New additions to the library – thank you, school councillors
At their final meeting, our current school councillors spent time, using part of their budget, choosing new books for our library.
From sport books to science books, there’s a great selection. The books will soon be available to borrow from the library.
School Council elections
In our whole school assembly today, we launched this year’s School Council election process. Our School Council is one of the ways that children are encouraged to take an active part in pupil voice.
The election process allows children to develop an understanding of one of the British Values, democracy, with two representatives from each class, chosen democratically by their peers.
Our current school councillors spoke about their role over the last year and the qualities needed to be an effective school councillor.
These included:
- use the 8 Rs for learning
- be respectful and polite
- help others
- be a good speaker and listener (to members of your class and in the meetings)
- share and be confident with your ideas
- let others speak
- accept the views of others even if you don’t agree
- be friendly and approachable
- follow our school rules and make good choices in class and around school
Watch out for the whole school homework this week all about the election and democracy, ready for the elections next Thursday 25 October.
Active travel winner
To mark International Walk to School month and our recent promotion of the Park and Stride site at Marks and Spencer, we are running a prize draw every week in October.
All children who make an active journey (bike, scoot, walk or park and stride) every day for each week are entered into a prize draw.
Each Friday in October, we will select a winner at random to win a £10 Love2Shop gift voucher.
Here’s our first winner. Keep up those active journeys to be in with a chance to win the next prize.
Class assembly reminder – 2:40pm Wednesday 10 October
This Wednesday is our Year 2 class assembly, starting at 2:40pm.
We look forward to sharing our learning with you and hope to see lots of you there!
Back to the Victorian times
This week, we have travelled back in time to the Victorian era in our Time Travel topic.
So far in this topic, our learning has covered some of the key history objectives the children need to know by the end of Year 2.
Firstly, the children were shown this object. They were asked to make and justify a prediction about what the item was used for and how it would be used.
Ideas included:
- a fire lighter
- a pump
- to pick up litter
- a brush for scraping
- to rake and collect grass
- to clean clothes
- a mop
- to squeeze water out of clothes
What do you think this could be?
After discovering that it was an early vacuum cleaner, the children were provided with some other vacuum cleaners and had to work together to place the objects in chronological order.
We talked about how each vacuum was different to the previous one and how this item has changed over time.
In this learning, the children were demonstrating the following historical skills.
- Sequencing objects over time
- Recognising that changes happen over time
- Debating different interpretations within their group
Bounce into basketball

School Savings Club
The School Savings Club paying in sessions for this year are at 3.15-3.45pm on the following dates (the penultimate Thursday of each half term).
- 18 October
- 13 December
- 07 February
- 21 March
- 16 May
- 11 July
If you’re unable to attend in person, please hand in any money to be deposited to the office in a sealed envelope addressed to Mrs Tiffany.
If your child would like to open an account, please ask at the office.
There is an extra incentive for pupils in Year 3 as Leeds City Council will add £10 to your child’s account.
Road safety assembly
Anne, from Leeds City Council’s road safety team, delivered some great safety messages in our assembly this morning.
Can you remember the green cross code?
- Think!
- Stop!
- Look!
- Listen!
Pedestrian road safety
Today, we worked with Wendy from Leeds City Council road safety team to learn all about being safe around roads especially when we are walking to school.
Before we went out on the road, we remembered (one of our 8Rs for learning) the green cross code.
- Think!
- Stop!
- Look!
- Listen!
Then, it was time to go out to put our learning into practice.
Mass park and stride
Thank you to all families who joined our mass park and stride this morning from Marks and Spencer. Special thanks as well to Leeds City Council road safety trainers, Dom Jacques and Living Streets representatives and especially Kerby for supporting this event to mark the start of International Walk to School month.
It was great to see so many families join the walk to school using Marks and Spencer to park their car rather than parking near the school gate.
Keep up those active journeys to school for a happy and healthy start to the day.