Year 2 Class News

Year 2 being healthy

Posted on Wednesday 11 July 2018 by Mrs Taylor

Last week, Year 2 enjoyed a packed Being Healthy themed week with lots of visitors and learning all about being healthy both physically and emotionally.

We started the week thinking about our skipping challenge for Make-A-Wish.  In Year 2, we’ve learnt lots of skipping techniques this year and it was great that children challenged themselves to try some of the skills we’ve seen Year 4 demonstrate such as the butterfly and the pretzel.

As part of the transition to Year 3, have 2 0f our 5 a day and a chance to try out different fruits, we had our own fruit tuck shop.

In Year 3, the children will have the chance to prepay or bring their money to school (20p per portion) for the Key Stage 2 fruit tuck shop that runs weekly on a Tuesday playtime.  The tuck shop was really popular and it looks like there will be lots of Year 3 customers next year!  More details about the tuck shop will follow in September.

Our first visitor was Anabelle from One Day Creative to talk about mental health and mindfulness.  We remembered some techniques from earlier in the year and learnt even more mindfulness techniques to use at school and at home.

Before we started the session, Annabelle witnessed and was very impressed with our mindful afternoon register time where the children can choose a technique to have some quiet time after a busy lunchtime.

We learnt lots of new techniques so ask your child about their favourite way to be calm and in the moment.

Shark fin breathing – breathe in and as you breathe out move your ‘shark fin’ down your face and exhale ‘sh’.

Listen to the sound of the singing bowl until you can hear it no more.

Back to back breathing – take deep breaths and feel your partner breathing.

A great one for concentration – clap as the hands cross in front of the body.

Thumb emotions – blow on your thumb and show your emotion using your thumb.

Colour breathing – think of a relaxing colour when you breathe in and think of a stressed colour to send out of your body as you breathe out.

Five senses – can you think of five things you can see, hear, smell, touch and taste around you?  Do you notice things you’ve not seen/heard before?

Starfish breathing – breathe in as you slowly move your finger up to your finger tip and breathe out as you move down your finger tip.  Repeat slowly around your hand.

Living Streets local area audit

Posted on Wednesday 11 July 2018 by Mrs Taylor

As part of our partnership with Living Streets and during our Being Healthy week, some of our school councillors joined representatives from Living Streets to carry out an active travel audit in the immediate area.  They were looking for barriers that families might face when traveling to school in an active way.

We look forward to hearing all about the findings.

Youth Voice Summit

Posted on Wednesday 11 July 2018 by Mrs Taylor

Recently, our Year 5 and 6 school councillors attended the third annual youth voice summit for primary schools in the banqueting suite at Leeds Civic Hall. During the event, the children:

  • Learnt how to run effective social action campaigns in their schools and communities
  • Learnt about influential historical and current campaigns such as the suffragettes and American civil rights
  • Learnt about how to write to the government and local council
  • Had the opportunity to come up with their own campaigns and create placards
  • Had a full tour of the Leeds Council Chamber

Their chosen campaign, to work on back at school with the rest of the school council, is all about clearing up litter.  We look forward to seeing how this campaign will develop.

School Savings Club

Posted on Wednesday 11 July 2018 by Mrs Taylor

The next School Savings Club paying in date is Thursday 12 July 2018 at 3.15-3.45pm.

If you’re unable to attend in person, please hand in any money to be deposited to the office in a sealed envelope addressed to Mrs Tiffany.

The paying in dates are the penultimate Thursday of each half term and dates for next year will be posted to the website in September.

Finally, if your child would like to open account, please ask at the office.


Posted on Wednesday 11 July 2018 by Mrs Taylor

It’s great to hear how many of our pupils currently take part in the parkrun events.  As a free to participate event, parkrun offers a great chance for children and adults to walk/jog/run along the local routes on a weekly basis or when you can attend.
There are a number of local parkruns available.
  • Roundhay Park
Adult parkrun Saturday 9am
Junior 2km parkrun Sunday 9am
  • Temple Newsam
Adult 5km parkrun Saturday 9am
Junior 2km parkrun Sunday 9am (currently 10am start – 9am start from 2 September)
  • Wetherby
Adult 5km parkrun Saturday 9am
  • Boddington Cycle Centre
Junior 2km parkrun Sunday 9am


PE Partner holiday clubs

Posted on Wednesday 11 July 2018 by Mrs Taylor

PE Partner, who visited our recent health fair and who run our Friday after-school football clubs, have holiday activity clubs available over the summer.

Old Leos cricket events

Posted on Friday 06 July 2018 by Mrs Taylor

Old Leos cricket club, based locally in Alwoodley,  were one of the visitors we welcomed to our health fair this week.

If you didn’t get to speak to them on the day, here is some information about their fun cricket sessions as well as an event this weekend.

Brownlee Centre

Posted on Thursday 05 July 2018 by Mrs Taylor

Earlier this week, a group of upper Key Stage 2 children had the opportunity to attend the schools Tour de Yorkshire celebration event at the Brownlee Centre.

The structured coaching session involved different cycling skills activities and was a great chance for the pupils to test out the cycle circuit.

As a result of the positive feedback from the children, we hope to participate in future events at the circuit.

The next pop-up ride at the centre is this weekend, Sunday 08 July 12:00pm – register to take part using the Let’s Ride website.

Sports day 2018

Posted on Wednesday 04 July 2018 by Mrs Taylor

Yesterday, the whole school enjoyed a sun soaked sports day at Roundhegians.  Well done to all the children who took part and demonstrated School Games values of passion, self-belief, respect, honesty, teamwork and determination.  We believe that sports day is an ideal context for children to explore these values.  For example, learning how to handle success and defeat, believing in their abilities, respecting others and working with others to achieve success.

Special thanks go to:

  • Roundhegians for providing excellent facilities and hosting our sports day
  • Excellent sports leaders from Allerton Grange who ran the field events for Key Stage 2 and supported the younger children with their races in the afternoon
  • PTA for providing refreshments for spectators
  • parents who supplied and assembled gazebos to keep the children in shade at the event
  • Year 5 sports leaders and Year 2 helpers too
  • All staff who helped out on the day

Health fair

Posted on Wednesday 04 July 2018 by Mrs Taylor

Thank you to all parents, carers and pupils who came along to our first health fair at the start of our Being Healthy themed week.  Our goal was to promote the many great organisations that are in our community and to raise awareness amongst parents, carers and children about the range of activities and health opportunities available to them locally.

We hope that parents, carers and children will build on the contacts made at the fair.

A big thank you to all the organisations who attended.

It was great to see more children buying skipping ropes -hopefully to practise their skipping challenge at home.

Skipping ropes will be available for sale next Monday and Tuesday after school, outside the Year 2 classroom, for a subsidised price of £2.

Look out for a guide to local physical activity opportunities coming home in book bags soon.