Year 2 Class News

Dances from around the world

Posted on Monday 16 July 2018 by Mrs Taylor

This morning, Year 2 learnt two dances from different countries that took part in the world cup.  Can you guess the countries from their flags?

There was even chance for a bit of free style dancing at the end of the session too!

World Cup dancing

Posted on Sunday 15 July 2018 by Mrs Taylor

As the World Cup comes to an end so does our topic.

Tomorrow, we welcome Flexdance to deliver two dance workshops each to Year 1 and 2.

The dance workshops will have a cultural dance focus, representing a different country who have taken part in the World Cup.   We’re looking forward to experiencing some new dance genre from Brazil, Nigeria, Japan and Spain.

This is a change to our normal PE day so please ensure your child has their PE kit in school and earrings are removed.





Posted on Friday 13 July 2018 by Mr Wilks

In our English lesson today, we matched different forms of poetry to their definitions.

We had to read really carefully to match them.


Posted on Friday 13 July 2018 by Mr Wilks

This afternoon, children were tasked with creating a football kicking device (that’s its technical name). They had to get a small ball to roll as far as possible without actually touching it using things around the classroom.

They used DT, Science and Living and Learning skills to create and test their device before evaluating and improving it.

Science – observation over time – day 17

Posted on Thursday 12 July 2018 by Mr Wilks

During health week, we started an experiment investigating the effect that different drinks have on our teeth. However, instead of using real teeth, we used eggs.

We submerged the eggs in five different drinks: water, milk, Ribena, Red Bull and Coca Cola.

We removed the eggs after four days to see how they had changed.

Day 10

Day 17

Geography: continents

Posted on Thursday 12 July 2018 by Mr Wilks

Last week, in our World Cup topic, we were learning about continents, using atlases and a very cheesy song!

DT – food tasting

Posted on Thursday 12 July 2018 by Mr Wilks

We are learning about food in DT lessons at the moment. This week, we tasted some different foods and described them. Some went down better than others!

Tanvi said that the cottage cheese was her favourite whereas Billy liked the hummus.


Posted on Thursday 12 July 2018 by Mr Wilks

During health week, we had a kickboxing taster session. It was fun learning to bow properly and try out some different techniques.

First aid

Posted on Thursday 12 July 2018 by Mr Wilks

During health week, Betsy’s mum, who’s a nurse, talked to us about her job. We had a go at using a stethoscope and then bandaging each other. It was great fun!

Sword Dancing

Posted on Thursday 12 July 2018 by Mr Wilks

We learnt a traditional English sword dance during Health Week.

The ‘swords’ were actually used to wipe down pit ponies after a hard days work in the coal mines in North East England.