Year 2 Class News

All Stars cricket

Posted on Tuesday 01 May 2018 by Mrs Taylor

All Stars Cricket will soon be starting their cricket programme at local clubs.  Register and find out more on their website.

Big Pedal – our best day so far!

Posted on Tuesday 01 May 2018 by Mrs Taylor

Today, we’ve recorded the highest number of active journeys by bike and scooter for the Big Pedal – 64 pupils (30%).

It would be great to increase these figures for the last few days of the Big Pedal.

After-school clubs update

Posted on Tuesday 01 May 2018 by Mrs Taylor

We’ve had a great response to our summer term after-school clubs with a number of the clubs already full.

There are the following places available so please contact the office if your child would like to join.

  • Tuesday: 1 place netball Year 3-6
  • Thursday: 1 place skipping Year 2-6
  • Thursday: 1 place multi-sports Year 3-6

Pop Art

Posted on Tuesday 01 May 2018 by Mr Wilks

In an art lesson, we used iPads to create pop art style images. Children had to take photos, edit them to change them to black and white. Then they imported the photos into an art app before choosing bright blocks of colour to accentuate parts of their face. Lots of different art and ICT skills!


Posted on Monday 30 April 2018 by Mrs Taylor

Today, we’ve continued our maths learning about measurement looking at mass and weight.  So far, we’ve been investigating how heavy and light objects are using different equipment.  If you’ve any measuring scales at home, find some things to weigh to practise this skill.  We’ve investigated when to use grams (g) or kilograms (kg) as the units for measuring mass and weight.

Taken from the Year 2 age related expectations, here are the related objectives we’ll be learning.

24. choose and use appropriate standard units to estimate and measure length/height in any direction (m/cm); mass (kg/g); temperature (°C); capacity (litres/ml) to the nearest appropriate unit, using rulers, scales, thermometers and measuring vessels
25. compare and order lengths, mass, volume/capacity and record the results using >, < and =

We consolidated this learning using a word study.

Here are some example questions of how this learning might appear in a maths reasoning SAT paper.

Also, take a look at Mathletics as new activities have been assigned for the children to follow up this learning at home.

After-school clubs

Posted on Monday 30 April 2018 by Mrs Taylor

We’ve had a great start to our summer term after-school clubs with Wake up Shake up Club and Scooter Club taking place tonight.

If your child is coming to Scooter Club, please ensure they bring their scooter and helmet every Monday.

Big Pedal

Posted on Sunday 29 April 2018 by Mrs Taylor

The Big Pedal continues this week.
  • We’ve had 179 journeys recorded by bike or scooter so far.
  • Wednesday 25 April was our highest participation rate with 28% of children taking part.

We’d love to improve these figures for this week.

Don’t forget, a brand new scooter and other prizes are available to win at the end of the week.

Do you need wheels for the Big Pedal?

Posted on Wednesday 25 April 2018 by Mrs Taylor

Do you have any unused bikes or scooters (in reasonable condition) that you’d like to donate?
Just bring them to the donation station by the main playground entrance any day during The Big Pedal (23 April-04 May) and they’ll be made available for others to take away and enjoy for free.

Big Pedal Day 3

Posted on Wednesday 25 April 2018 by Mrs Taylor

MORE PRIZES announced for The Big Pedal!

It’s been a great start to The Big Pedal with numbers increasing each day and there are still seven days left to make a difference by scooting and cycling. As well as all the great national prizes on offer, pupils at Moortown Primary could win a brand new scooter (donated by the PTA) or three lucky winners will have their name inscribed in a signed copy of “The Boy Who Biked the World”, written by world famous (Yorkshire born) adventurer Alastair Humphreys! The trilogy of books is being donated to the school library so everyone has the opportunity to be inspired by this amazing adventure.

School dinner consultation

Posted on Wednesday 25 April 2018 by Mrs Taylor

Thank you to all parents and carers who provided feedback on the recent school dinner consultation of meal choices for the September menu.

Catering Leeds, our school meal provider, can offer an alternate jacket potato and sandwich option alongside the meat and vegetarian daily option and we welcomed your feedback on whether this would work for you and your child(ren).

There were a number of parents/carers who were interested to try this option but the majority of responses expressed an interest to keep the options as they currently are. The main feedback was for children to have a hot meal for their school meal rather than a sandwich.

As a result of this, we will continue with the existing daily meat, vegetarian and jacket potato option. 

The September menu is currently in the planning stages and we have liaised with Catering Leeds to ensure the menu is tailored to our children’s preferences, while still meeting the national school food criteria.  Once finalised, this new menu will be made available to parents/carers at the end of the summer term.

Our current menu can be viewed in the Health section and is displayed around school.

Thank you once again for your feedback on our school meals.