Start your day with an active journey
Today marks the start of International Walk to School month.
During October, we’re working alongside Living Streets to encourage families to travel in active ways to school. There are prize draws every week for children who have made active journeys to school (biking, scooting, walking or park and stride) with an added prize draw for those children who have made active journeys to school throughout October.
We realise that some families do need to come in the car to school so we are promoting Marks and Spencer car park (200 2 hour free spaces) as a place to park and then ‘stride’ the last part of the journey to school. This will avoid congestion at the school gate, improve health benefits to families and counts as an active journey.
Tomorrow, we will be working with Leeds City Council road safety trainers to deliver pedestrian training to Years 1, 2 and 3. Reception class will enjoy a class based safety session and Year 5 will be using the speed indicator device to check vehicle speeds in the 20mph zone outside school.
To start the day, join us for a mass park and stride meeting at Harrogate Road outside Marks and Spencer from 8:30am.
What? Mass Park and Stride
When? Tuesday 2nd October from 08:30am
Where? From Harrogate Road outside Marks and Spencer (200 free 2hr park and stride parking spaces)
Why? To encourage families to make active journeys to school and keep cars away from the school gates.
Who? Leeds City Council’s Road Safety Team, Kerby the road safety mascot, Living Streets representatives plus as many families as possible.
If you don’t come by car, join us on the route to school.
After-school clubs
Places are filling up for our after-school clubs starting next week.
We do have some places available on the following physical activity clubs. These clubs are subsidised using our PE Premium funding costing just £1 per week.
Have a try at a new sport. Led by Elaine Brown, Leeds Volleyball Club coach, come along to learn skills, develop team work and play competitive games on our volleyball court in the MUGA. This club finishes at 4.15pm. There is no session on Monday 22 October 2018. Open to Y3, Y4, Y5, Y6 Cost £7
Multi skills
Come and take part in a range of fun sporting games, challenges, matches and activities which include key motor skills such as throwing, catching, kicking, running, jumping, striking, Organised by Five Star Sports. This club finishes at 4.15pm. There is no session on Tuesday 23 October 2018 or Tuesday 27 November 2018. Open to Y1, Y2, Y3 Cost £6
A fun way to keep fit while learning new skills. Organised by Leeds Gymnastics Club. This club finishes at 4.15pm. Open to Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4, Y5 Cost £8
Wake Up Shake Up
Be ready to Wake it and Shake it at Mrs Charlesworth’s club. You’ll be swinging, shaking, moving and grooving your way to pop, rock, R’n’B and dance. This club finishes at 4.15pm. Open to Y3, Y4, Y5, Y6 Cost £8
How can I book a club?
Booking for after-school clubs is via School Gateway. Please contact the office if you need any assistance making a booking. Payment is due at the time of booking.
Living and Learning: Being resilient
This week, resilience and resourcefulness are the two ‘Rs’ we are focusing on in Living and Learning.
Resilience is a key characteristic of learning behaviour and we considered when we might need to be resilient and how to help others to be resilient.
We welcomed some visitors to our class yesterday who came to see how we use the 8Rs for learning in school.
Here’s resilience in action!
‘I asked my team to keep trying, be positive, to keep going and be resilient.’
We’re ready to travel back in time
We’re excited to start our new history themed topic, Time Travel. In Year 1 and 2, we’ll be focusing this learning on houses and homes in the past to the current day.
First, we considered what we want to find out.
‘I would like to learn about where rich and poor people lived in the Victorian times.’ Eleanor
‘What did people live in back in time?’ Sameeksha
‘I would like to learn about bungalows and other houses.’ Kirtan
‘What did Stone Age houses look like?’ Jack
‘How many houses are there in the United Kingdom?’ (Nice link to our Where in the world? topic, Junior!)
