
- 13 May I recognise the importance of money. In the final week of the half term, we have the second themed week of the year: a money-related week. This Living and Learning statement helps to introduce the week.
- 20 May I make choices about my money. Linked to the Money Matters themed week, we’ll explore different choices: to spend or to save, for example.
The topic of mental health can be introduced to children through this text.
Big Pedal
Thank you to all families who have taken part in the Big Pedal this week by making an active journey to school – the weather has certainly helped.
In some pupil interviews this week, one of the unsafe places around school that was quoted by a child was, ‘outside the school gates if there are lots of cars stopping’. Travelling actively not only supports our physical and mental health but keeps cars away from outside school making our pupils and families safer on their journey to school.
It’s the final day of the Big Pedal tomorrow so let’s hope we can keep our participation rate as high. After day 3, we are 83rd out of 500 schools taking part in the small primary school category.
Living and learning: Body Image
For the last part of this half term, our living and learning lessons have been focusing on body image.
- their own identity
- what makes them unique
- looking at their appearance
- appreciating their own unique facial appearance
- recognising that differences between us are not just related to appearance
- knowing more about themselves
- accepting and valuing their own abilities
Whenever we take photos of the children for the website, as well as having parental consent (permission), we always ask for the children’s consent to do this too. To reinforce this understanding of giving consent, all the children were asked to put a tick if they gave their consent to have their photo taken with their learning or a cross if they did not. They had the right to say no. As you can see below, one child didn’t give their consent to having their photo taken this time.
How to get active locally
With the holidays coming up, here is a reminder of some local physical activities that you and your child might like to get involved with.
The comprehensive physical activity guide was produced to signpost parents and carers to help children achieve the governments recommended daily 30 minutes of physical activity outside of school.
Leeds Gymnastics Easter camps
Leeds Gymnastics, who run one of our after-school clubs, are holding gym camps during the upcoming holidays. Contact them direct to book places.