Year 2 Class News

World Book Day school dinner menu

Posted on Saturday 23 February 2019 by Mrs Taylor

On World Book Day, Thursday 7th March, there will be a special themed menu for school meals.

Please contact the office, as soon as possible, if your child would like to have a school meal on this day.

Living and Learning: I can assess my own risks

Posted on Wednesday 13 February 2019 by Mrs Taylor

Following our staying safe learning last week, we thought about how that links with another area of living and learning, rights and responsibilities.

I have the right to be safe.

I have responsibility to make safe choices.

This week, our living and learning statement encourages us to take responsibility for our own safety.  Using the learning from our themed week, we thought about how we can assess our own risks and stay safe.

‘I take responsibility for my safety online by never giving my personal information and password.’ Sophia

‘I take responsibility for my safety online by not playing with others  who are being mean.’ Gabriel H

‘I take responsibility for my safety at home by not jumping on my bed.’ Jodie

‘I take responsibility for my safety at home by tidying up my toys after I have used them so nobody trips up.’ Iris

‘I take responsibility for my safety at school by following instructions.’ Junior

‘I take responsibility for my safety at school by having four legs of my chair on the floor.’  Zain

‘I take responsibility for my safety in my environment by not talking to strangers.’ Gurvar

‘I take responsibility for my safety in my environment by not stroking dogs that I don’t know or if I haven’t asked their owner.’ Ewan

Ask your child about other potentially unsafe situations and how they can take responsibility and assess their own risks.

Parent / carer information

Posted on Wednesday 13 February 2019 by Mrs Taylor

Thank you to all parents and carers who attended appointments this week to discuss how your child is getting on in Year 2.

As promised, here are some links to support your child at home.

LEXIA is still available to all pupils.  Please ask if your child needs their password to access this at home.  As a guide, once your child has reached Level 10, they have covered the Year 2 learning.

Hit the button can support the quick recall of number bonds and times tables (x2, x5 and x 10 is our focus in Year 2).

The times table checks, like the ones the children have started to complete every Friday, can be accessed from the calculations and times table section of our website.

Our handwriting guide is useful to reinforce the cursive writing that we use at school.  This can help to support spelling practice and completing homework.

The Year 2 common exception words can be found in your child’s reading record book and can be used for reading and spelling practice.

Finally, here is the link to the Year 2 SATs information.  The short video will help you gain a greater understanding of the tests. (They’re labelled 2018, but the tests haven’t changed since then.)

If you would like us to go through any of the information above or you want to discuss any other aspect of your child’s learning, please do come and see us.

Living and Learning: Staying Safe week comes to an end

Posted on Sunday 10 February 2019 by Mrs Taylor

The final two days of our Staying Safe themed week continued to be filled with visitors, visits and more great learning.

Thank you to Allerton Grange who supported our themed week by hosting two of our classes.  Year 6 had to be very safety conscious when attempting to scale the climbing wall.  The technology department allowed Year 5 to safely investigate and explore a variety of different equipment.

Rachael from the Dogs Trust visited all classes on Thursday to talk about keeping safe around dogs.  The children were taught to always check with an owner to see if it is safe to stroke a dog and what to do if a dog runs towards you.  Have a look at Year 3’s class news post to find out more.

Jane Cusworth from Leeds Beckett University also joined us on Thursday to cover some basic first aid with different classes.  Thank you to those parents and carers who joined her for the first aid workshop at the end of the day.

On Friday, Steve from British Military Martial Arts gave some great self defence tips to the children.  BMMA run a martial arts after-school club at school every Monday so contact the office if you’d like more details.

There was also a water safety theme to the day with a visit from the Canal and River Trust to help to keep us safe by rivers and canals.  Key water safety messages were given such as lying down on the floor when pulling someone out of the water.

Finally, thank you to Catering Leeds, our school meal provider, who gave hand hygiene sessions to Reception and KS1 classes.  Keeping our hands clean and safe from germs will protect us from becoming sick and passing on germs to others.

There have been some great safety messages across the week from all our visitors.  Ask your child/children what they have learnt across the week in respect to staying safe

  • online
  • at home
  • at school
  • in their environment



Living and Learning: Staying Safe in school

Posted on Wednesday 06 February 2019 by Mrs Taylor

I can stay safe in school is another one of our main areas of learning this week.

Year 2 looked at different areas of school to see what the dangers might be and how we can keep safe.

Do you recognise these places around school? How are they linked to staying safe?