‘How would people afford houses in the past?’ Zain
‘I would like to learn how you make a house.’ Isla
‘I want to learn about how dark the houses were.’ Lily
‘I would like to know how houses were built in the olden times.’ Jake
‘I would like to learn about what beds used to be like.’ Bridget
Where in the world?
This week, we have begun our new history themed topic, Time Travel. Before that we reflected (one of 8Rs for learning) on our geography topic, Where in the world?
‘I learnt there are five oceans in the world.’ Inam
‘Australasia is a continent.’ Noah G
‘I learnt that North America is joined up to South America.’ Gabrielle H
‘I learnt the North Pole and the South Pole are the coldest places.’ Shasmeen
‘I learnt there are four countries in the United Kingdom.’ Soloman
‘I learnt that all countries need a capital letter.’ Olivia
‘I learnt all the oceans and continents in our topic.’ Rizwan
At the start of Year 2, our maths learning has been all about number and place value (understanding the value of a digit depends on its place in the number).
In this lesson, we were being resourceful by comparing numbers using numicon, place value counters and Base 10.
Which sign (< less than, > more than or =) would we use to compare these two numbers?
Living and Learning: Four of the eight Rs for learning
So far, in our Living and Learning sessions, we have thought about the importance of the following 8 Rs – being ready, being responsive, taking a safe risk and being responsible.
As well as discussing these aspects of learning in our specific sessions, we also refer to them at other times to reinforce good learning.
Being ready
As well as being punctual for school at 8:50am, we talked about how to be ready to learn promptly – having your equipment ready, looking at the speaker, having good body language and using a silent voice.
Being responsive
Year 2 are encouraged to respond to feedback in their learning. Using our purple pens, we’ve been improving learning in our books and taking on board any areas for improvement. If the children note some ‘star’ parts of their work, they should be keen to keep doing that.
Being responsible
We’ve been very impressed, after such a short time in Year 2, how the children are taking responsibility by following our new classroom routines, rather than relying on an adult. These might include bringing their library book to school to change on Monday, putting their reading book and signed reading record book in the basket for changing on Mondays and Thursdays, having their PE kit in school on Tuesday and Thursday, taking earrings out for PE on those days, changing the calendar and taking temperature and weather readings. There’s lots of responsibility in Year 2!
We’ve seen lots of examples of children taking a safe risk in class. This could be putting our hand up even if we’re unsure, having a go at some learning, trying a new meal on our school dinner menu, attempting a word when reading even if we’re not sure and trying a new skill in PE.
Can you remember the next four of the eight Rs for learning?
Cycle Leeds Learn to ride a bike sessions
These popular sessions are running locally in the half term holiday. Booking is essential for all sessions and can be done by clicking on the appropriate link below.
Children’s Beginners Learn to Ride Sessions
Tuesday 30th October and Thursday 1st November
At Carr Manor Community School (Secondary Phase)
Times: 9am, 10:30am and 12:30
For more information and to book:
Children’s Improvers – Skills, Circuits & Games!
Thursday 1st November – Carr Manor Community School (Secondary Phase)
Time: 14:00
For more information and to book:
Meet Henry
This week, the children have got to meet our class mascot, Henry.
Every Friday, Henry will get the chance to come and stay with someone in the class for the weekend. Don’t forget to bring him back to school on Monday.
He will also bring his diary so it would be great if you could write about what you have been doing with Henry and even add a picture. Then, we can tell the rest of the class all about his adventures.
He’s looking forward to having lots of fun with you!
Where in the world do your family live?
Learning the seven continents has been one of the Year 2 geography objectives in our Where in the world topic. We also had a discussion about where our families live around the world.
It was interesting to hear the different places the children talked about and who in their family lived there. If we weren’t sure which continent it was in, we used the atlas to check.
Let’s see what you can remember (one of our 8 Rs for learning):
- Whose family live in South America?
- Can you name one of the children whose family live in Asia?
- Can you name one of the countries in Europe that was mentioned?
- Why is zero the total for Antarctica?