Year 2 Class News

Living Streets update

Posted on Wednesday 12 December 2018 by Mrs Taylor

We are pleased to work alongside the Living Streets local Moortown group to support our aim for children to make healthy, active and safe journeys to school.  Here is an update from the group.

Both Living Streets UK and Living Streets Moortown would like to say a big thank you for all the noticeable improvements you have helped to bring about on journeys to and from school this year:
• Reduction in parking in Allerton Avenue (which is access only for residents) and on the double yellow or zig-zag lines adjacent to the school
• Reduction in vehicles mounting the pavement near to the school
• Reduction in vehicles parked with engines idling
• Increase in the number of families opting to Park & Stride from M&S* when driving is unavoidable

* M&S has 200 free 2-hour spaces available and the short walk to school is much safer and more enjoyable with fewer cars passing through key crossing points on the routes to school (such as Allerton Avenue and the
shopping parade entrance & exits).

This is fantastic progress and with continued support from all the families at Moortown we’ll see further improvements in air quality, safer ‘vehicle-free’ pavements and more families choosing to make and enjoy active trips to school.

While all the improvements we have seen around the school gates are encouraging, there is still a lot to be done. Cars, vans and HGVs continue to be driven up footpaths and recently there appears to be an increase in drivers passing through the main M&S lights while the green man is on so please be mindful of this when crossing.

We are already campaigning to deal with issues like these and the great response we had to our recent survey of parents and carers has helped us to submit a feedback document to the ‘Connecting Leeds’ consultation – a proposal to improve bus and other sustainable travel options in Moortown. We recently met with a representative from the project and are hopeful that some of the suggested pedestrian improvements will be incorporated into the scheme which is due to be delivered next year.

The Moortown Living Streets Group is still in its first year, but we already have some exciting plans for 2019, including a project to monitor local air quality as well as some great ideas to get Moortown moving!
➢ Register to get involved or receive news here
➢ Access info on walking to school here

Thank you once again for you support to date – it’s making a real difference and we’re keen for that to continue throughout the year ahead.
Season’s Greetings!
From everyone at Moortown Living Streets Group
E: T: @moortownlsg

Living and learning: New Childline website – Speak out Stay safe

Posted on Monday 10 December 2018 by Mrs Taylor

Staying Safe is one of our Living and Learning related themed weeks this year, taking place in February.

As part of the NSPCC’s Speak out Stay safe programme, Childline has launched a Speak out Stay safe website aimed at children under the age of 12.  This provides age appropriate content on topics including: bullying, family, friends, feelings, school, abuse and staying safe. It also includes games and therapeutic tools for young visitors to play and express how they are feeling.

Forces around us

Posted on Sunday 09 December 2018 by Mrs Taylor

As we continue our mini topic on forces, Year 2 have been thinking about forces around us for their latest homework.

One example is using a scooter (and also making an active journey to school!).

We took our learning outside and explored how forces help the scooter to move, speed up, slow down or change direction.

We tested how far the scooter travelled with one push off so in addition to the science learning, we also thought about maths learning too.

What are the units for measuring distance?

What would be the most appropriate unit for measuring the distance?

What is your estimate of the distance travelled?

How could we measure the distance?

To show that metres would be the most appropriate unit for measuring, we used the metre ruler to show that the scooter travelled 9m across the playground.

Friction is also working as a force and we talked about how the surface the scooter is travelling on affects its speed.

School Savings Club

Posted on Sunday 09 December 2018 by Mrs Taylor

The next School Savings Club paying in date is 13 December 2018 at 3.15-3.45pm.

If you’re unable to attend in person, please hand in any money to be deposited to the office in a sealed envelope addressed to Mrs Tiffany.

Paying in dates fall on the penultimate Thursday of each half term.

If your child would like to open account, please ask at the office.  This is a great opportunity for children to begin to manage their own money and understand the importance of saving.


New school meal menu

Posted on Sunday 09 December 2018 by Mrs Taylor

Our new Spring/Summer school meal menu, starting from after February half term, is now available on our Meals page.

The menu has been created in liaison with Catering Leeds to ensure it meets the School Food Standards.  We have also incorporated feedback from our school cook, pupils and parents/carers.

Pupils will continue to make their daily food choices at the start of the day to ensure they receive their first choice of main meal.

Year 2 book club

Posted on Wednesday 05 December 2018 by Mrs Taylor

Next Tuesday, 11 December, it’s book club time in Year 2. This is an opportunity for the children to bring a favourite book to share with their classmates. It could be a story or an information book, a comic or a poem. It could be an old favourite or a book they’ve recently read.

Mrs Taylor and Mr Wilks will also share their favourite book!

We look forward to seeing and hearing about your choices!

When will be your next Park Run?

Posted on Tuesday 04 December 2018 by Mrs Taylor

Thank you to Richard Spencer (parent, chair of the PTA and Park Run race director at Roundhay Park) who came to speak to the whole school this afternoon about the great, free, weekly Park Run events held locally.

We were impressed by the number of children who have already completed a Park Run event with one pupil achieving over 100 runs!

All you need to take part is to register for your personal bar code that is used at the event to record your position and time for the run.  ThePark Run event is not a race.  You are only trying to beat yourself by achieving a faster time each time you do it.

There is no commitment to attend every weekend: just turn up with your bar code when you can.

The course is fully marshalled and so children are able to run round with others as long as an adult accompanies them to the event.

We’d love to hear your Park Run achievements – let your teacher know!


Science mini topic

Posted on Sunday 02 December 2018 by Mrs Taylor

We’ve now started a science mini topic based on forces. To begin this topic, the children were shown a series of forces-related photos and asked to come up with questions based on what they would want to know.

There were some great scientific questions and these will lead into some investigations we will be doing based on forces.

BBC website has a number of videos on forces if you want to find out more.

What is our new school charity?

Posted on Sunday 02 December 2018 by Mrs Taylor

We support our school charity for a year and it is now time to change our current school charity, Make-A-Wish.

This week, each class, discussed a range of charities, researched by the children for their homework, and voted on one charity they wanted to put forward for the school councillors to decide on.

Here were the class choices:

Year 1 – Bubble Foundation
Year 2 – Children in Need
Year 3 – Camp Nibble
Year 4 – Bubble Foundation
Year 5 – WWF
Year 6 – Dogs Trust
At the School Council meeting, all of the children spoke passionately about their class’s chosen charity and gave a good overview of what they do and how our fundraising may help.

The final democratic decision was made by a vote by the School Council and the winning charity for 2018-2019 is WWF.  We will support this charity for one year.

KS1 cricket

Posted on Wednesday 28 November 2018 by Mrs Taylor

Thank you to Tom Bates from Yorkshire Cricket who delivered great, fun cricket skills sessions yesterday for Year 1 and 2.

The sessions were to promote the All Stars cricket programme that will be available in 2019.  Preregister on their website to receive details of how your child can take part in the sessions due to be held at local cricket clubs next year.

This video gives more information about All Stars cricket.