Here is a summary of our learning for staying safe at school.  Ask your child about their responsibility to stay safe at school.


Living and Learning: Staying Safe week day 3

Posted on Wednesday 06 February 2019 by Mrs Taylor

We welcome four visitors to school today who will be giving a variety of staying safe messages as part of our themed week.

Thank you to Edinburgh Bicycle Cooperative who have been busy carrying out maintenance checks on lots of bikes and also delivering basic bike maintenance sessions to Year 5 and 6.  Their shop is local in Chapel Allerton.

Thank you to Barrie and Christine, local volunteers from the Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI), who are delivering water safety sessions to children in Reception to Year 4 across the day.

Dave from dside is with us today and Friday to deliver e-safety sessions to children in Year 1 to Year 6.

Finally, this afternoon, the Moortown Fire Service visit us to deliver a fire safety talk to Year 5.

These are just some of the visitors supporting our Staying Safe themed week to enhance our staying safe learning.

Living and Learning: Staying Safe at home

Posted on Wednesday 06 February 2019 by Mrs Taylor

I can stay safe at home is one of our main areas of learning this week.

We used this interactive story to consider different dangers that could be found in the home.

Tiger the Cat sees Poppy being taken off to hospital in an ambulance and learns that she has been hurt at home. He is determined to go through the house and find out how she might have hurt herself, in order to make the house safer for the family. The story shows different rooms or areas around the house (kitchen, lounge, hall, landing, bedroom, bathroom, garden, garden shed) – each has a number of potential dangers.

Can your child remember the dangers found in the kitchen below?

Here is a summary of the Year 2 learning about keeping safe at home.


Living and Learning: Safer Internet Day

Posted on Tuesday 05 February 2019 by Mrs Taylor

I can stay safe online is one of our main areas of learning during the Staying Safe themed week.

Today, the children from Reception class, Year 1 and 2 were mixed up and they visited different teachers to learn all about keeping safe online.

This video highlights some key messages for when children might be playing a game online.

Here is a summary of the Year 2 e-safety learning for you to discuss with your child at home.

Living and Learning: Staying Safe with the police

Posted on Tuesday 05 February 2019 by Mrs Taylor

Some of our local PCSOs came to visit school today.  They talked about their role helping people in the community and keeping them safe.  The class had some interesting questions to ask them.

‘I learnt what police community support officers do.  They don’t have handcuffs as they don’t arrest people.’

‘I learnt that they work in different parts of Leeds.’

‘We saw the different parts of their uniform and we heard someone talking on the walkie talkie.  On the top of the walkie talkie, there is a panic button so they can get help from other police officers.’

Living and Learning: Safer Internet Day

Posted on Tuesday 05 February 2019 by Mrs Taylor

It’s Safer Internet Day and this has been a focus of learning today as part of our Staying Safe themed week.  Below are some top tips for parents and carers to support your child to enjoy technology and the internet safely.

Our internet, our choice, so…

  1. Choose to have a conversation

    Talk regularly with your child about how they use technology, and find out what their digital life is like, including what their favourite sites and services are and also how being online makes them feel. Listening to your child will give you the best possible idea of how you can support them. Not sure where to begin? Have a look at our suggested conversation starters for parents.

  2. Choose to take a balanced approach

    As parents it’s natural to feel worried about the risks posed by your child being online, but for young people the online world is exciting and fun, as it brings so many opportunities for them. Remember that your child will use technology and the internet differently given that they are growing up in a world immersed in all things digital. Try to look at both the positive and negative aspects of being online and empower your child with safe choices they can make instead of overwhelming them with restrictions.

  3. Choose to make use of the tools available to you 

    There are lots of tools to help you manage the devices used by your family. For example, knowing how to activate and use parental controls can help protect your child from seeing inappropriate content online. For advice and guidance on how to make use of parental controls and other safety features on devices, check out our free Parents’ Guide to Technology and Internet Matters’ step-by-step parental controls guides for online services. 

  4. Choose to get help and support 

    It can sometimes feel like young people are the experts in all things digital but remember – you are the life experts. You are always there to help your child but make sure you know how to get support too by visiting our Need Help? page. You can take steps to support your child online by using features such as privacy settings on social media and understanding how to make a report on a range of apps, games and services.

  5. Choose to be current and topical 

    This Safer Internet Day focuses on the very relevant topic of consent in the digital world. Use this as an opportunity to support your child with how they tackle digital consent within relationships and friendships as well as how online services use the data we provide. Use our quick activities as a family this Safer Internet Day to help you unpick this topic together.