Free bike check Wednesday 06 February
Living and Learning: Staying Safe week day 1
Today, we’ve launched straight into our Staying Safe themed week with a busy day of visitors and in class learning.
Our scooter training was enjoyed by all and it was great to see so many of the class travelling to school on their scooters. We hope they have learnt plenty of safety tips for their next journey to school.
‘I learnt how to go in and out of the cones and how to stop in the box.’
‘I learnt how to use the brake so you can stop.’
‘When you hold your scooter, you need to put your foot next to the scooter.’
Our second visitor of the day was Richard from One Day Creative. Our workshop was based all around Captain Digi. We set sail with Captain Digi on his ship Safety, and sailed through the story seas of the Internet, dodged the tentacles of cyber bullies, the phishing mermaids and kept our pirate identities secret.
Here are some of the messages from our drama. Ask your child to tell you more. It’s Safer Internet Day tomorrow so we look forward to learning even more about this important aspect of staying safe.
Living and Learning: Staying Safe information
A variety of safety related information will be sent home during this themed week. Have a look through the information with your child to support and reinforce this learning at home.
Living and Learning: Staying Safe week begins
Our Staying Safe themed week started today with a launch assembly by Leeds City Council’s road safety team. This included some key active travel and safety messages.
The trainers worked with a number of classes throughout the day.
- Year 3 pedestrian training
- Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 scooter training
- Year 6 Speed Indication Device – checking vehicle speeds in the 20mph zone on Shadwell Lane
Another visitor, Richard from One Day Creative, has worked with three classes today to deliver e-safety themed drama workshops. Other classes will take part in this learning tomorrow.
Ask your child what they have learnt so far based on our four main objectives for the week:
- Staying safe online
- Staying safe at home
- Staying safe at school
- Staying safe in the environment
Thank you to those parents and carers who attended the e-safety session at the end of the day. We hope you found it useful to learn more about your child’s e-safety learning. To help with practical support with devices at home, O2 in partnership with NSPCC offer a free service over the phone, 0808 800 5002, or in one of their stores.
Tomorrow is Safer Internet Day so there will be lots of in class learning on this subject. Have a look at our e-safety end of year expectations for your child’s year group.
Leonardo Da Vinci: A life in drawing
We are very excited this exhibition of some of Leonardo Da Vinci’s art work, at Leeds Art Gallery, is taking place during our current art based big topic, Katie and…
A visit is planned to the art gallery, as part of our topic learning, so the children will get chance to see these famous pieces of art. More details about the trip will follow.
Scooter training reminder
To start our Staying Safe themed week this week, don’t forget your scooters and helmets on Monday for the scooter training.
The trainers will bring spare scooters and helmets so don’t worry if your child can’t bring one to school.
To make sure we can access the scooters for each class, please park your scooters outside your child’s classroom when you arrive in the morning.
Finally, any remaining permissions must be given for your child to take part in this activity.
Living and Learning: Parent/carer workshops Staying Safe themed week
Thank you to all the parents/carers who have signed up to the workshops on offer next week during our Staying Safe themed week.
There are a few places left if you would like to come along.
Living Streets new badge design competition
We are proud to work with Living Streets to support our aim for active and safe travel to and from school.
WOW is Living Streets’ year-round walk to school challenge and every day our pupils log their daily journeys to school on the WOW Travel Tracker. Those that make an active (walk, bike, scoot or park and stride) journey to school at least once a week for a month earn a WOW badge. There are 11 to collect across the year all of which have been designed by pupils in their annual badge design competition.
Living Streets are now asking for our pupil’s help to design a new badge. Details will be sent home shortly but take a look for some more information. Return your badge designs to your class teacher or the office.
Maths: Katie and…
In a topic lesson, we looked at a variety of the Katie and… books. Children looked at the cover and blurb and then voted for which of the books they wanted to read next. We then put this data into a tally chart before making a class block chart.
Science: d:side visit
This morning Ruth from d:side visited us to talk to us about how we can keep our bodies healthy.
We talked about how to keep the outside of our body clean and healthy by washing and cleaning our teeth.
We then learnt about the inside of our body. We learnt about the different organs and the jobs they do. We then talked about how to keep these organs healthy by doing lots of exercise, having a healthy diet and getting lots of sleep.